Chapter 6: The Life of a High School Halfa

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Danny's POV

After what felt like forever, the bell rang signaling the end of Lancer's English lesson. As everyone packed up and filed out the door Mr.Lancer called, "And don't forget to write your reports on the history of Shakespeare!"

I groaned inwardly, another project I wouldn't have time for. Maybe I could get a head start on it if I skip lunch today, that is if no ghosts attack.

Just then my ghost sense went off. I looked all around for any sign of a ghost but all I saw was Fright Knight standing near some lockers.

I relaxed and started walking to my next class, and I walked right into a familiar unfriendly person. As I took a few steps back to regain my balance I heard an annoying voice say, "Watch where you're going Fentoenail."

I lowered my head and my bangs fell over my eyes, "Whatever," I muttered softly.

"What was that Fenton? You got something to say," the bully said and a crowd began to form around us. Where were Sam and Tucker?

"I don't have time for this today Dash. I'm gonna be late for next period," I said and turned to leave. Just as I reached the edge of the crowd Dash grabbed my backpack.

"Not so fast geek, I have a knuckle sandwich with your name on it," the jock said as he turned me around to face him.

I caught a glimpse of Fright Knight in the crowd, hand on his sword. I shook my head no as subtle as I could. Luckily Fright Knight got the message but he didn't look too happy. People were starting to chant 'fight, fight' all around us. Where the heck were Sam and Tucker!?

"What is going on here?!" a voice shouted through the crowd. Mr.Lancer emerged from the sea of people, "Mr.Baxter, Mr.Fenton, stop this foolishness right now before I give you both detention!"

Dash let me go and I quickly backed away from him. "Now all of you," Mr.Lancer said, "Get to class before you all will be spending your time in the detention room after school." Everyone hurried off to their classes.

I walked towards my next class when I bumped into none other than Sam and Tucker. "Whoa dude, what's up?" Tucker said, seeing the angry look on my face.

I frowned, "Where were you guys? Dash was about to beat me up and I had no backup."

"We were a little busy too. Tucker was on the verge of being clawed to death by Paulina after he spilt his milkshake on her new top," Sam said, crossing her arms.

I sighed, "Whatever, it's fine. Lancer came to my rescue anyways. Anyways we should get to class, we're gonna be late." The three of us headed to our next class together and got in the classroom just as the bell rang.

End of the school day

As the bell rang for the end of the day I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could. Oddly there had been no ghost attacks yet today and I was able to work on and finish my assignment for Lancer over lunch.

As I reached the steps outside someone called my name, "Danny! Wait!" I looked around for the voice and saw Sam and Tucker walking towards me, "Dude we need to talk," my technogeek friend said.

The two of them grabbed my arms and led me to the dumpster beside the school. "Danny what's going on, you've been acting weird all day. You didn't even have lunch with us," Sam said looking concerned.

I shrugged, "I had some work to do. Trust me I'm fine." I walked around them only for Sam to grab my arm, "Danny," she said, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

There was a lot I wasn't telling them. Me being a Prince, training with Clockwork, and a lot more. I wanted to tell them but ever since the whole 'evil me' incident they have been a little worried about my ghost side. Telling them about all the ghost stuff I was involved in other than ghost fighting would only make them more concerned.

"No," I replied as I pulled my arm out of her grasp. I slipped on my hood and began my walk home.

Just outside Fenton Works

I stared up at the huge building that was my home. The glowing neon sign and giant OPS center were kinda hard to miss. I started walking up the steps when something grabbed my arm and pulled me into the alley beside my house. I transformed into my ghostly alter ego as my arm was released and charged my hands with ecto-energy but quickly let the energy fade.

"Fright Knight," I scolded, "Don't do that! I thought you were an enemy."

"Apologies sire," the ghost knight said as he bowed, "But I must speak with you on a few matters."

I glanced over my shoulder, "Make it quick, I don't know when Jazz will get home and it might be hard to explain why I am hanging out with one of my 'enemies'."

"Very well," he said, "First, why did you prevent me from assisting earlier when that boy tried to attack you, and you kept saying that you 'had no backup' or that teacher came to your rescue when I was right there?"

I brushed a few stray hairs away from my eyes, "Like I told you before, I need to let myself be beat up. And as for the backup thing, I don't want my friends to know about you."

"You have not told them about you being the heir to the throne," Fright Knight said disapprovingly.

"Yes, and I plan to keep it that way. For now. Maybe I just won't tell them at all," I returned. I took a deep breath in and let it out, "Anything else?"

"Yes, I must report back to Plasmius tonight," he told me, "As you know, I was ordered to spy on you and he expects a report. I am not sure on what I should tell him."

I shrugged, "Just the normal stuff I guess, I've been fighting ghosts, Skulker injured me in our last fight, and my powers are still weird as usual."

Fright Knight nodded and turned to fly off, "Oh and one last thing," he said over his shoulder, "Clockwork came to me and told me to tell you that you still have training today." With that the Spirit of Halloween flew off.

I chuckled, it's just like Clockwork to make sure I don't forget training. White rings washed over me as I turned back to my human self and walked into my house.

"Mom, Dad I'm home," I called. No answer. I ducked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

'Jazz and Danny, Your father and I had to run out for a bit. There is some leftovers in the fridge next to the ectoplasmic samples. Will be home by 7. Love, Mom.

I grinned as I wrote a note as well saying that I was at the library studying. With that I ran down to the lab, transforming as I went and flew into the Ghost Portal.

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