Chapter 1: An Unexpected Announcement

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to the new (and hopefully improved) 'Halfa Prince. Now, the goal here is to not have a complete re-write. I want to combine chapters, fix grammar and spelling errors, change some plot details and so on and so forth. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this. I hope you enjoy :)

Oh also, just to keep the plot similar, everything but Phantom Planet has happened in this book.

Third Person POV

In a small town not known by many, in a large building with a neon sign on the front of it, were three teens hiding in a laboratory-looking basement. A raven-haired boy sat on a stool while his gothic, violet-eyed friend bandaged his arm which had a rather large gash in it. Next to the boy was an African-American teen who was busily tapping away on his beloved PDA.

The raven haired boy hissed slightly as the bandages around his arm tightened. The girl looked up at her friend, her expression mixed between anger and worry. The boy smiled. "Don't worry Sam, it's just a scratch." He assured her.

The girl's, Sam's, expression immediately turned deadly serious. "A scratch?!" She half shouted, "Danny Fenton, you have a gash about the size of a ruler on your arm that required at least three stitches!" She sighed as she began packing up her first aid kit. "Forget studying Shakespeare, I'm up to my neck in medical books. I swear, at this rate I might as well consider pursing nursing as a future career."

The African-American boy chuckled. "As if you could treat anyone other than Danny. No offence Sam, but you're not exactly a people person."

Sam gained a devious grin on her face. "You have a point Tucker. Though your opinion about me treating other people might change once I make you one of my 'patients'." Same finished this statement by curling her right hand into a fist and punching it into her left palm.

Tucker yelped in fear and clutched his PDA close to his chest, scooting a safe distance away from Sam. "No thank you ma'am. I do not need a trip to the hospital." Suddenly, Tucker's PDA began to beep and he became engrossed in it again.

Danny smiled and sighed softly.It had been almost a year since the accident that caused ordinary Danny Fenton to turn into the hero known as Danny Phantom. Over the course of one year, Danny had mastered his powers quite well. He no longer went intangible accidentally, could create at least 4 to 5 successful duplicates of himself and his ice abilities had improved greatly. Not to mention all the ghost fighting had caused him to build a little muscle.

But he wasn't the only one of their friend group to have changed. Both Sam and Tucker had better strength, endurance and stamina. Both of his friends had slightly visible muscle tone on them, yes even including Tucker. The technogeek seemed to have built up a lot of his strength by lugging his beloved technology everywhere.

Danny was snapped out of his thoughts by Sam flicking his forehead. "Hey, don't zone out on me Ghost Boy. You're not out of trouble yet." The gothic teen did one final glance over the bandages on Danny's arm before she fully closed her first-aid kit. She then lectured him about remembering to change the bandages regularly. To Danny, it practically went in one ear and out the other.

"Man, this is getting weird." Tucker said aloud. Both Sam and Danny turned to their geeky friend. Tucker held up his PDA, showing graph on the screen with an arrow steadily rising on it. "I don't know how he's doing it, but Skulker keeps upgrading his tech every time you two fight. But there have been no robberies lately that would allow Skulker to improve his tech like this."

Danny slipped a sweatshirt over his head and closed his eyes. "Probably Plasmius. Skulker is his lap-dog after all." Danny rotated his arm a few times, testing the pain and sensitivity of his arm. Due to his advanced healing factor it wouldn't be long until his arm was back to normal but he still had to be careful with it. "He does Vlad a favor in return for upgrades."

Sam silently cursed under her breath. "I swear, that man has nothing better to do than make your life miserable."

The halfa laughed. "Well, I'd assume being Mayor is a tough job. I should be flattered he has time to mess with me." Saying this caused Danny to receive a dagger-filled stare from Sam.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you got injured tonight." Tucker interjected. He tapped away on his PDA, not looking up at his friends who gave him confused looks. "You've been training so much lately and the upgrade on Skulker's system wasn't that large. Mostly just his targeting system and weapons control."

Danny furrowed his brow. "Maybe I'm getting cocky?" He muttered.

"Wouldn't surprise me." Sam answered, lightly punching the halfa's non-injured arm. Danny laughed in response and waved his hand in her direction, sending small ice crystals at her face that landed on her cheeks and eyelashes. 

While Sam wiped off the water on her face with her sleeve, Danny turned back to Tucker. "Did you already update the Ghost Zone Database?" He asked, peeking at Tucker's screen. The Ghost Zone Database was something the three of them had started up not to long ago to record all information about ghosts Danny had either fought or allied himself with.

Tucker nodded in response and his eyes widened. "Wow, it's already this late?! Sam, we better get going."

Sam frowned, but gathered up her things, as did Tucker. The violet-eyed girl shot Danny a look. "You better go straight to bed after I leave mister, or next time I come over you'll be spending an hour in the Fenton Thermos." She warned, her tone intimidating yet concerned.

The young halfa smiled. "I promise. I'm just going to tidy up the lab an bit and then right to bed."

Sam looked a little skeptical about her friend's response, but decided not to push the issue further. Danny showed the two to the door before heading back down to the lab. He needed to make sure there were no traces of his blood or any of the medical equipment behind. It was bad enough he was hiding this secret from his parents, but if his sister found out? Let's just say Danny would be permanently six feet under.

After scouring the lab for any traces of his emergency doctor's visit, Danny walked over to the portal to lock it for the night. Suddenly, a cold sensation in rose in the teen's chest and his breath came out in a blue mist. Danny leaped away from the portal, quickly focusing on my ghost core and letting the cool white rings wash over his body, turning raven hair white, blue eyes ectoplasmic green and a familiar black HAZMAT suit to appear on his small body. 

Glowing green energy illuminated Danny's hands as he gained a battle ready stance, awaiting the oncoming intruder. But, much to his surprise, the ghost that emerged from the portal was none other than the Master of Time himself, Clockwork. He was currently in his middle-aged form.

Danny let the energy fade from his hands as he floated closer to Clockwork, confused. He rarely went to see Clockwork and the elder ghost didn't exactly make house calls. "Clockwork?" Danny managed to say, "What are you doing here?"

Clockwork didn't respond, instead he looked at the clock on his staff and then the portal. Danny's ghost sense went off again as three Observants entered the lab through the portal, quickly taking up spots behind and on either side of the young halfa with Clockwork standing almost directly in front of him.

"Clockwork? What's going on? Why are you all here?" He asked, staring up at the old spirit. 

 Clockwork sighed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Apparently, the Observants have very important news for you Danny." He said as he shifted into his toddler form. Clockwork looked as if he wanted to say more, but he appeared to be holding his tongue.

Danny tilted his head in confusion. "Important news from the Observants? For me?" He asked.

"Is the child a boy or a parrot." Muttered one of the Observants.

"This is the child we are trusting the future of our very existence to?" Another thought aloud.

"Silence!" Shouted the third Observant who floated behind Danny. The teen startled and floated closer to Clockwork. He didn't know much about the Observants but from what he'd heard about them from Clockwork and mere gossip from the Ghost Zone, they were not ghosts to be trifled with.

"Danny Phantom!" The three Observants said suddenly, startling the boy once more. "As representatives of the Observant Council, we have come here to tell you that you in line to become the next King of the Ghost Zone."

For many reasons, Danny was secretly glad the walls in the Fenton lab were soundproof. For if they weren't, the entire population of Amity Park would have heard him shout, "WHAT!" 

A/N: Yep, I'm back with this thing. The chapters will get longer as I will be combining a few and adding more details so that way when I come out with the new 'Phantom Prophecy' everything will make more sense. :)

Thank you all so much for your support on this. It's because of you all I had the confidence to re-do this. I hope you enjoy!

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