Chapter 11

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Inside Mighty Eagle's cave, Mighty Eagle said to the four birds, "Welcome, to the Hall of Heroism." Red was first to say, "Wow, it's really amazing to meet you. You know, I actually have your poster up uh-" "You might want to shield your eyes from the sparkle of those trophies." Mighty Eagle cuts him off as he shows them his trophies before he say, "How many? I have no idea. Countless, I'm sure. Thirteen." "Wow. This is way nicer than my Hall of Wimpiness."

Chuck said as Mighty Eagle poses at mirror, saying, "Bring it home, mamacita. Get out of town." He laughs and walks away as Red, Stella, Chuck, and Bomb find out the mirror to be a curved funhouse mirror. "What the?" Red question until they hear music playing in a room. Mighty Eagle is dancing to disco music as he said, "Ho ho ho!" The four watch as Red said, "Those are some old school moves there." Mighthy Eagle continues dancing, which the four birds give their own response.

Red: What?

Chuck: [whistles] Wow.

Stella: *surprised* Oh!

Bomb: Yes!

Mighty Eagle danced out of the room before Red spoke, "So, he's kind of a wackadoodle. That, you know, it doesn't mean he's not wise." Back at Bird Village, Leonard was showing the birds his other invention as he explains, "Are you tired of filling your balloons with heavy old air? Finally, there's a better way - helium!" Timothy floats with a balloon while Leonard adds, "It's a gas." A hatchling lets go of his balloon as it floated away. "Aw. Don't worry about your balloon. It'll just land in the ocean."

Leonard comforts the child while Ross gets stuck in the helium machine before Leonard adds, "The fish love it. It's good for their tummy." Hatchlings are floating in balloons, with one inside the balloon while blowing raspberries. Many pigs handed out invitations for tonight's party that they'll be holding. While a biker pig was checking on a stall, many hatchlings boarded on the motorcycle, accidentally starting it as they speed off, screaming. Many motorcycles are seen crowding the streets as Matilda watches this from the Infinity Acceptance Group as she said, "Deep breath. Deep breath. And we're back. And now... Who's ready for trust falls?"

A group of pigs held their arms up to catch Terence, only to be crushed under his weight as one pig takes a picture. Back at Mighty Eagle's cave, Mighty Eagle plays a ukulele as he sings, "Mighty, Mighty Eagle soaring free. Defender of our homes and liberty. Bravery, humility, and honesty...♪ You must have grown up singing this song in school." The four birds stare before Red answered, "Um... yeah! Yes, we did." Stella nodded as Mighty Eagle singed, "Mighty, Mighty Eagle, rescue me.♪ Now you do the second verse."

After a few muttering, Red began to sing, "Mighty, Mighty Eagle flap your wings. And fill up your big cave with all your fancy things. Politeness, good sportsmanship♪" "That's not me." Mighty Eagle said, only for Stella to shush him as Red continues, "And the long attention span♪" "What?" Mighty Eagle questioned. Red finished off with, "Mighty, Mighty Eagle, yeah.♪" mighty Eagle turns to Chuck and said, "Take it away, Charles." Chuck began to sing, "♪Oh great heroic Mighty Eagle. With finer plumage... than a sea gull♪"

"Oh, sing it." Mighty Eagle said as Chuck sings high opera notes before Bomb sings, "Uh, ♪ambidexterity, pottery... and bankruptcy♪" as Stella also singed, "Mighty, Mighty Eagle...♪ Harmonize." Red, Stella, Chuck and Bomb harmonized, "Rescue me!♪" Chuck continues singing the high note before he finished, impressing Mighty Eagle as he said, "Wow. You know it better than me." He tossed the ukulele away before Red spoke, "So, anyway, the other day, these pigs showed up out of nowhere. And, it caused me a great deal of suspicion." Mighty Eagle gets up and leaves the room, annoying Red more.

"And he's walking out of the room. Unbelie- I don't get this. This guy sits here on his butt, all alone, clearly doesn't leave the house. He talks a good game, but, he doesn't care about anyone but himself." Red said, only for Chuck to add, "Sounds a lot like you." "Chuck!" Stella scolded, only for Red to respond sarcastically, "Oh good. Thank you for your opinion, Chuck."

He gets up to leave the cave. He finds Mighty Eagle sitting on a box as he looks at something through his binoculars, enjoying a few before Red interrupts him, "Hello! Mighty Eagle!" Mighty Eagle turns to him and ask, "What?" "What are you doing?" Red ask as Mighty Eagle answered, "Uh, I'm bird watching." Red looked confused until Mighty Eagle sets the binoculars to Red's level and said, "Ah. Take a peek."

Red looks through the binoculars, only to see Shirley enjoying a mud bath, which Red looked disgusted and said, "Oh, you're disgusting." He turns to Mighty Eagle and ask, "Look, are you gonna help us or not?" "I AM helping you." Mighty Eagle remarks before Red grabs the binoculars and said, "No. This is you helping. Looking through binoculars. Spying on old ladies." He then spots a tent set up by the pigs for the party and sees some of them leaving the tent. He then spots more pigs placing TNTs in different places in the village and their zip lines ready.

This proves that he was right about the pigs as he said, "I was right. I was right. I knew it! Bomb, Stella, Chuck, hurry up! Get out here!" Mighty Eagle looks through the binoculars and mutters, "Uh, oh." He gulped before Red said, "Mighty Eagle, hey. Fly us down there, now."

Mighty Eagle stares at the sky heroically, until his final answer was, "No." Red was shocked as he ask, "I'm sorry, what?!" "I don't do that anymore. I'm retired. Mostly just tired. Go handle it yourself. This is everything I've prepared you for." Mighty Eagle said as he patted Red's head.

Red then snaps, "What?! Prepared us for?! Hold on. Did I miss something? Let me just go through my notes really quick. Let's see. Crazy stuff, bragging, crazy stuff, karaoke. No, see, I don't see anything useful here. The whole world, everyone we know, is in danger."

Chuck and Bomb walk out with Mighty Eagle merch while Stella walk out empty handed as the three stare while Mighty Eagle said, "Yes, it is. So, off you go!" He prepares to go back in his cave until Red said, "Hey! You know what? I used to believe in you!" Mighty Eagle stopped at his track and turns to Red as he continued, "When I was a kid, I believed nothing really bad could ever happen because you were here. And now I see the fate of the world hangs on idiots like me. And that, sir, is sort of terrifying."

He looks at Mighty Eagle, hoping that it would change his mind, but Mighty Eagle gives his final answer, "It's time for you to go." Stella looked upset as she was about to say something, but Red said, "You know, it's really upsetting to me that you're the only bird that can fly. And you're too afraid to do it. Hey, guys. Come on, let's go. We're done here. He's no hero." They heard an explosion and ran off the mountain and towards the village.

They ran through the forest with Chuck behind ahead as he said to the others, "Come on, run faster!" They all tripped and rolled to the bottom of the hill before they get back up and continued running. While everyone else is partying, the four birds spotted four pigs stealing eggs from a house before Stella yells, "Hey!" The pigs stopped and quickly ran with the eggs as Chuck said, "They're taking the eggs!" "Follow them!" Red said as they chase the four pigs until they reached the center of the village. Chaos started to spread in the village with pigs blowing up everything and stealing more eggs, much to the four birds' horror. A female voice spoke behind them, much to Stella's shock, "Right on time. Egg-cellent!"

They turn around and sees that it was Gale, one of Stella's friend, with Leonard next to her as Stella said, "Gale?! What are you doing?! I thought we were friends!" Gale scoffed and said, "You ever heard of toxic friends, Stella? Of course not, you're just too naive to think about that." Stella was hurt from that, seeing the true colors of one of her friends as Leonard adds, "Oh, yeah. See, Gale and I had a little deal we made with each other. She helps me to steal the eggs, and I give her a kingdom for her to run. Simple as that."

"So, you're helping HIM take our unborn children just for you to live in a life of luxury?!" Red said angrily as Gale shrugged and said, "Pretty much. Now if you'll excuse me, I have my own kingdom to run. Ta-tah!" She and Leonard ride on an umbrella zip line as they laugh evilly. Red turns to Chuck and said, "Chuck, go shut that party down, now!" Chuck takes a cowboy hat from a pig before he said, "Me? But I only know how to get parties started!" "Just go, NOW!" Stella snapped.

"On it!" Chuck said as he ran to the party before Red said to Bomb and Stella, "Guys, we got to stop them." The trio ran after Leonard and Gale. Chuck ran towards the party while avoiding falling houses. The pigs carry the eggs and pile them in the ship. Chuck managed to reach the party and tries to warn the birds, "Can everybody please stop partying? There are eggs being stolen!" He got to Matilda dancing and said, "Matilda, we need your help. The pigs are stealing our eggs!"

Matilda stopped dancing and asked, "What?" Judge Peckinpah had just inhaled some helium as he floated before Chuck caught him and said, "We have to get back to the village!" He goes to the center and yells, "Stop dancing and start running!" He accidentally drops some pigs in a blanket and said, "Huh! Hors d'oeuvres, my weakness." He eats them before he runs out. Back at the beach, the pigs finished gathering up the eggs as they were tied in a net while Red, Stella and Bomb ran towards the beach. "We got to get the eggs off the ship!" Red said as the ship began to sail in the water.

Stella sees some trampolines left behind and said, "Use the trampolines!" The three jumped on the trampolines, making them bounce up and hang on to the eggs trapped in a net. One pig sees them and yells, "We got intruders!" Leonard and Gale turned to see the trio as Red said, "Untie the ropes. Get the eggs in the water." The trio began to climb up to the knot of the net as Gale snaps, "Get rid of them. Get them off of there!" The pigs began to throw stuff as the trio as Bomb reached for the knot, but struggles to untie it as he said, "It's too strong, I can't break it."

Red looks up to see the chains and gets an idea, saying, "Bomb, blow off the chain." "Knock them down!" Leonard demands as Bomb climbs up to the chain and said to himself, "Come on, Bomb. You can do this." "Come on, Bomb, you got this. Blow up!" Stella encouraged Bomb before he said, "You got to get me mad." Red asks, "Okay. Well then, what makes you mad?"

"Try insulting me on a personal level." Bomb answered, but Stella doesn't want to sound mean. Red was the first to say, "Um... Oh, oh, uh. Your poetry stinks! You're just a bad poet. And you know it!" Bomb saddens as he said, "Oh. I know. I know!"

The fuse on his head began to light up, much to Stella's joy as she said, "It's working!" "Hey. Who wants a birdie bath?" A pig ask as he and the other pigs spray water at them. The rushing water knocks Red and Bomb off the net and into the ocean, but Stella avoided the water and proceeds to climb to the knot. Red and Bomb resurfaced as Bomb apologizes, "Oh. I'm sorry, Red. I couldn't do it."

"Don't give up. This isn't over!" Red said as they try to swim after the boat. Stella reached to the knot and began to untie it. She was almost there as the knot began to get loose before she turns to the two birds and said, "Guys, I got it!" Just then, someone grabs her by the wing tightly, making her stop. "You just don't give up, do you Pinky?" Leonard said, keeping a grip on her arm before he drags her on the ship and throws her in a cage.

The pigs locked her in as she screamed, "Hey! Let me out!!" "STELLA!" Both Red and Bomb yelled before Leonard said to the two, "Thanks for your hospitality." All the pigs laugh as Gale adds, "Set sail for Piggy Island!" A pig shoots a flaming arrow at a stack of dynamite on the Mighty Eagle statue, landing on the two birds. Stella calling for them was the last thing they heard before everything went black.

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