Quest 2: Adopted-The Beginning

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{In The Real World}

(Shirusagi Daichi)

Daichi has been watching over Izuku since he was in the hospital he didn't bother to call Inko. The last words of Hisashi were to take care of Izuku as he sat by the bed he looked at Izuku who was not small anymore and had grown a lot. Daichi saw him move his hand as Izuku sat up completely, he unwrapped the bandages on his face and around his body showing that he was fully healed he looked at Daichi who immediately hugged Izuku. Daichi saw Izuku as more like a little brother and they got along well.

Daichi: Young master! Thank goodness you are awake.

He then went out to get the doctor

The doctor came in to see a now fully awake Izuku which shocked him.

Doctor: Um Mr.Midoriya you are lucky to be alive after a fall like that a fall from that height most likely would've killed anyone but you survived how are you feeling sir?

Izuku: Stronger!

Doctor: Well that's good but just in case we will keep you here to do some X-rays to truly see if you ok alright?

Izuku: Whatever you say!

The doctor then leaves as Daichi and Izuku are there alone.

Daichi: Master Izuku I know losing your father was hard but my boy surely you could have found another way than to kill yourself! I have served your father for years and you being there made him the happiest. I have ever seen him he wouldn't want this for you my boy so please live on for him because he wanted you to be the hero you wanted to be.

Their conversation was then interrupted by a knock at the door Izuku told them to come in as a hero come in

(Kurenai Daigo a.k.a No.4 Hero: Elemental Hero:Elementarer Kaiser)

(A/N: Elementarer Kaiser is Elemental Emperor in German)

Kaiser: Hello there my friend!

Daichi: Mr.Kaiser!

Izuku: You're The Elemental Hero!

Kaiser: Yes I am and I am also one of the ones that found you it seems like you have woken up from your coma you gave my student quite the terror.

Izuku: Your student?

??????: "Yells" IZU-CHAN!

Izuku's breath hitched in his throat as he caught a glimpse of the name whispered moments ago echoing in the air. Turning his gaze away from Kaiser, he spotted her – the friend he had cherished throughout his childhood. The sight of her standing there, a transformation from years ago, sent a wave of emotions through him.

Her once vibrant hair, once a cascade of fiery locks now adorned in a majestic orange ponytail, framed a face sculpted with newfound maturity. Her teal eyes, once playful and bright, now held a depth of understanding that startled Izuku. Her gaze held his, her emerald eyes, the very ones that had stared into his soul, now overflowed with tears.

Overwhelmed by a sudden emotional overload, Izuku quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to witness the painful cascade of her tears. The weight of her unspoken words, the memories they held, and the distance that now separated them, was more than he could bear to witness.

Izuku: "Shocked" I-I-Itsu-chan!

Despite glancing nervously away, Izuku hesitated to meet her eyes, unsure of her true feelings. The uncertainty of her judgment plagued him. He feared she might harbor animosity towards him. Blinding himself to the situation, he remained silent, allowing a torrent of emotions to consume him. An unexpected embrace suddenly enveloped him as a soft melody of muffled sobs filled the air. Slowly lifting his head, Izuku recognized the familiar form of Itsuka. Bursts of questions, sadness, and concern, woven together like a painful tapestry, filled her voice. Her tears, a testament to the long-awaited reunion, embraced Izuku as he gently reciprocated the embrace, offering a calming touch to her grief.

Kaiser: "Thought" So they do know each other I have never seen Itsuka like this.

Itsuka brings herself up as she looks at her longtime friend with worried eyes

Itsuka: Izuku why did you do that?

Izuku looks down not able to answer her question

Itsuka: I don't know what happened to you all these years but killing yourself is not the answer.

Itsuka: Izuku look at me!

Izuku continues to look at the bed

Itsuka: "Yells" LOOK AT ME!

Itsuka grabs his hand and takes a seat on his bed looking into his eyes.

Itsuka: Please talk to me whatever you are feeling let people in Izu-chan!

Izuku: I am sorry this is not how I wanted to meet you again after so long I just have been dealing with so much since that day I left at the park.

Itsuka: What happened?

Izuku: After I left the park with my.....Magnetic, she took me to an orphanage and left me there.

Kaiser: "Grins his voice" That hoe!

Izuku: know her?

Kaiser: I won't hide anything from you either, Izuku. Magnetic or Murasaki Inko is my old classmate. Midoriya Hisashi is an old friend of mine and I am also a regular guest at his tavern. I can't believe that after divorcing Hisashi and taking custody of Izuku, she could do such inhumane things! 

Izuku: I was there for 6 months until my father came and took me in. I enjoyed living with him and Daichi here is our family butler he worked for my father for years until.....

Izuku froze up not able to get his words out

Itsuka: What happened to your dad?

Daichi: He died not too long ago a couple of days ago in fact.

Kaiser: My bro!

Izuku: No it's fine... It's just the things that happened that day at school I would constantly get bullied even by Bakugou...

Itsuka: "Grins his voice" Bakugou!!!

Kaiser: in...Bakugou Masaru?

Itsuka: You know his father?

Kaiser: Bakugou Masaru is the one who designed the equipment to aid me in my quests and was also an old friend of mine in middle school.

(A/N: In this fic, Bakugou Masaru is an owner of Support Gear Company)

Itsuka: He used to bully me and Izu-chan whenever we would play together!

Izuku: He used to be my best friend when we were kids but thanks to all the praise he got when we were kids and because of his quirk, he developed an ego and became arrogant and prideful. It only got worse through the years on our last day of middle school he told me "If I wanted a quirk so bad take a swan dive off the roof of a tall building and pray for a quirk in my next life."

Itsuka: Izu-chan you didn't

Izuku nods his head

Kaiser clenches his fist in anger. Kaiser's right arm ignited a jet-black flame ready to obliterate everything in its path.

Kaiser: After this, I will ask Masaru to stop providing support equipment.

Izuku: Don't do this.

Itsuka: But why?!

Izuku: I don't want this to affect their friendship.

Itsuka: Izu-chan

Kaiser: Izuku!

Izuku looks at him

Kaiser: Do you still wish to become a hero?

Izuku: More than anything.

Kaiser: Good when you are released from here I will be training both of you so both of you can take the UA entrance exams ok?

Izuku: Yes sir!

Itsuka: I will help too I am not losing you again.

Kaiser: Izuku do you have any more family members that can take you in?

Izuku: No sir, Hisashi is the only family I have left...

Kaiser: Very well how would you feel about me adopting you?

Izuku's eyes went wide upon hearing this

Kaiser: I know that it's sudden but I don't want you to feel alone anymore I know I just met you but I want to do everything I can to help you heal emotionally so what do you say?

Izuku: "Crying" But what about Daichi?

Kaiser: Well I can use a new driver to go places what do you say, Mr. Daichi?

Daichi: I would be honored to sir!

Kaiser: You're welcome. After all....this is Hisashi's last wish!

After that, Kaiser took a letter that Hisashi had written to him

Dear bro!

If you had read this letter, I would have died. The content of this letter you absolutely must not let Murasaki Inko know. When I die, adopt Midoriya Izuku and take Shirusagi Daichi as your new assistant. The mansion where I live is fully authorized by Daichi. Whatever happens, don't let Izuku fall into the hands of All For One. If Izuku meets the Archons, Harbingers, and Abyss Twins in a dream, it means that Izuku is the successor to their powers. Izuku will become the No. 1 Hero of, the No.1 Hero of the World. I entrust my son to you, bro!


Midoriya Hisashi

(A/N: Hisahi's quirk is Future Vision)

Kaiser: My brother, rest in peace! I will take good care of Izuku. I'll devote my heart and soul if it means protecting Izuku and the world! (Get the reference)

(Time Jumps to 2 hours later)

Izuku has just gotten discharged from the hospital and Itsuka is with him

Itsuka: Hey how come you got taller than me? "Angry pouts"

Izuku: Well it's my.....Power

Itsuka: I thought you were quirkless?

Izuku: The power that I told is the power that was written in the letter left by my father. Ok now let's go see Dad!

Itsuka: Ok let's go!

She was about to start walking until Izuku grabbed her hand.

Izuku: I have a different way to travel

Itsuka: You do what is it?

Izuku: Abyss Gate!

Using the Power of the Abyss, Izuku opens a portal that teleports them both to Kaiser's house

They both appear in front of Daigo scaring him

Daigo: WHAT THE HELL? Oh, It's just you two. Izuku don't scare me like that you almost gave me a heart attack.

Izuku: Sorry dad!

For the next 10 months, Izuku studied for the entrance exams as he also did some training on his own.  At that time Daigo adopted Izuku making him his son. Daigo taught Izuku and Itsuka how to use an ancient technique from a thousand years ago: Geki. This technique mobilizes Chi in the body to release into attacks or create a defensive layer. Unfortunately, Izuku was unable to combine Geki with his instructors' power.

{In Izuku's head}

Aether: Izuku has finally found a new place for himself!

Zhongli: Yeah, but it seems like Izuku's personality has been influenced a lot by us.

Ei: The most remarkable thing is the drinking habit inherited from this drunkard! "Points to Venti"

Venti: Come on Ei, why are you calling me a drunkard? I am the poet of freedom! So Izuku will inherit my beautiful voice and my talents.

Nahida: Don't we all have bad habits? Like Venti is a drunken poet!

Venti is Heartbreaking

Nahida: Zhongli goes shopping without looking at the price! 

Zhongli: I do not deny that.

Nahida: And amid the people's lament, you faked your death and went fishing!

Zhongli: I don't go fishing!

Nahida: Then what's this?

Zhongli: Hehe!

Nahida: And in the midst of your son's friends disappearing, where were you?! 

Zhongli is Heartbreaking part 1

Nahida: Face it Morax, you are a bad father.

Zhongli is Heartbreaking part 2

Nahida: Also you too Ei, you're a tyrannical, dictator Shogun.

Raiden Shogun is Heartbreaking part 1

Nahida: You betrayed your son. You are just like Morax, a bad mother.

Raiden Shogun is Heartbreaking part 2

(A/N: I know that Ei didn't betray Scaramouche, I just want to have a scene that Nahida roasts everyone)

Nahida: And worst of all, you can't cook!

Raiden Shogun is heartbreaking Part 3 and

Tartaglia: HAHAHA! Oh man! The youngest Archon has roasted you all.

Nahida: By the way, Tartaglia.... Did you teach Izu this?!

Tartaglia: This is how they do it in Snezhnaya, comrade!

Nahida: No wonder there are so many clowns in Snezhnaya!

Tartaglia is Heartbreaking

Tartaglia: My fragile heart! 

Nahida: Also, Signora!

La Signora: Call me Rosalyne! (Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter is her real name)

Nahida: Your old teammates...well...they did this at your own funeral.

(Yup, the legendary Coffin Dance)

La Signora is Heartbreaking

Nahida: Aether, Lumine, you two have an empire in your hands......and yet you still have no money in your pocket?

The Abyss Twin is Heartbreaking

Nahida: But...who do you think....who would Izuku fall in love with?

Lumine: "Still sulking" Maybe...I don't know. A Harem?!

Nahida: What is a "Harem"?

All the others raised their spirits and silenced Lumine and Aether before something bad happened to Nahida.

{In The Real World}

(Time Jumps to the Entrance Exam day)

As the day finally came, Izuku was standing outside the gates staring at U.A. High standing beside him was Itsuka with a smile.

Itsuka: Ne, Izu-chan how do you feel?

Izuku: "Smirks" Honestly I am excited and can't wait to see what they have in store for me!

{In Izuku's head}

Venti: This is it, guys!

Aether: Let's see if our training efforts pay off.

Tartaglia: Come on bro! Get out of there and fight anyone who is standing in your way!

Lumine: "Sipping some tea" Izuku will pass! 

{In The Real World}

???: Out of the way extras!

They both turned around to see Bakugou Katsuki

{In Izuku's head}

La Signora: So...this is the infamous Bakugou Katsuki! "Grins her voice" He's going to be my new plant food!

Venti: "Grins his voice" He is threatening freedom!

Zhongli: "Grins his voice" He is threatening contracts!

Ei: "Grins her voice" He is threatening eternity!

Nahida: "Grins her voice" He is threatening wisdom!

Aether: "Grins his voice" He's a threat that needs to be purged!

Lumine: "Grins her voice" For the development of mankind!

Tartaglia: "Grins his voice" Let Izuku destroy him! He's going to be my narwhal bait!

{In The Real World}

Izuku: No one is standing in your way, dumbass!

Bakugou: What the hell did you say you shitty extra!?

Itsuka: Izu-chan was right! You just a dumbass!

Bakugou: Izu-chan! wait Deku!!

Izuku: The one and only...Bakuhoe Cuntsuki! I have returned from hell!

Bakugou was shocked seeing how Izuku had changed and he was taller. Izuku is standing at about 188cm towering over him.

Izuku: Let's go! We don't want to be late by this fucker!

Itsuka: Yeah!

They both walk into the building as Bakugou snaps out of his shock.


Izuku made it to the written exams part as Itsuka went on to the observation room as Izuku took the written test and finished it within time he turned it in and went to the auditorium

{In the Observation Room}

Aizawa: Kaiser-san? You're here?

Kaiser: Of course, I would not miss my new son dominating the exams!

AM: Oh Kaiser, you have a son? Who is he?

Kaiser: Oh he is Kurenai Izuku, the one with the fluffy green-haired kid. You will know him when you see him!

{With Izuku}

Izuku is sitting down and reading the Skyward Atlas


The whole audience was silent

PM: Tough crowd alright now here in this part of an exam you will be battling robust as the robots represent different-


He then points at Izuku who is reading Skyward Atlas


Hearing this Izuku closes the Skyward Atlas and takes out Skyward Spine

Izuku: "Points the Skyward Spine to ????" How about you shut the hell up and let Present Mic finish his presentation you fucking dildo stick on the ass!

The boy was shocked as he sat back down in embarrassment and PM continued his speech they all then went to their designated areas

Izuku was stretching and getting warmed up when he saw someone looking nervous, he was about to walk up to her when someone put a hand on his shoulder

????: You were going to distract that girl weren't you let her focus on the....

Izuku grabbed his hand and started to crush it and activated Abyss Power

Izuku: Look you have been getting on my nerves now. If you don't want me to break all of your bones and bring you to the Abyss Spiral, go away now while I feel merciful right now.

He lets go of his hand and walks up to the girl. Izuku taps the girl on her shoulder

Izuku: You nervous?

???????: Oh is it that obvious?

Izuku: Take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself.

She does as he says as she smiles at him

???????: Thank you you helped me out....uh...

Izuku: Izuku, Kurenai Izuku!

???????: Uraraka Ochako!

(Should I put Ochako in the harem comment if yes)

Izuku: Well good luck!

Izuku then sees the gate open he then flies into the arena

???: Hey that guy is cheating


All the students ran into the arena trying to get any robots they could.

Izuku was destroying robots without even trying as 10 robots surrounded him he vanished and appeared behind them with the power of Abyss then used Thorn of Abyss to destroy them. Izuku uses the Skyward Blade and performs Elemental Burst


He summons a tornado and moves forward pulling 20 robots towards itself, dealing continuous wind damage. When 5 robots approached Izuku, he only took Elegy For The End and prepare

Izuku: "Yells" WIND'S GRAND ODE!

He Fires off an arrow made of countless coalesced winds, creating a huge Stormeye that sucks in robots and deals continuous Anemo DMG.

{In the Observation Room}

AM: Woah that kid is destroying the robots like it's nothing.

Snipe: He seems to be making look easy.

Midnight: Well well seems like we have our cream of the crop this year. "Licks lips"

{In Izuku's head}

Aether: Is that?!

Ei: No....not Miko!

Venti: Not Lisa Minci!

{In The Real World}

AM: Who is that kid with the fluffy green hair?

Nezu: Hm his name is Kurenai Izuku

AM: Kurenai... Wait that is your son Daigo?

Daigo: "Smirks" Yes he is!

Izuku destroys one last robot

Izuku: This is getting boring. No one is worthy to be my opponent yet!

He was about to teleport out when he felt the ground shake he looked and saw the other students running away

Izuku: Tch and they want to be heroes.

{In Izuku's head}

Tartaglia: "Yells" A BUNCH OF COWARD!

{In The Real World}

He looks and sees a huge zero-pointer robot coming he is about to teleport out until

???: "Yells" SOMEONE HELP

He then looks and sees 2 girls trapped under some rubble as the zero pointer approaches about to step on them, Izuku moves in at a fast speed and gets to the girls he then vanishes with them and appears a distance away

Izuku: You girls ok?

Uraraka: I think my ankle is sprained!

???: I am ok thank you

Izuku: No problem.

Izuku then stands up and looks at the zero pointer approaching he brings both of his hands back 

Izuku: Geki Charge!


Izuku: Hissatsu! KYOUKI NO HAKAIRYU! (Rampage Dragon of Destruction)

Izuku leaped into the air, gathering all his strength into his left arm, and then unleashed a fatal punch at the robot creating a giant explosion. When the smoke cleared there was nothing left of the zero pointer, it was completely destroyed

See you at: Quest 3: The First Day On U.A

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