Chapter 4: A Gift

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Third Person POV

As he continued to fly through the Ghost Zone, Danny kept glancing at the watch on his wrist. The only way to get to Clockwork's tower was to find the one place in the Ghost Zone where time stood still. It sounds easier than it is as Clockwork's tower tends to move around. As Danny continued to fly he noticed Skulker's Island to his far left. Danny made sure to make a sharp right. He glanced at the watch on his wrist once more and noticed the hands begin to slow. Danny then began to slowly float around, waving the watch around until he found the place where his watch stopped completely. The young halfa slowly approached the area until he felt his body become lighter. In a small flash of light, Danny was gone.

When Danny opened his eyes he was staring at the massive tower surrounded by gears. He flew to the main doors, giving them a small knock. The doors creaked open noisily and Danny flew inside. He flew through the main lounge and up a small staircase to where Clockwork's chamber was. He knocked on the door and waited patiently outside until he heard a faint, "Come in."

The young halfa pushed open the doors. Clockwork floated in front of his viewing glass in his middle aged form. When Danny entered he quickly waved his staff over the screen and turned to Danny. "Welcome, Danny." He said with a rare smile. He began to float towards the back of the room where two couches rested. Danny followed after him taking a seat after being offered one by Clockwork. "Before we get started on why I called you here, I believe you have something to say to me." Clockwork said, shooting Danny a smirk.

Danny sighed, of course Clockwork already knew why he really wanted to be here. "Seriously Clockwork, is there no way for me to get out of becoming the Prince or King or whatever?" He asked, sounding slightly desperate.

The Time Master shook his head. "I'm afraid not. The Observants orders are absolute and once they decide on a plan, they stick with it to the bitter end." Clockwork answered. He shifted to his elderly form as he continued, "They have chosen you as their new King and you can't change that." 

Danny's face fell as he realized he was stuck in this situation. "So that's it, huh?" He said solemnly. "I'm going to become a King whether I want to or not."

Clockwork fiddled with his staff as he saw the teen getting more and more upset. His face suddenly lit up as an idea struck. He would cheat a little, just to lift the teen's spirits. "Danny." Clockwork began, drawing the teary eyed teen's attention. "I know this is a lot to throw at you at one time, but I have seen your future. I cannot tell you what your future is as that could severely damage the time stream but, in the end, you make the right choice on what to do with the throne." Clockwork told him.

Danny's teary eyes disappeared in an instant as he thought over Clockwork's words. The older ghost rose from the couch, shifting into his toddler form as he crossed the room. He floated over to a small mantle on the side wall and grabbed a small black box off the top of it. He returned to the couch and sat close to Danny. "I hope this might excite you slightly." Clockwork said, offering the box to the teen.

Danny took the box cautiously and looked over it. There was nothing really special about it. It was a plain black box the size of his palm with an emerald clasp shaped like a skull keeping it shut. Danny opened the box and gasped as his eyes fell upon the contents. An all too familiar completely green ring with a green skull with red eyes and a black background circle. The young halfa looked to Clockwork, worried and confused.

"After the final defeat of Pariah Dark and his formal arrest by the Observant Council, both the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire were put into my possession." Clockwork explained. "I was to give them to the new King when I deemed he was ready." He placed his purple gloved hand on the box and gently shoved it closer to Danny. "I believe you are ready to take the first step towards becoming the King; but the decision is entirely yours."

Danny stared at the glowing ring. It seemed to be calling to him, tempting him with unlimited power. It scared and intrigued the teen at the same time.

"If you are worried about the sudden shift in power, I must inform you that without the Crown of Fire the ring is next to useless." The Time Master said suddenly. Danny looked back at Clockwork, feeling slightly relieved at hearing that. The young halfa removed the ring from the box and placed it on his right ring finger. He felt a cold shiver run down his spine as a small surge of power flowed through him and into his core. 

Clockwork placed a hand on his small chin as he shifted back to his middle aged form. "Though, there are some perks that can come with the ring." He added with a mischievous smirk. Clockwork took the small box from Danny and rose from the couch once more. "Stand up." He told the boy. Danny did as Clockwork said, feeling slightly shaky on his feet. "Now. Let the energy in your core flow through you, just as Frostbite had taught you to control your ice powers." Clockwork instructed. 

Danny nodded and closed his eyes, thinking back to his training from Frostbite. The energy flowed through his veins and he felt a cold sensation wash over his body. When Danny opened his eyes he was staring at an elderly, smiling Clockwork. "Now, go look in the mirror." Clockwork said, gesturing to a long rectangular mirror of to the side.

The young halfa walked over to the mirror and his eyes widened in amazement. His regular HAZMAT suit was gone, and in its place was a set of regal looking clothes. He had solid white boots and his pants became a more cloth-like material and were black on the sides. He had a black long sleeved shirt with white on the collar, and in stripes running down his arms and his DP symbol in the center of his chest in white. He wore a shiny white cape that was attached to his shoulders by silver clasps and it flowed behind him gracefully. Danny walked towards the mirror and placed his hand on the glass, as if trying to confirm that it was really him reflecting in that mirror.

Clockwork couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's childlike amazement. "I assume that this look is to your liking then." He said, floating closer to the young halfa. Danny whipped around and nodded so hard Clockwork feared that the teen's head would fall off. The Time Master smiled, "I'm glad you like it."

"Like it?!" Danny shouted, a wide smile plastered on his face. "I love it!" He jumped in the air and began flying in circles, looking back at the cape flowing behind him. He laughed loudly as he soared around the room, doing some twirls and spins and one or two loop-de-loops. He landed on the ground beside Clockwork, still grinning from ear to ear.

"I am pleased to hear that." Clockwork said, shifting to his middle aged form. "Now, this ring does not come with just a fancy new costume change, Danny. It is an opening to a whole new world of power." He advised. Danny lifted the ring to his own face, staring deep into the eyes of the skull on the ring. Clockwork continued, "If you would like, I could help teach you how to control it so when you are given the Crown of Fire you will be ready."

Danny looked to Clockwork, utterly shocked as his jaw dropped to the floor. He quickly composed himself, forming a small smile. "That would be awesome." He said to Clockwork.

The older ghost fiddled with his staff. "Is it safe to take that as a yes then?" He asked, causing him to receive a knowing look from the teen. "Excellent." Clockwork said, "Now you have both a regular Phantom form and a Phantom Prince form. To switch between the two just focus on the unfamiliar energy you feel in your core and bring it forth." 

Danny nodded and did as he was told, focusing in on his core and searching for a new and unfamiliar source of power. He found it and commanded it forth, letting the energy flow through his body. He felt the cooling sensation of the white rings wash over his body and when he opened his eyes he was back in his regular HAZMAT suit. Danny looked over his body, observing his reflection in the mirror as if checking to make sure everything was where it should be. His eyes then widened as he noticed the Ring of Rage was missing.

Clockwork watched the teen begin to panic as his head whipped around looking for the ring. The Time Master decided to quickly reassured him before the poor teen gave himself whiplash. "The ring rests within your Prince transformation. It is completely safe, do not fret." He told Danny.

Danny sighed with relief, though he still looked at the hand which the ring formerly rested upon. He flexed his hand, thinking it odd that he knew it was still there but he could not feel it.

Clockwork nodded as he floated back to the large viewing screen near the front of the room. "Now with that settled, I suggest you get back home. The library is closing soon." The Time Master warned gently. He heard the teen gasp, shout a quick thank you and fly out of the tower through the window. Not the most polite exit but Clockwork would allow it, this time. The screens in front of the Time Master flickered to life showing swirling masses of blue. He began to watch over present events, making sure the parade went on interrupted.

Suddenly, Clockwork heard the clinking of glass and noticed a few of his screens shaking and bumping into each other. He looked to his left and noticed the books and other objects he had resting on the mantles shake, with some falling off the mantles and onto the floor. The entire castle itself seemed to be shaking. The Time Master watched as he screens flickered slightly, with the images becoming staticky and a small buzzing noise to echo through the room. Less than a second after the event began it stopped.

The Time Master's grip on his staff tightened. This was odd. More than odd, it was... unheard of. His screens show the progression of time flawlessly. There was never a time in all of history where his viewing screens showed any sign of interference. The elder ghost stroked his long beard in thought. Something big was happening in the Ghost Zone; and Clockwork feared it would bring forth many troubles for him.

A/N: This is really short. For that I apologize but the next chapter should be a normal length (well, for me anyways lol). So I did a lot of changing in this chap since I am abandoning the whole "Clockwork is Danny's secret mentor" thing. I also inserted a few more small details that will make sense as the story progresses. I think the way I did it works better with how I am altering the series now and I hope you all will enjoy the new plans I have in place when they come to pass. For now though, thank you all for reading and I'll see you all in the next one!

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