Chapter 20: The Offer

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Danny's POV

I backed away from the mysterious ghost, "Stay back!" I warned as my hand glowed brighter with ecto-energy.

"Now now young Prince, I am not here to harm you," the ghost (didn't he say his name was Vizier or something?) said.

"Then what are you here for?" I asked as I let some ecto-energy fade but left enough that it still would be a powerful blast.

"I merely just wish to talk. I have been observing you for some time now and I must say I am impressed," he said as he floated around my room.

"You've been spying on me?" I questioned.

Vizier shrugged, "If that is what you must call it. If you wish to continue this conversation, I suggest we do it elsewhere." With that he phased out of my room.

I debated on whether or not to follow him. He didn't attack me, but he might be luring me out into a trap. He knew about my secret, but that didn't really surprise me. Almost every ghost should know by now. He said he's been watching me, but for how long? As much as I knew it was a bad idea, I phased out of my room hoping to find Vizier.

"That was quicker than anticipated. Not that I'm complaining. A good leader must be wise and act upon the proper choice, which you did perfectly," a voice said.

I jumped slightly and saw Vizier floating beside me holding a golden pocket watch which he quickly tucked back inside his black robe.

"This way young Prince, we have much to discuss," he said as he started flying away.

I soon followed suit. We ended up at the park in an area surrounded by trees. No one would be able to see or hear us.

"Ok, you got me here. Now what do you want from me?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Patience your highness, all will be answered in time. But first..." Vizier trailed off as he grabbed my right wrist.

"Hey! What are you-" I began but was soon silenced by the rush of energy I felt flow out of my core.

"Ah, much better," I heard Vizier say.

I glanced at my wrist and was shocked to see the Ring of Rage on my finger. Vizier had somehow forced me to transform into my Ghost Prince form.

"How did you-" I began to ask but Vizier held up a hand. "First things first your highness. I believe introductions are in order. As I said before I am Vizier, one of the many Elder Spirits of the Ghost Zone. I am considered to be one of the most powerful Elder Spirits as well."

I tried transforming back into my normal phantom form but for some reason I couldn't. "Please stop trying to transform, it's quite sad to watch. Don't you prefer yourself like this? You're afraid of this form aren't you? The power that the Ring of Rage gives, you fear it. You saw the destruction and chaos it helped create," Vizier taunted.

"STOP IT!!" I shouted as I hurled an ectoblast at him.

He was able to dodge the blast with ease, causing it to hit a random tree instead. The tree vaporized before my eyes. I stood there in shock. I raised my hand to stare at it. Some energy still lingered on my hand, giving it the appearance of being on fire.

"How did I-" I whispered.

"That fool Clockwork hasn't taught you anything has he?" Vizier said as he floated closer.

I glared at the mysterious ghost, "What do you know about Clockwork?" I demanded.

The ancient ghost floated circles around me while he spoke, "I know much about him, he is the so called 'Master of Time', he is one of the most powerful Elder Spirits in existence, and he is a incompetent teacher."

I whipped around to give Vizier an angry look, "Clockwork is a great teacher! He's taught me how to use and control my powers, he's even taught me how to use other abilities that I would never have learned without him," the flames on my hand glowed brighter.

"Yes, but has he taught you how to use the ring?" Vizier questioned.

I opened my mouth then closed it as the flames disappeared from my hand, Clockwork taught me how to control the rings power but not how to use it. But we just haven't had an opportunity yet, right?

"No," I finally said, "But he just hasn't had a chance to yet."

Vizier placed a hand on his bearded chin and slowly nodded, "I see, but are you sure it isn't because he doesn't trust you with the full knowledge of the ring?"

"That's not true. Clockwork gave it to me himself. If he didn't trust me why would he give it to me in the first place?" I pointed out. Vizier shrugged and said nothing.

I shook my head, "Enough, why are you really here?" I asked.

"I'm here to make you an offer," the elder ghost said.

I crossed my arms, "What kind of offer?"

"The kind that can't be refused. I'm offering to teach you how to use the Ring of Rage's full power, true it isn't as grand as when it is combined with the Crown of Fire but it still is quite magnificent." he explained.

I frowned, "And what makes you think after all that has just happened, would make me want to learn from you?"

Vizier grinned, "Simple your highness, Clockwork won't teach you what you need to know. With him you will spend your days levitating books and hitting targets in different ways. But with me, you will learn things no other ghost knows, you will learn the secrets of the ring, the crown, and the castle." He floated a few feet away from me, "Do think it over Prince Phantom. But for both our sake, keep this little chat between us hmm?" With that, he flew off and disappeared without a trace.

Two white rings appeared and I was transformed back into my normal Danny Phantom self. I looked at my clothes, searching for any changes. There were none. Just as a precaution, I transformed into my Ghost Prince form.

I was able to successfully do the transformation and it didn't look like anything had changed either. As I turned back to Danny Phantom I flew off towards home, thinking over my interaction with Vizier.

The ghost obviously had a few screws loose but he seemed harmless. How was he able to make me transform and then block my transformations?

Vizier's words repeated themselves over and over in my head, 'Are you sure it isn't because he doesn't trust you with the full knowledge of the ring? Clockwork won't teach you what you need to know. With me, you will learn things no other ghost knows.'

Did Clockwork really not trust me? No of course he did what am I saying. But Vizier did have a point, I did do mostly the same things whenever I trained with Clockwork.

Maybe I would give his offer some thought, and maybe, just maybe, I would accept it.

A/N: Ta-da!! Well I hope you guys liked finally learning about Mr.MysteryGhost (ugh that's even worse). Unfortunately I will not be able to update for a while, but I have begun writing another fanfiction. For those of you interested it's called 'Experiment HYBRD-01' and it's a Steven Universe fanfic. See you all in the next chapter!

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