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"Ed, will you stop pacing. Your making me dizzy." Faith scolded him. Edmund hadn't stopped pacing since they got to their rooms and that Ahri had agreed to a duel to the death.

Peter looked over at his brother and agreed with Faith. He then looked back over at Faith who was sitting sideways curled up in a chair, in the corner of the room.

She looked conformable.

He walked over and sat on the arm of the chair. "How do you feel?"

"Better than being in that awful jail cell." She smiled. He smiled in return. "What if Ahri fails?" She asked him coldly.

"What?" Peter asked surprised that Faith would even say that.

"If Ahri fails. What will happen?"

He was silent as the question lingered in the air for several moments.

"Let's hope she doesn't. The duel is tomorrow. And you need sleep." He replied.

"I'm fine." She told him.

He knew deep inside she wasn't. She was mentally abused by being in that jail cell. And she couldn't face it.

"Faith-" he pleaded"-please."

She sighed and looked up at him. His eyes meeting hers. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't say no. He was the king and she was just a guard.

"I know when to stop pushing myself, Peter. I'll be fine."

* * *

"Ed! Please! I'll be fine!" Ahri said to Edmund who was still pacing, Edmund then turned to her. 

"No! You agree to a duel to the death!" He yelled at her.

"It was my choice!" She shot back.

"Let's just say you do die, okay? What would happen to me, Peter, Faith and Aidan huh? Didn't think that through did you? And did you see the guy your going to be fighting?"

"I'm not going to die," Ahri said softly walking up to Edmund.

"But what if you do?" Ahri froze not sure what to say.

"Could you help me with my armor?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'm serious Ahri," Edmund said while tightening some of her armor, "what if you do? And how do you know they will keep their word?"

Sighing she turned and faced him, "So am I, there are many things I regret doing, this is not one of them, if it means Faith can come back to Narnia, then so be it." She paused and took a breath, "and there are many things I don't regret doing."

"Like what?"

Ahri leaned in closer and kissed him, Edmund stiffened then kissed her back.

* * *

Peter sat on a couch, while Faith slept in the chair. He thought about moving her into her bed. But, figured he probably shouldn't. She was a guard who was always alert and she needed her sleep.

He read the book he found on a shelf in the room.

He heard the door open and close. He turned and saw Edmund walk in.

Edmund's face was very red.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing." Edmund replied.

"Then why is your face red?"

"My what's red?"

"Your. . . face." Peter told him.

"Why's your face red?"

"Wait what? My face isn't red?" Peter watched  his brother pace again. "Okay, what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing. Almost nothing. Ahri and I kissed." He blurted.

"What happened to 'nothing'?" Peter asked.

"That explains why your so mad about the duel." A voice said. The two kings looked over at the chair and saw that that Faith was awake. "What? You two were talking very loud and I couldn't sleep." She reported.


The door opened and closed and Ahri came in.

They all looked over at her.


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