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"I've beaten you the last five times, we've done this. You just can't beat me." Peter said with a laugh, helping the now 16-year-old Faith up off the ground. They were practicing in the gardens. Susan hated it when they did it, 'cause she said that they mess up her flowers. That had only happened once and Susan banned them from the garden, but they sneak in when they know Susan won't bother them.

Faith has been a guard of Kings and Queens now for almost a year. Enjoying every moment of it. She enjoyed mostly hanging out with Peter. They had many things in common. Like sword fighting. So far, Peter was winning all their little sword fights.

"You are older than me. You've had more experience than me." The guard replied.

He chuckled. "Only by two months. But, at least you're getting better each time we practice." He told the girl, with a smile.

"It's a new record. Six times." She laughed.

"It's just going to add on." He bragged.

She rolled her eyes and picked her sword up. "Keep telling yourself that."

"I've seen him fight. He's going to beat you again." A voice said behind Faith.

She quickly turned and saw Head Guard Ahri. Faith's best friend. "I've got to at least beat him once."

"Which hasn't happened," Peter noted.

Faith looked back over at Peter who had a grin on his face, rolled her eyes, and turned back to Ahri. "Care to join us?"

Ahri shook her head. "I'll have to decline. There are things I have to attend to."

Faith nodded.

"You mean to meet your mysterious someone?" Peter joked.

Ahri didn't say anything and walked away.

Faith laughed and looked at Peter. "She totally is."

The King just nodded. He grabbed his sword. "Again?" He asked.

"You're on." The guard smiled.

* * *

"Peter!" The King turned to the voice that had called him. It was his sister Lucy.

Lucy by far was Faith's favorite of the four siblings. Lucy was very kind to Faith when they first met. Edmund wanted nothing to do with Faith and Susan didn't trust Faith. And Peter, he's a whole other story for another time.
Faith noticed that Lucy was in a hurry and out of breath. The castle was very large, so Faith guessed she was probably at the end of the castle.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Both of you come to the library and quickly!"

Peter looked at Faith and they both followed Lucy through the hallways of the large castle. The walls were a beautiful cream white, with a golden border, and flowers were placed on tables. Faith loved to smell the flowers while she patrolled the castle, it reminded her of her mother. Her mother had flowers everywhere. Outside on the porch, in the dirt, and inside on the tables in pots, on top of cabinets and counters.

Lucy stopped at a door and opened it. Inside stood, King Edmund, Queen Susan, and Head Guard Ahri. Faith could smell the old books. Books were something that she enjoyed. Sometimes she'd sneak into the main library and read a few books when she wasn't guarding.

"What is wrong?" Faith asked as she looked around the beautiful room. She had never been to the library before. Most of the time it was Ahri who would attend the meets that the Kings would hold.

The bookshelves were wood with a beautiful cream pattern around them. The books there looked to be years old. Faith knew of the King and Queen before the four. She figured that the books had belonged to them.

"A guard said that while on patrol he spotted someone. They were not Narnian." Edmund said.

"Are you sure?" Peter asked.

"Yes," Susan replied.

Who could it be? Is there another kingdom they didn't know about?

"Could it be someone from your world?" Ahri asked.

Each of them looked at Ahri like she was crazy. But, it could be true. Maybe it is. They knew of no other kingdoms in Narnia.

* * *

Peter stood on the balcony that overlooked Narnia. The night sky was beautiful. The stars twinkled and the moon shined, allowing the King to see Narnia. He heard footsteps walking past the door of the balcony. Figuring that it was a guard doing their patrol around the castle.

"May I come over?" He heard a voice ask. He turned to the figure.

"Be my guest." He replied.

"I love to come here and watch the stars twinkle, and just to see Narnia at night."Faith said. He looked over at her and just let her speak. "Your Majesty,"

"Peter." He said, cutting off the guard.

"Peter, what if there is another kingdom?" She asked him. It was weird saying "Peter" and not "King" or "Your Majesty."

He sighed and looked back at Narnia. "I don't know." That was all he replied.

Silence swept over the two as they looked over Narnia.

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