Quest 7: Serenitea Pot-Meeting Balladeer-U.A Sport Festival

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Izuku, after hearing about the scene where he would soon have to fight with his own family, made Izuku grow tired as well. Izuku immediately returned home to find a strange teapot at his door.

(Serenitea Pot)

Izuku: This thing is...

Izuku touched the tea pipe spout and it emitted a light that drew him inside. He awakes and sees his place

(Silken Courtyard)

Izuku: This place is...

??????: Like it?

Izuku turns his head to the voice and sees his masters are all there.

Izuku: Wait... I thought...

Zhongli: This place is Serenitea Pot. An old item from the Adepti to create a realm in here.

Izuku: Wow...

Ei: Just think this place is your second home. Furthermore, this is also the only place where our physical bodies are physically present.

Izuku: Wicked awesome! 

???????????: Wicked awesome indeed!

Izuku, the Archons, and the Abyss Twins turned towards the owner of the voice.

(Scaramouche/Kunikuzushi/Balladeer/Kabukimono/Wanderer/Hat Guy a.k.a Fatui's Shorty)

(A.N: For your information, Hat Guy is his nickname on 3.6 event. AND IT'S HILARIOUS)

Izuku: You are...

???????????: I have many names, Scaramouche, Balladeer, Kabukimono, Kunikuzushi, Wanderer, and even Hat Guy. But you can call me Kunikuzushi, that's my real name. Anyway, I came here to train you.

Izuku: But... I have already mastered all the elements!

Kunikuzushi: Not that, but that is.

He points to the thing that he wants Izuku to master

(Shouki No Kami Mecha)

Nahida: "Shocked" That...That is....

Kunikuzushi: Shouki No Kami, my old mecha. I used it because of my blind ambition to become a god. But now... Shouki No Kami will be completely yours.  

Izuku: I...

Kunikuzushi: I used to follow that path blindly, but now, seeing the appearance of my teammates, my teachers, and my mother here, I have understood what serenity is like. Izuku, always remember, no matter how many times you are betrayed. You absolutely must not fall into sin, because sin is the only source of all pain.

Izuku: I... I will accept it!

Kunikuzushi: Thanks you... and mom...

Ei: Yes?

Suddenly, Kunikuzushi hug Ei

Kunikuzushi: I'm sorry... For everything...

Ei: "Cries" I'm sorry...

La Signora: Aw, our shorty boy is crying!

Kunikuzushi: "Yells in anger" SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG! 

La Signora: "Pissed" WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?

And so La Signora and Kunikuzushi rushed into a head-to-head fight. It took a few minutes for Zhongli and Tartaglia to stop the fight.

{At A Unknown location}

Shigaraki: Master the Nomu you made was destroyed by this stupid kid!

???: Hm destroyed by a kid?

Shigaraki: Yes

Kurogiri: The boy showed incredible fighting prowess. He defeated it so easily, this boy is truly a threat

???: Hmm and what was the name of this boy

Kurogiri: I think it was Kurenai Izuku sir.

???: Hmm Kurenai Izuku and he was able to beat a Nomu made to kill All Might himself truly interesting

(1 week later)

{At UA}

The students in class 1-A were in their seats waiting for their sensei Aizawa to arrive

Tsu: I wonder what's gonna happen now?

Mineta: I don't ever want to fight those villains again.

Just then Aizawa walks in fully healed

Aizawa: Good morning class.

Everyone: Good morning Aizawa-sensei.

Iida: I am glad that you are ok sensei.

Aizawa: I have to thank Kurenai for healing me with Chi.

Izuku: No problem sensei.

Aizawa: OK now for my announcement you have 2 weeks to prepare for the sports festival coming up

Momo: The sports festival!

Iida: This is our chance! Anyone who wins the sports festival is scouted by pro heroes all around the world and is good to have when applying to an agency

Aizawa: Use these 2 weeks to train hard

(After class)

The students were trying to get out of class but the door was blocked by other students

Ochako: Hey get out of our way why are you blocking the door

Bakugou: It's obvious they are scouting the competition

???: So this is the famous class 1-A huh?

???: I bet they think they are all hot stuff since they survived a villain attack

Izuku seeing the students blocking the door sighs and opens Abyss Gate

Izuku: Well see you later

He teleports out of the class shocking all the students

Itsuka who was waiting by his classroom sees Izuku appear right beside her

Itsuka: There you are Izu-chan!

Izuku: Yeah it was either teleport out or using Musou No Hitotachi to blast them out of the way good thing I chose a less violent way come on it's lunchtime

They made their way to the lunchroom

When they got there Izuku got all of his food as he and Itsuka sat down at a table. Soon class 1-A came in got their food and sat down with them

Izuku: You guys finally made it

Ochako: "Pouts" Why didn't you take us with you Kurenai?

Izuku: Sorry but I was hungry.

He continues to gobble down his food. And Kaminari is fainted... again!

Jiro: Hey Kurenai I need to ask.

Izuku stops eating and looks at her

Jiro: Do you think you can help me train for the sports festival?

Ochako: Can you train me as well?

Izuku was surprised at this as he swallowed his food and spoke

Izuku: Well if you guys really want to train with me then sure. I will help you get stronger and you as well Ojiro

Ojiro: Awesome

Izuku: "Smirks" I know just the place to take you

Itsuka: "Eyes go wide" You taking them there?

Izuku: Yes I am.

Itsuka: But you are the only one who can handle that place.

Ojiro: What is she talking about?

Izuku: Well I will tell you guys that later, by the way, give me your numbers so I can get in touch with you all.

They all did just that they exchanged contact info as the others did as well except for Todoroki

{With AM}

AM: The sports festival is your time to shine. You must show the world that you are here!

Bakugou: "Smirks" You got it!

AM: OK now...

His phone then rings

AM then picks it up and sees who is calling

AM: Young Bakugou I have to take this we are through for today

Bakugou: Ok!

He leaves as All Might answers his phone

AM: Hello!

Nighteye: Hello All Might

AM: Nighteye I am surprised you called me

Nighteye: Is there any way you can meet with me? I have something important to talk to you about

AM: Woah really? Ok! Then I will be there later alright?

Nighteye: Thank you

He hangs up

AM: That's odd... I haven't spoken to him in years I wonder what he could want

(The Next Day)

The training for the 2 weeks is about to start as Izuku is standing in front of Ochako, Jiro, Ojiro, and Kirishima

Izuku: OK you guys today we start your training now I am letting you know I will not be going easy on you I will be helping you get stronger now we are just waiting for 1 more person.

Jiro: Who are we waiting for?

Itsuka then appears from a flame beside Izuku

Itsuka: I'm here Izu-chan are you sure they can handle themselves I mean you know how that place is...

Izuku: Well they probably won't last for an hour.. but worth to try...

Izuku then teleports all of them to his training room.

Izuku: My father's training room. He usually trains here.

Daigo [Microphone]: That's right, and this is the first challenge!

Daigo activates a button in the control room, the hologram system is activated and what they have to deal with is also... quite hard.


{In Izuku's Mind}

Zhongli: "Shocked" By the Archons. It's that.....

Venti: Your "Rock Toad" then...yes!

Tartaglia: That's your pet?!

Ei: Thank god he doesn't recreate my Shogun Puppet.

{Real Life}

Daigo [Microphone]: I recovered it through the memory of one of Izuku's masters 

Izuku: kill us!

And sure enough... Azhdaha tortured them.

(2 weeks later)

The day of the sports festival has arrived and class 1-Aa are in their room waiting to be called on Izuku sits down with his arms crossed sitting down with his eyes closed until someone approaches him

Shoto: Kurenai

Opening his eyes he sees the bicolored-haired boy in front of him

Izuku: What is it?

Shoto: It's clear from my perspective that you are without a doubt the strongest in our class that being said I will not lose to you! Consider this my declaration of war.

Izuku smirks at this and stands up looking down at the boy

Izuku: Is that so well feel free to come at me with everything you've got if you hold back on me I will crush you.

Kirishima: Hey how about we all calm down we're all friends here right?

Shoto: We are not here to make friends we are here to win

Bakugou then walks up to Izuku glaring at him dangerously

Bakugou: Deku I don't know where the hell all this confidence came from or how you changed so much but that does not matter. I will show you that I am still better than you and all these extras I will put you in your place nerd no matter what it takes.

Izuku: Really then how about we make things interesting then

Bakugou: Oh and what do you mean by that?

Izuku: Let's make a bet if you win and that is a big IF I will admit to the entire UA staff and everyone watching that you are better than me in every way.


Izuku: Oh but you gonna love what I have in store for you when I win-smirks-

Bakugou: Tch like you gonna win well what is it?

Izuku: When I beat you in this sports festival and win you go on that podium grab that microphone and tell the whole world everything you did

Bakugou's eyes went wide upon hearing this

Izuku: Yes I mean everything from the time when we were kids you always acted like you were above everyone, always wanting the spotlight when I beat you you told the whole world everything you did, even the swan dive story

Bakugou: You really think I'm gonna do that?

Asui: What are you guys talking about?

Izuku: "Smirks" Oh where did your smirk go? You were so confident a minute ago do we have a deal or not I can understand if you are scared

That was all it took for Bakugou as he glared dangerously at Izuku

Bakugou: You're on nerd I will destroy you out there!

Izuku: Contract signed!

Their class then gets called as they make their way out to the arena

{With All Might}

AM: I am glad you made it Nighteye

Nighteye: All Might it's good to see you

???: Sir!

They turn and see the big 3 coming up to them

Mirio: I didn't know you were gonna be here

Nighteye: Yes well I have my eye on a certain someone

Nejire: Oh look there is Kurenai's class

(A/N: She's also Daigo's student)

Should I add her to the harem

Nighteye looks down in the arena as he sees Izuku

Nighteye: "Thought" So that's him........Izuku...My nephew...

See you at: Quest 8: The Pride of a God

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