Chapter 7: Happy Birthday Pt.1

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Third Person POV

It was close to early morning when Danny and Fright Knight arrived back at Fenton Works. The two ghosts phased into Danny's room where the halfa transformed back into his human self and plopped onto the bed, exhausted.

"Were you able to learn how to control the ring, my liege?" Fright Knight asked, hovering next to Danny.

The teen smiled and nodded, lifting his right hand to stare at the finger where the ring rested in his Prince form. "It actually was easier than I thought it would have been." He replied, sounding a little cocky. Danny sat up on the bed and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Fright Knight," he began suddenly sounding serious, "why did Clockwork ask us to leave all of a sudden?".

Fright Knight was silent. He turned away from his charge and faced the window. "I must report to Plasmius." He said and phased through the wall. Danny leaped to his feet and ran to the window, looking out into the night sky. Fright Knight had turned himself invisible so Danny couldn't see him or follow him.

The young halfa flopped back onto his bed, defeated. Why did Clockwork chase him out so suddenly? And what was with that tiny earthquake at the tower? Danny sighed; as if his life wasn't already crazy enough. He quickly changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed, thankful that tomorrow was the weekend. He would talk to Fright Knight in the morning and he would order an answer out of him. Wait, could he do that? Danny shook off all thoughts of Fright Knight and Clockwork and fell into a dreamless sleep.


"And that's why I will never again take my PDA into the shower with me." Tucker said as he took a bite out of his Nasty Burger.

Danny and Sam exchanged a look and sighed in unison, shaking their heads at their friend who was sitting across from them. The three friends had agreed to meet up at Nasty Burger to discuss Danny's birthday which was tomorrow. Though this meet up was originally supposed to be about Danny, Tucker had been talking for the past 20 minutes on why he had destroyed yet another one of his PDA's.

Sam turned to Danny, resting her elbow on the table. "So, what crazy ghost hunting weapon do you parents have planned for your present this year?" She asked.

Danny shrugged. "I honestly have no idea what they're doing this year. They've been pretty tight lipped for some reason." He answered. Usually his parents were wild when it came to his birthday but this year they seemed really relaxed. Danny couldn't help but chuckle when he thought of how crazy his life had gotten in such a short amount of time.

The young halfa felt a chill run up his spine as a blue mist escaped from his lips. "It is just me, my liege." Fright Knight's voice whispered. All three teens jumped at the sudden voice.

"Do you have to deal with that all the time?" Tucker whispered, looking around to try and figure out where Fright Knight's voice was coming from.

Danny smiled and nodded. Actually, he was really thankful that Fright Knight had shown up. When Danny woke up in the morning, his bodyguard still hadn't returned. Whether it was because of Vlad or he was just trying to avoid Danny the teen didn't know. But now that he was here, Danny could finally ask him about Clockwork.

Just as Danny was about to open his mouth, Fright Knight spoke instead. "I apologize for interrupting you, my liege, but our presence has been requested at the castle. Immediately" The ghostly knight explained. 

There was a slight sense of urgency in Fright Knight's voice that Danny had never heard before. The teen looked to his friends who shared a concerned expression. 

Sam stood up from her seat, an excited smile on her face. "Well, then let's get going!" She said happily, but also quietly; they were in a restaurant after all.

"No," Fright Knight replied instantly, "I am afraid you cannot come with us.". The three teens looked at where they assumed Fright Knight was. "Humans are not generally allowed in the Ghost Zone. Especially with the current situation. It was purely luck that you two were able to enter without issue in the past." Fright Knight explained. Danny felt a hand rest on his shoulder. "Hopefully in the future, our new Prince will be able to change this rule.".

Danny smiled and sighed, offering an apologetic smile to his friends. Without a word, they understood and waved Danny off. The young halfa ran out of the restaurant to the back of the building. "I'm going ghost!" He shouted as two white rings washed over his body, transforming him into his alter ego. Fright Knight dropped his invisibility and the two ghosts flew in the direction of Fenton Works.

littlest line break is here providing a necessary cuteness break! i made everyone some cookies! i hope you like them! enjoy the rest of the chapter!

Danny and Fright Knight arrived at the newly dubbed Phantom's Keep and were immediately shown in. Before that though, Fright Knight had instructed Danny to transform into his prince form. When Danny asked why Fright Knight had just replied, "I think it'll suit the occasion.". Danny didn't know how to respond to that so he just did as he was told.

The butler ghost Danny had met when he had first arrived at the castle met them in the entry hall. He bowed to Danny, "Welcome back sire. I apologize for the state of your castle." He said.

At first Danny was confused by the butler's words, but he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Some of the suits of armor lining the walls were on the ground in piles or crushed by large pieces of stone that had fallen from the ceiling. Some tapestries had tears in them and bits of rubble littered the ground. "What happened?" Danny asked, looking around the room.

The butler straightened his suit and stood out of Danny's way, gesturing to the door at the end of the hall. "I unfortunately cannot answer any of your questions at the moment sire. The Time Master is awaiting you in the throne room." He said, giving Danny a small bow.

Danny opened his mouth to ask again but he was quickly led to the doors by Fright Knight. The two ghosts entered the grand foyer where Danny noticed the continued pattern of destruction. The castle staff seemed to be working extra hard to fix the damages but Danny didn't see much of it as his bodyguard continued to lead him quickly through the room, up the grand staircase at the end of the room and through the large doors leading to the throne room. 

Once they passed through the doors, they instantly noticed Clockwork talking to another member of the castle staff, a maid judging by her uniform. The destruction in the throne room seemed to worse than any other part of the castle Danny had seen and multiple ghosts were working to clean up the damage and fix what they could. Parts of the ceiling had fallen, causing major damage to the floor. Torches that lined the wall had either fallen off or were completely destroyed. The stone steps leading up to the throne were crumbling and looked more like a pile of rocks than stairs. The only thing left perfectly unharmed was the throne itself.

Danny flew over to Clockwork and the maid with Fright Knight close behind. The maid noticed Danny approaching them and she bowed. The young halfa ignored the bow and focused on Clockwork. "What happened to the castle?!" Danny asked, sounding concerned. He wondered why he felt so distressed about the castle being destroyed, it's not like he even wanted it to begin with.

Clockwork shifted to his middle-aged form as he turned to Danny. "That is what I was just about to find out." He answered, tilting his head toward the maid who was still bowing.

Danny felt his cheeks burn and he quickly apologized. "You really don't have to bow to me." Danny said. "I'm not even the prince yet.".

The maid rose and smiled at Danny. She had black hair that was tied back in a bun, sparkling green eyes and light blue skin, with a small mole above the right side of her lip. She wore along black dress with long sleeves and a white collar. A pressed white apron was worn overtop and frills line the bottom and arms of the apron. A small maid's cap was on her head and she held a feather duster in her hand. "Understood sire." She answered. Danny was surprised to hear she had a French accent. The maid turned back to Clockwork. "Like I said before, the castle has been suffering from small tremors." She said.

"And when did the first tremor happen?" Clockwork asked her.

The maid placed a hand on her chin, looking to the ceiling. "I would say... about three days ago." She replied.

Clockwork's eyes widened. Three days ago? The Time Master's eyes wandered until he was looking at Danny. He had given Danny the Ring of Rage nearly three days ago. Clockwork silently hoped it was just a coincidence, but he had been around long enough to know that there was no such thing as coincidences. "He's coming." Clockwork whispered.

As Clockwork finished his sentence, another tremor struck the castle. It was a small one and lasted less than a second, but it was enough to make some ghosts in the room lose their balance, with a few even falling to the ground.

"Hey, isn't this like the quake that happened at your tower?" Danny asked Clockwork. The Time Master offered no response. Just as Danny was about to ask again, another tremor struck. 

This one was far stronger. All the ghosts in the room lost their balance, even those in the air, and fell to the ground. Danny stumbled around trying to keep his balance, when he saw a crack form in the ceiling and center around a weakened part of the ceiling above them. It came loose and started to fall towards the four ghosts.

"My liege!" Fright Knight shouted as he grabbed Danny under his arm and flew away from the falling piece of ceiling. The ghostly knight drew his sword and sliced up smaller pieces of debris that were falling towards them. When the tremor finally stopped, Fright Knight released Danny. He apologized for the rough handling and asked Danny if he was injured which he was not, much to Fright Knight's relief. Danny looked to the other side of the room and saw that Clockwork had gotten the maid out of danger. 

"Is anyone hurt?!" One of the butlers in the room shouted.

"Over here!" Shouted another servant in reply. It was a footman and he was holding a small green-skinned girl with braided blonde hair in a maid's uniform who had a large gash on her leg and forehead. 

"Talia!" Screamed the maid Clockwork had helped. She flew to the girl's, Talia's, side. She took the girl from the footman and cradled her in her arms. 

Danny flew over to the maid and knelt by her side. "Is there a hospital wing?" He asked. The maid looked at Danny with tears in her eyes and nodded. "Let's get her there then." He said with a smile. Fright Knight took Talia from the maid's arms and followed Danny and the maid out of the room.

As the other members of the staff were checked for injuries, the doors to the throne room flew open and three angry Observants flowed in. "What is the meaning of this?!" The Observant leading the others shouted, gesturing to the destroyed room.

"Just a small accident, nothing to be concerned over." Answered Clockwork, floating over to the Observants as he shifted to his elderly form. Perfect, just perfect. The Observants were the last thing he needed to deal with right now.

This seemed to anger the Observants more. Just as they were about to shout something else at Clockwork, Danny and Fright Knight returned.

"Talia's gonna be ok." Danny said cheerfully as he entered the throne room, Fright Knight shadowing him. "But Nina is going to stay with her for a bit so I said she could take a break as long as she need to." He finished as he noticed the Observants in the room. The teen halfa froze in his tracks and looked to Clockwork.

One of the Observants narrowed it's giant eye at Danny and noticed the Ring of Rage on his finger. The large eye widened immediately and he turned to Clockwork furious. "You gave the boy the ring!?" The Observant shouted. The two other Observants turned around and gazed at Danny's altered appearance and the presence of the ring on his right hand.

"Yes." Clockwork answered simply, adjusting the time on his staff. He seemed to be only half-listening to whatever the Observants were saying.

The Observant in front approached Clockwork. He started, "How could you do something like this without alerting the coun-"

"The boy is my responsibility is he not?" Clockwork interrupted, glaring at the Observant. He floated closer to the ghost which caused the slender ghost to back up a bit. "Whatever I choose to do with him or give him is my choice and the council has no right to interfere." Clockwork said coldly. "I thought him ready to wear the ring, so I gave it to him. End of story." As Clockwork finished, the Observants seemed to shrink away from his gaze.

Danny felt relieved that Clockwork wasn't in trouble because of him but he couldn't help but glance at the ring. Was him having it such a major issue?

The lead Observant cleared their throat. "Well, that's good and all." His large eyeball scanned the room, squinting at some of the major damages. "The coronation will continue as planned. No objections." He said firmly. The other Observants nodded in agreement and Clockwork lowered his head slightly to show that he acknowledged this fact.

After the Observants and Clockwork conversed a little more in private, the Observants left. Clockwork floated over to Danny and Fright Knight, with his attention on the bodyguard. "From today onward you are not to leave the young prince's side. This is an order." Clockwork said firmly.

Fright Knight nodded, placing a hand on his sword. "I will have to explain my extended absence to Plasmius." He explained.

"That is understandable." Clockwork replied. The Time Master then looked to Danny. "Are you alright?" He asked, his tone gentle and slightly concerned. Danny flashed him a smile and nodded. Clockwork smiled gently, "Good. Now, you best be off now. You have a big day tomorrow after all." Clockwork finished with a wink. Danny smiled once more and waved goodbye to everyone before he and Fright Knight flew out of the throne room.

Clockwork sighed as he shifted to his toddler form. "Of all times for me to be right," he muttered clasping his hands behind his back as he floated slowly out of the throne room, "It had to be about him,".

Hello everyone, I am the Posh Line Break. May I compliment you on your lovely outfit? It is perfect for your figure. Here, have a pair of boots from my exclusive line. I do hope you like them. Now, back to the chapter!

"A leave of absence?" Vlad questioned, stroking his chin. 

"Yes, I cannot reveal the direct means of my absence as my associates prefer to remain nameless but I must inform you that I will be out of your service for an extended period of time," Fright Knight said formally, bowing to his master.

Vlad sighed, folding his hands over his mouth. "It is allowed."

Fright Knight rose, nodding at Vlad before flying upwards and phasing through the ceiling. He started flying back to Fenton Works, the only thing on his mind was to protect his soon-to-be King.

Vlad lowered his hands to reveal a devilish grin. He relished in this confirmation as his partner revealed themself from the shadows. "I believe this does confirm your suspicions Plasmius," the mysterious figure said monotonously.

"Not entirely, but it is enough," Vlad replied, spinning around in his chair. He stared out his large window up at the moon high above. It shone down on him as his eyes reflected scarlet in the silvery beams. "It seems a little Phantom is to be the new King."

Meanwhile, at Fenton Works...

Danny rested on his bed, bored out of his mind. His powers were itching to emerge so he could go out on patrol but Fright Knight and Clockwork had both been very stern that he was not to go anywhere without Fright Knight near him. The halfa knew there was something that they weren't telling him but frankly, he doubted that if he asked he would get a straight answer; if any answer at all.

As Danny sighed and closed his eyes, a chill ran up his spine and his inner core began to pulse painfully. He sat up with a start, clutching his chest and letting out heavy breaths. Ice coursed through his veins and invaded in mind, pounding his head and causing a large migraine to start. His right ring finger began to burn and felt like it was being sawed off. Danny bit his tongue to keep from screaming and a copper taste assaulted his mouth.

"Oh dear, does that ever look painful," a voice whispered from beside Danny.

Despite his pained state, the teen slowly turning his head to see a ghost hidden beneath a black cloak. He knew he should activate his powers but at this point he could barely focus on getting air into his lungs. Danny's head started to feel light and his vision was fading.

"Now now, we can't have that. I went through a lot of trouble to get here and talk to you. I won't have you pass out on me just yet," the ghost added quickly. His hand began to glow with shimmering violet energy and he placed his hand on Danny's chest. At once, Danny's condition improved. Air rushed into his lungs as the ice in his veins melted. "I see my arrival has caused quite the strenuous effect on your body. Though this was possible," the ghost mused to himself, removing his hand from Danny's body.

"Who... are... you," Danny managed to utter as his body began to recuperate. He tried to summon forth his ghost form, but found the effort useless. 'What would even be the point?'  he thought to himself, 'I can't even move right now, much less fight him.' Instead he started praying that 

Even though Danny could not see the ghost's face beneath the cloak's hood, he could tell the ghost was smiling. "I am, what you could call, an adviser," he started, crossing one of his arms across his torso and bowing. "I was the former Ghost King's most trusted adviser. I served him loyally throughout his rein and have returned to serve the new King."

Danny was immediately in defense mode. His muscles tensed and he urged his powers to come forward. He felt his core pulse in response, yet still no rings.

"No need to be frightened young Prince, I am here to show my loyalty to the crown once more," the ghost continued. He gently grabbed Danny's right wrist and lifted it to reveal the Ring of Rage. "I see the Time Master has given you the ring, this is promising."

Danny's eyes widened. Why was the ring showing itself in his human form?

The ghost noticed this and let go of Danny's wrist, letting it fall back to the bed and flop around like a dead fish. "You have questions, I can see," the ghost observed, removing his hood. He had a wrinkled grey face and long, oily black hair. His eyes burned red and a scar ran down his right eye. "I am Vizier, your loyal servant."

Vizier's eyes darted to the window and quickly back to Danny. "If you want to discover the true power of the ring, call for me. I will be at your side and guide you, my Prince," Vizier finished, bowing quickly before disappearing in a ripple of grey smoke.

Mere seconds after Vizier vanished, Fright Knight flew in through the window. His eyes immediately went to his young Prince and widened with panic. He floated to Danny's side, frantically looking at the boy from head to toe. "My Prince! What has happened to you? You look like you are in pain!" Fright Knight exclaimed.

The ghostly knight helped Danny sit up as the teen felt his powers finally return. He created a small orb of ecto-energy in his palm and stared into it deeply, letting the power reflect in his eyes. "Fright Knight," he began, "have you ever heard of a ghost called, Vizier?"

A/N: I know, I know, this chapter is way overdue. I'm really sorry. I've been lacking in motivation lately and keep coming with ideas for other stories and other things but I just keep losing motivation and devote my creative energy to watching anime or TV or doing literally anything other than not contributing to my ongoing works/art. For this I apologize. This is 100% on me and I know I should try to better myself. I am making a resolution to be more active (in creating and in real life) in the future and I hope I can stick to it this time. 

I hope you all continue to stay with me and be patient as I work through this. :)

As always, I will see you all in the next one!

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