Polaroid boy

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"well students the project is due soon and if you need any help you can see me after school." i think my teacher said. he was going on about something. i was in a day dream. when i looked straight my eyes focused and sir was right infront of me leaning on my table which startled me a bit "do you need help mark" he was smirking. creep

"n-no sir i am fine" i fake smiled 

"see me after class mark" he told me getting up to go lecture the class again. while he got up i threw my hands in the air pissed off at that.

"asshole" i whispered under my breath in a whisper 

"what was that mark" sir asked and i would say asshole or creep but i have no courage to do that and he will have an actual reason to see me after class. 

"nothing sir" i said bluntly and put my head in my hands on my desk and he sighed laughing a bit. i think he heard me. after class i put my stuff away and got my satchel and slung it around my neck and walked down the class slowly with everyone else so he didn't see me. i wanted to get to my room to just do stuff or watch more shows on Netflix. i was almost home-free until i was stopped by a hand on my shoulder 

"not on my watch i want to talk" he said firmly and i groaned and followed him to his desk. he sat in his desk chair and i pulled up a chair and slouched down "mark today you seemed a bit distant are you ok?" he asked concerned 

"why do you care" i scoffed quietly and he looked shocked and angry 

"excuse me mark. who do you think your talking to" he growled and i sighed

"sorry" i didn't mean it at all. i loved photography but this teacher really pissed me off. i swear he had crush on me or he was  prev but he was always in my business not anyone else tho. if he saw amy staring off into space he wouldn't give any shits. if i did he made a big deal out of it. people asked me if we were either dating or knew each other well. three people have asked me if we've fucked and non of its true. there's more to it but thats what he mainly does. 

"i want my question answered. why were you not listening in class" why was he so angry all of a sudden. i looked up at him and i saw love which made me cringe internally. he must be thirty and i'm nineteen thats just wrong.

" i guess i just started day dreaming its no big deal" i shrugged 

"yes it is" he insisted

"how is it. it's not like i'm tony and never listen at all. it was just one time. why do you care about this one time so much and don't care when tony never listens" i asked agitated

"calm down. don't name names" sir shushed me which made me worse. 

"i didn't get my answer" i asked with a smirk and he looked at me angrily

"don't be cheeky" he shouted almost "you have talent mark and i don't want you to throw that away" he said concerned

"i'm fine. i just had a day dream for once in a long time in lesson now can i please go" i asked 

"unless you want to stay a little later" he smirked and got up and walked to me slowly 

"no i'm fine i'm going" i got up and got my bag and jogged to the door but he followed and turned me around to face him. i wasn't that tall so he towered over me. "i know your gay mark" he came real close and i couldn't move "we can be gay together" he whispered in my ear and i felt violated so i pushed him away from me forcefully and he tripped on a chair. i may be short but i am not a weak person i just don't use my strength that much. i ran put of the room and closed the door behind me

"fucking creep" i took a breath and rested my back on the door. "Christ" after leaning on the door for a few seconds getting my breath back i heard sir walk to the door on the other side so i got up and jogged down the hallways to the door to get the hell out of this school for the weekend. as i wasn't looking as a jog escalated into running as i heard sir shout 'mark i need to talk' i ran into someone. i got up quickly and got my bag and the other person was laughing at my rush and i was about to run but he stopped me. my head was racing so i wasn't paying any attention to the guys face. 

"wow, wow calm down...  wait your polaroid boy" he laughed at the same and i just rolled my eyes "why you in a rush?" he asked

"um... it's" i didn't know what to say until i heard sir shout my name again. if i don't go fast then i'm gonna get caught and i don't wanna talk to that creepy ass teacher. 

"ah i see i got you covered. run" he pushed me away but i heard him say "polaroid boy" as i ran. i saw the doors to freedom. i hid and saw that boy and sir. i could hear them i didn't run far. the hallways wasn't long. the boy stopped him "oh sir i have some thing really private i need to tell you. can i go tell you somewhere private" he asked like a lost child

"well sean i have some business to tend to. talk to another teacher" the boy grunted at the the name sean i'm guessing thats his name but whats so bad about it maybe he made eye contact with someone he hated at the same time 

"but sir it's really important i'll help you do whatever after" the boy pleaded and sir smirked and nodded as we walked off the boy made eye contact and whispered with hand gestures 'run' and i am not helping him at all. he's a creep so quick he will come back' or something along the lines. so i ran outside and just sat on the fountain outside that i always sat at. wade was there. he was my best friend as we go way back my other three friends are amy, bob and mat. felix, my roommate, was kind of my friend but i wasn't like him at all and we just talked here and there in our room late at night when he wasn't out partying.

"hey mark you look pissed. you ok buddy?" wade asked 

"i am a little annoyed but it's all over anyway. it doesn't matter anymore because it's done. how are you" i asked making small talk 

"pretty good. this guy tried to punch me in the face because i asked him to move out the way and called him an ass for not moving until he said really quietly 'your one of bobs stupid friends. he'd hate me' and left me alone. he didn't sound like he was from around  here or america for that matter" bob was like the adult to our little group of friends we had. he was like our dad but around the same age. 

"what did they look like" i asked curious 

"all i saw was a green and white beanie and a tattoo on his shoulder and it looked like a guy. i was shielding my face with my hands so it was hard to see who it was" he sighed "i kind of want to know. to see if bob has some other friends than us" i nodded agreeing 

"i ran into someone too. he didn't seem from here but he was friendly and helped me out with.. something. i was in a rush as i ran into him so my head was in speed mode and i couldn't see his face but he didn't seem to be from around here. he also called me polaroid boy " wade laughed at the name but as a friend. wade was probably my bestfriend out of all of them. i had known him in high school. we didn't talk much maybe to do school work or study in library lessons until i met him here and he was like 'mark from high school' and we kept talking more and ended up being best friends. 

"wow. your lucky i have a bad memory mark because i'll probably forget. so anyway i wanted to ask if you wanted to join me, amy and mat. were going to watch a soccer match. mat won tickets for four as he loves the sport and bob declined because he's going out with Mandy somewhere so you up for it. i know it's not your thing but were going out for dinner after." wade begged. i didn't mind going. its not my thing but i'll go with my friends to watch it. 

"sure i'll come when and where?" i asked getting out my notepad to write it down

"on Monday after school. meet me at my car at seven we'll all be there or will be going there" he informed me 

"can't wait" i smiled. i was about to say something but my phone went off. it was felix 

"what is it?" wade asked looking at my phone

"felix text me the text says ' i am bringing a friend to the room just to hang out as we can't at his. hope you don't mind'" i groaned and wade chuckled "what" i said in a high pitched voice

"you groaning thats what. you got so pissed at that" he laughed and i grumbled. 

"today has been pretty shit and weird so i honestly just want peace but felix is inviting one of his party friends." i told him

"they can't be that bad" wade was trying 

"who's your roommate"i asked as he had never told me

"Allen Evans. he's never really in the room. he sleeps at his girlfriends and takes up no room. he does sometimes bring his girlfriend round and they get it on and there the nights i go to molly and beg to sleep with her for the night as there fucking loud" i laughed a bit 

"that must be an awesome roommate. felix is a party animal and a popular guy in the school. he's the perfect boy in the classroom and gets away with everything. he had a bottle of beer in his bag and the teacher found it and felix said it must have been brad in his perfect, cutesy voice and gets away with it. he's a nice guy though. he is just a huge party freak and brings girls back a bit but not all the time or frequently. some girls i know some i don't. some look his age some look older but i never hear because i'm a heavy sleeper but now i have to deal with two of them party animals" i explained

"maybe his friends cute" wade smirked elbowing me and i blushed ever so slightly 

"shut up" i joked hitting him playfully 

"you do need a guy tho mark. everyone else in our group does. i have molly. bobs got many, mat's got Stephanie and molly has dan Taylor and you have no one and haven't in a while. you used to be the dating machine what happened?" he asked

"i guess i just got bored of trying to pull in men at the time. it used to be easy but guys are smarter now and its harder to date them and i have found out what love really is and don't like the idea and since Arron left this world i don't think i want to love. the hard thing i went through to get over that. why do you think i dated so much" i felt myself starting to vent so i stopped talking. wade gave me sympathetic eyes and gave me a side hug. 

"you'll be fine mark it was just a joke anyway. take your time" i know really he just wanted me to get a boyfriend but i was too broken from past experiences. i don't want it to happen again or to go through the god damn pain i did. 

"thanks buddy but i better be going to see who felix invited" i smiled and so did he 

"ok then i better be going too. i have a fuck load of stuff to do *cough*nothing. if the guys are annoying you come to my room k" i nodded and walked to my room. 

  ⏫ in marks room⏬

i opened the door and felix wasn't there with anyone the room was empty. maybe he went or they haven't arrived. i threw my bag aside and fell on my bed and sighed in relief. today was weird and all it took was a teacher. i got up and after a minute of staring at the ceiling i got up and went to get the stuff out of my bag. as i got up i floofed my pink candyfloss hair for fun and because i'm a goof. as i got my bag i saw some cookies on felix desk. we had boundaries and told each other not to mess with each others stuff because a lot of stuff i have are important to me but they are cookies and felix isn't here... "fuck it" i got up dropping my bag again and got three cookies from the wrapper and ran to my bed nibbling on them like a child. i needed these. when i had finnished them i got up and finally got my bag. i got out my notepad and wrote down when i was going to the match on Monday with my friends. i had that project i had to do and i wrote it down. so i went to my desk and put on my glasses so i could read. 

'take picture of any sort of happiness or sadness or any emotion and explain that emotion in a single paragraph or explain whats happening due Tuesday' 

so that was after the game. if someone scored i could get a good polaroid picture of my friends all cheering. it would be perfect. so i got to remember to bring my polaroid camera when i go to the game. i started to sketch a mustache and coloured it in the same colour as my hair but a little lighter and put an 'M' in red above it. when i finished the door slammed open scaring me. i looked behind me to see felix with someone else behind him. i looked at him properly. he had the most beautiful eyes in the world and a shining smile on his face. he had a shoulder tattoo and a beanie on. he had paleish skin and a nice bit of stubble. there was green pieces of hair coming out of his beanie. he had a nice body like damn~. i looked mouth agape 

"mark this is jack my friend i texted you about. jack this is mark i was telling you about" jack smiled more when he saw me 

"polaroid boy"


a/n: i am gonna be honest i am kind of proud of this and i really like this so i hope you like it too. it's a tiny bit like life is strange because marks a photography student and he's shy and is with a bad boy like jack. the start with the teacher is a bit weird but excuse that. so yeah hope you enjoyed because i am actually happy that people are seeing this as i am quite proud of it so 

sage is out ⭐️-⭐️

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