Chapter 11: New Looks

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Danny's POV

The portal Fright Knight created led straight to the outer walls of Phantom's Keep. "Why didn't you just make the portal so it transported us directly into the castle?" I asked.

"Phantom's Keep has a defense mechanism, no portals can be created that lead directly into the castle. The closest you can get is the outer wall," Fright Knight replied as he directed Nightmare to land in front of the entrance doors.

We dismounted the horse and Fright Knight handed the reins to a ghost stable boy. He escorted me into the castle and we went straight to the throne room where 3 Observants and Clockwork were waiting.

"So glad you were able to come your highness," one of the Observants spoke.

Not like I had much of a choice, "What's going on? Is something wrong?" I asked.

Clockwork floated towards me as he shifted into his elderly form. He lightly grabbed my shoulder and led me to the throne and Fright Knight followed.

Clockwork tilted his head in the direction of the throne. I glanced at the throne still wary of it. "I don't know, I'm really ok with standing," I whispered to my mentor.

Clockwork nodded and motioned to Fright Knight, who took up a position almost directly beside me with his sword drawn and in a resting position like the suits of armor in the main hall.

"May we begin with the meeting?" an Observant asked.

"Yes," I responded in what I hoped was a mature tone. I glanced over at Fright Knight who nodded slightly. That actually helped me feel more relaxed.

"As you know, the date of your coronation is steadily approaching," said the Observant in the middle of their little group.

My birthday was less than a week away and five days after that was when I was officially going to be crowned Prince. I nodded and the Observant continued, "It is known that you have many enemies throughout the Ghost Zone and that is a concern for your safety during the coronation, but regardless those matters have been taken care of."

I nodded again, if they have this stuff taken care of why do they need me here? "But there is still the matter of your attire and crowning," he finished.

"My attire?" I asked.

"I may have a solution to that," Clockwork said. He disappeared for a moment but soon returned with a familiar object in his hand.

"The Ring of Rage!" all three Observants cried in unison.

"Clockwork, why did you bring that? I thought the Ring of Rage only works when combined with the Crown of Fire," I said.

"That is not entirely true," Clockwork began, "The items can work on their own but only if they are in possession of the heir or current ruler of the throne. Their power is just more amplified when they are together."Clockwork handed me the ring. "Put it on Danny, you'll see," my mentor encouraged.

One of the Observants began to interject, "Clockwork this is-"

"The boy is my responsibility is he not? I know what I am doing," Clockwork interrupted.

The Observant fell silent as the ring rested in my palm. I trusted Clockwork's judgement, so I slowly slid the ring onto the ring finger of my right hand. The second I let go of the ring I felt a surge of power. It flowed through me in waves, traveling in and out of my ghost core, spreading the power throughout my entire body.

When the sensation stopped I felt.... different. I looked down at my clothes. My HAZMAT suit was gone, instead I was now wearing black combat boots with white buckles, black skinny jeans with white stripes going up the sides, a black long sleeved shirt with my DP symbol in white on the chest. On my hands were white fingerless gloves.

I looked behind me and saw a flowing black cape that had white thorn patterns on it. The Ring of Rage was glowing on my finger and I could still feel little surges of energy.

"I must say, that turned out better than I expected," Clockwork mused, "What do you think Danny? How do you feel?"

"This. Is. AWESOME!" I said as I took in every inch of my new look. Fright Knight cleared his throat, bringing back my focus.

"I'm not being greedy here," I said, "But, where is the Crown of Fire?"

"It is being altered to better suit you and your unique ghost core," Clockwork answered as he shifted into a toddler. I nodded in understanding, "That actually was the next topic of the meeting," an Observant said.

"Well, he now knows about the crown so no need to address it any further," Clockwork spoke.

"If that's all, I guess we're done here," I said clapping my hands together.

The Observants looked as if they wanted to protest, but left anyways. I smiled once the door closed behind them and began to fly all over the room.

"This is awesome!" I shouted, "I've never had this much power before!"

"Now listen Danny," Clockwork lightly scolded, "The Ring of Rage is no less powerful than the Crown of Fire. You will need to learn how to control the rings powers which we will go over in tomorrows session."

I slowly floated down until my feet touched the ground almost directly in front of Clockwork. "Alright. So, am I still able to change back to human?" I asked.

"Of course," replied Clockwork, "You are also still able to transform into your normal Danny Phantom appearance. You just need to focus on the core of your power and draw out the part you need. Try right now to transform into normal Danny Phantom."

I gulped but focused. I closed my eyes and felt the white rings wash over me. "Excellent work Danny," Clockwork said. I opened my eyes and looked at my clothes. My familiar black HAZMAT suit was there.

I smiled, "Awesome." "You best get going now before those pompous eyeballs come back with another issue," Clockwork joked.

I nodded and waved goodbye as Fright Knight and I flew out of the castle in the direction of the Fenton Portal.

Unknown POV

The boy had potential. A lot of potential. That annoying Time Master was only holding him back. It did not matter though, the boy had gotten his first taste of the power that came with being Prince and soon to be King. I just need to wait until he is alone, then Danny Phantom would be mine.

A/N: Ok so Clockwork is a little OOC in this but I just felt like I needed to alter his personality a bit to fit the scene better. But don't you think he'd pull something like that? Giving the ring to Danny without the Observants permission? Anyways that's all for now. See ya in the next chapter!

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