Chapter 9

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Red visits Chuck's house as he rings the bell and calls out, "Hey, Chuck. It's Red, zip on down here." Chuck runs down with hair curlers and a facial mask, mistaken as his mother as Red spoke, "Oh, hey, Chuck's mom, can your son come out to play?" Chuck ran back home, removes the facial mask and hair curlers, and ran back to Red, saying, "All of this, does not just happen on its own." Near the bomb shelter, Bomb was singing in the shower until Red knocked on his door, causing him to explode. Bomb gets out, covered in dust with a towel wrapped on his waist as he said, "Oh, hey. Just taking a shower." The trio met up with Stella before Red explains to the three, "Now, I'm telling you."

"Something isn't kosher with these pigs. And it's up to us to figure it out." The four birds hid in crates while wearing disguises as they spy on the pigs before Chuck asks, "Figure what out exactly?" "I don't know. Maybe they are just being innovative." Bomb answered as they watch a group of pigs use an umbrella as a zip-line, but get launched upwards instead. "It does seem a little odd though." Stella admits.

The four regroup near the statue as Red spoke, "Come on, does none of this seem wrong to you guys?" Chuck and Bomb don't know until Red adds, "I'll tell you this, if anyone knows what these pigs are up to..." He takes off Chuck's afro wig and points at the statue, "it's Mighty Eagle." The trio stare at the statue as Bomb fantasized Mighty Eagle as a heroic icon while Chuck fantasized Mighty Eagle doing a performance at Bird Island. Bomb was first to ask, "Does Mighty Eagle still live?" Chuck gives a counter question, "Did he ever live? And if he did live, where would he live? "By the Lake of Wisdom in the ancient tree." Stella answered as Chuck said, "It's a fairy tale."

"I've run all over this island, where could that possibly be?" Red points at the Eagle-shaped mountain and said, "Way up high. It's a long up that mountain, and if I'm being honest... Well. I mean, you know, I can kind of use your help." He muttered the last part, which Chuck teased, "What's that? What are you trying to say?" "Nothing. I was just saying that I can you know, I can use your help."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you over your ego." Chuck teased while Bomb giggles before he continued, "Could you enunciate that last word a little bit?" Red snaps, "I need your help!" "Oh. Why didn't you say so? Bomb? Stella?" Stella was about to answer until Bomb hugs them both close and said, "Let's... do it!"

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