Chapter 27: Surprises

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Danny's POV

The day passed in a blur, my thoughts revolving around my friends, family and Vizier. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime and Sam was shouting something in my ear.

"Earth to Danny, you still with us?" Sam said into my ear. I rubbed my ear, "Yeah I'm here, jeez Sam did you have to burst my eardrum?" Sam just smiled.

"If you two lovebirds are done flirting, we have some work to do," Tucker said as he whipped out his beloved PDA.

"We're not lovebirds!" Sam and I said in unison.

Tucker rolled his eyes, "Sure, yeah keep telling yourselves that. Anyways, what's the plan for tonight Danny?"

I tilted my head, "What are you talking about?"

"Dude are you being serious! Your birthday party tonight! Are we going to your place or what?" Tucker said.

I smacked my forehead, how could I forget my birthday? "It's going to be my house tonight guys. Apparently my parents have a 'big surprise' planned," I told them.

"Knowing your parents, they've probably invited all the ghost hunters from around the world," Sam joked. My mind went back to this morning when my dad had given me the model rocket.

As we stood up and threw out our garbage I said, "Hey who knows? Maybe they'll do something different."

Time Jump to After School

Sam, Tucker and I were walking home, with Fright Knight keeping a close eye on us. "Is he seriously there?" Tucker whispered.

I nodded. "Man this whole, you being the next Ghost Prince is still a lot to take in," Tucker said.

I shrugged, "You get used to it."

"So when is the big day?" Sam asked.

I looked down at the ground, "5 days from now."

My friends stopped. "That soon?" Sam asked.

I nodded, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "C'mon guys, let's just focus on today. It's Danny's birthday. And birthday's mean cake for Tucker," Tucker said trying to lighten the mood.

I smiled at my geeky friend and we all laughed as we resumed walking to my home. We eventually saw the bright neon sign and walked up to the front door. Just as I reached for the doorknob I paused and turned to face where Fright Knight was invisibly floating.

"Just so you know, they might be planning a surprise party. So that means loud noises and a lot of stuff going on. Do NOT attack anyone or anything there, got it?" I informed my bodyguard. He nodded and folded his arms across his chest.

I turned the handle and opened the door, stepping into my house. "SURPRISE!" many voices called out at once. And for once, I was actually surprised. The inside of the house had been decorated with a space and NASA theme. The guests included mom, dad, Jazz, Tucker's parents, Sam's parents, and Valerie and her dad.

I was speechless. "What do you think Danny?" my mom asked. "This... is... AWESOME!" I said, a wide grin appearing on my face. My parents smiled. Valerie came up to me and gave me a small hug, "Happy Birthday Danny," she said.

"Thanks," I replied as we separated. Valerie lead me to the living room and soon the party began to start up

Games, presents and one rocket cake later

"Thanks for coming everybody," I said as the last of guests left. Sam and Tucker's parents had allowed them to stay a little while longer.

"Hope you had a good birthday your highness," Sam whispered as she gave me a hug. I rolled my eyes and Sam gave me a little kick in the shin. "Ow! What was that for?" I said as we separated and I rubbed my sore shin.

"I could sense the eye roll," she replied. I chuckled lightly.

Tucker and I fist bumped and the two of them exited my house. After the clean up was finished I headed up to my room. Once I opened my door, I was surprised to see a small present sitting on my bed.

I walked over to it and sat down on the bed, placing the present in my lap. I carefully unwrapped it and saw a rectangular black box with my DP symbol printed on the top. I opened the box and was greeted by a bright light. Once the light died down I was able to see what was inside. It was a small white pendant on a thin silver chain. The pendant was a circle with my DP symbol on it printed in black.

I looked the present over but couldn't find a tag or card saying who it was from. I transformed into my Ghost Prince form and slipped the pendant over my head. The pendant rested in the center of my chest.

The pendant felt like it had power radiating off of it. It felt as if it was more powerful than the Ring of Rage. Who had given this to me? Until I found out, it might be a good idea not to let Vizier or Clockwork or anyone else see it.

I took the pendant off and placed it back in it's little black box. I tucked it inside a pocket hidden in my cape. I turned back into Danny Fenton just as Fright Knight phased into the room.

"Clockwork has requested your presence at Phantom's Keep," Fright Knight informed me.

I resisted the urge to groan as I transformed into my normal Phantom form, "Let's get going then," I said and followed Fright Knight through the portal he had created.

A/N: Hello peoples, I regret to inform you that I will most likely not be able to update for a bit (I'm so sorry). I promise I will have the next chapter up ASAP so please don't call on the angry mobs just yet

*Angry mob sounds in the distance*

Me: Whoops, that's my cue. See you all in the next chapter :) *runs away*

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