Chapter 2

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Red, Chuck and Bomb had finished gathering the crabs as Red said, "Another successful day of protecting the island. Great job, guys." Bomb and Chuck cheered as the three hatchlings, Vivi, Sam-Sam, and Zoe, said to Red, "You saved us, Red! You're our hero!" That boosted Red's ego as he said, "Heh, what can I say? That's what I do. Now, why don't you just go run along and keep your big, cute eyes peeled for the next pig prank, all right?" Sam-Sam looks at him before he said in a gravelly tone, "Pigs."

Red, Chuck and Bomb looked spooked by that before he plays with the other hatchlings. "Adorable. Let's finish cleaning up these crabs, then we can move on to-" Red said before Chuck gathered all of the crabs and dumps them in a bin and said, "Done and done." "Hey, dad! Uncle Chuck and Uncle Bomb!" Lillie called out as she, Miles and Jason head over to them as Chuck immediately went over to hug his niece and nephews while Bomb is stuck in the bin before he said, "Hey guys, how are ya?" "We're doing good with mom, Uncle Bomb." Miles answered before Red ask, "Hey, what brings you three here?"

"Mom said that it's your turn to spend some time with us." Lillie said, which Red got confused and ask, "Wait, we had turns?" "Yeah, you were just too busy "protecting Bird Island to even pay attention." Jason said sarcastically as Chuck mutters singsongy under his breath, "Someone has attitude problems." Lillie sees something floating and ask, "What's that?" Red turns around and said, "What the heck?" They see a green balloon with Leonard's face written on it. Attached to the string was a letter.

"Is it a per...? Is it a head? What is that?" Bomb ask as he tips from the bin and gets out before Miles said, "There's a note attached to it." Chuck gasps and said, "What if it's a love note? A message in a bottle?" "Or a genie in a bottle?" Bomb suggested but as Red was about to grab it, Jason grabs it first, saying, "Yoink."

"Jason, hey, hand it over. What if it's a dynamite stick inside?" Red said, holding his wing out to Jason, but he didn't listen as he opens the paper to reveal writing as he reads, "Dear birds, we humbly request a truce. Can we talk? Heart, Leonard and Gale. X-O-X-O. Isn't Leonard the same pig that started the annoying prank wars? And isn't Gale mom's ex-best friend in the past?"

Red snatched the letter from him as he chuckled and said, "Nice try, piggies. News flash: we're not idiots." He crumbled the paper and tossed it away, before another green balloon with a letter hits him in the head. He takes the paper and it reads, "Dear birds, you ARE idiots but... we are serious about the truce!" Red looks up to see more green balloons with letters and a small banner that says "Truce" as they flew above Bird Island. Everybody at Bird Island is happy about the truce, including Stella. "A truce?" Chuck said happily as Miles and Lillie both say, "Finally!" Bomb hugs the three and said, "The prank war is over!"

Jason was also relieved, but Red didn't want to believe it and said, "What? No, this is just another one of their prank." The others look at Red, confused before Lillie said, "But dad, this is a huge relief, right? Who else was getting tired of the constant pranking and retaliation?" Bomb was first to answer, "Me! This guy!" "Tired? No, no, no. Guys, listen."

"Dad, imagine all the fun things we can do together now." Miles said before Chuck leans to Bomb, Miles and Lillie and whispers teasingly, "I can think of one." His eyes were on Jason, hoping that what they're planning can help Jason find his special someone before Lillie whispers, "You think he'll go? We DO need mom's permission to go, you know." Jason looks at them with confused eyes as Chuck said, "I think we've piqued his interest." Jason was about to ask until Red said, "No, no, no. Guys, we are working tirelessly, day and night, to save the world." "The world doesn't need saving anymore, dad."

Jason said, folding his arm as Red denies, "Of course they need us." Chuck is seen wearing glasses, holding a notepad and sitting on a chair near the shore as he said, "Red. Come here, hon. What are you so afraid of?" Red gets nervous and asks, "Afraid of? I... What do I have to be afraid of?" He gets flashbacks of him being alone his whole life if he never met Stella. He shakes the feeling off and denies, "I'm not afraid of anything."

Chuck writes on the notepad and said, "You know what? I'll write you a prescription for fun with your cool friends and your now grown kids. Especially Chuck. I'm gonna go ask your wife." He runs off as Bomb said, "Come on, Jason. Come with us." Jason shrugged and said, "Alright, as long as it's with dad." Lillie and Miles whooped before Red ask, "What are you talking...? Come to what?"

Chuck came back as he and Bomb pulls the rubber with the six of them in it as he said, "We can't tell you because you wouldn't be into it. Also, kids, I asked your mom and she said yes." They launch from the slingshot and flew in the sky. Jason looks at his uncles and siblings, who made funny looks, making him a bit confused. Where are they going exactly?

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