The Hammer Demon. Prologue.

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I can remember the day that my history class went to Scotland for-what they called-a tour through history. It was somewhat lame... I mean I liked the castles and the battlefields as well as the wall that was made by the Romans, but everything else was underwhelming. Well, it was until we were taken to another medieval castle and the forge. I just watched as the men brought there hammer down onto the steel and I could feel the force of the hit. The glow of the metal, It's bending and twisting as the men before me swung their hammers down hitting the steel again, and again.

The bright sparks from the two pieces of metal hitting flew up into the air like fireworks. It was entrancing. I could feel the heat of the fire as they forged swords, armor, spears, and shields. It was Incredible. As soon as my class got done with the trip to Scotland and got back home to America, I looked everywhere to become an apprentice to a blacksmith.

As luck would have it, I found one. A man by the name of Tyler. He was this burly Japanese guy 5'5", all muscle, and kinda looked like a dwarf. His arms were covered in scars as well as Japanese tattoos. I did not know much about Japanese, but the more I learned from him, the more I understood. Well, mainly just Japanese curses and slang. I mean come on I am only an American. Well more like an American Mutt you name the violent culture, I'm it. Life was fun, things were going great; I was planning on going into The Army after high school and as a Jr, I had only one year left. Which left me training for my enlistment. That was until I got a message from my mom. She told me that my older brother who was in the Air Force said that I could see him in Japan. I was pumped; we were going to have a blast.


Sam sat up from his bed looking at his phone with a slight smile on his face. It was close to three days until he went to Japan, he would be staying there with his eldest brother. He was once again pumped. He got up from his twin size bed, which was a tad bit small, but it suited his needs. He walked over to his pinewood desk looking at some of the drawings that where there. One of the sketches was of a helmet the other a gauntlet. Smiling he reached over and picked up a pair of pants and a dark green shirt. He looked at his room. The slight disorganization would bug his mother, but he was "packing" so he had a reasonable excuse.

Walking out of his room he ran into his other older Brother James, who was a head shorter than him but Sam being at 6'3" that was understandable. What James lacked in height he made up for in mass, it's not like Sam had any less mass it just that he was leaner to James stocky build. Heck, he kind of reminded Sam of a boxer, which made it all the more funnier when you find out that he was going to be a pastor.

"Morning bro," James said as he walked past having a slight smile on his face.

"Morning James," Sam responded as he walked downstairs in his three-story home.

Entering the kitchen, he saw his little sister with her nose in a book, reading what would surprise most people-a D&D 5th edition characters book. Looking at her no one would think she was a nerd, maybe a cheerleader. She did have a pretty athletic body and was very aggressive as well as smart, but nerd no.

Sam smiled as he looked at his little sister. "I see that you are in the Kitchen where you belong." Sam had to dodge the projectile that was the D&D book aimed at his head as his sister sneered at him.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." She turned away walking out of the room. "Good morning to you too little sis."

She smiled turned around and hugged him. "Have fun in Japan and tell Jimmy hi from us. It has been too long since he called."

Sam smiled as he hugged her back, then in a face of complete and utter seriousness. He pushed her back to arms reach and looked down at her. As she looked a little confused.

"I Sam Saber Rouge at this moment give My little sister all of my equipment until I get back from Japan. For the remainder of any, and all D&D matches that may occur." Sam smiled as he looked down at his little sister who smiled back before things started to get darker. Sam's hands began to smolder and smoke as he looked done at them Flames burst out of them as they began to consume his body but leaving it unharmed.

"Sara, what is happening?" He asked his sister. Who was still smiling as if nothing was wrong, she as well was not moving, like time itself had stopped. His flesh started to scream in agony as the flames appeared to devour him. His little sister was also not spared from the flames as she and everything that Sam had ever affected was burned before his eyes leaving nothing, as his world succumbed to the flames. Kneeling in the ashes of what was once his life Sam lifted his soot-covered hands. 

The same hands that held his little sister a few moments ago. He could feel the flames boil his flesh and blood but when a tendril of fire came to his left eye Sam saw it. He saw a world where there stood a mighty city with towers branching off of it surrounded by water and with waving banners. In the city, he saw four People that wore modern cloths contradicting where they currently were but one thing he did notice was the fact that they had weapons, a sword, a bow, a spear, and a shield. Then Sam's world changed again as he was in what he would call a living hell as the sky was blood red and the floor was littered with pits and holes spewing a crimson mist which twisted and surrounded the monsters watching him.

"Look at the poor boy." a voice from behind him spoke. Causing Sam to turn around and there standing before him was a man.

"Left all alone, torn from his world into a world that did not want him." Looking at the man he appeared to be wearing dark armor with dark gray as the prime, and maroon as the accents. The man's helmet was very spartan with only two ram horns flanking each side of his cheeks. Flaming coal like eyes looked back at him. The man's chest piece was pierced from what one could only assume to be a fatal blow but he still stood in front of Sam.

"Yet he still lives on with anger and rage. Wanting revenge for what was taken from him. But has yet to receive his Insanity," With that, the man kneeled down in front of him. Lifting Sam up as the flames left his body. "All he needs is his weapon." With that, the man reached behind his back and pulled what could only be a war Hammer of unreal design. It was at least 5 feet long from pommel to head with the head appearing to be that of a mask being held like a gem in the middle of the hammers face leading to three spikes flanking a center spike in the back of the hammer, in the middle of the hammer on both sides was a pitch black gem that gleamed like obsidian which was surrounded by a blood red ring of metal. The hilt of the hammer was long with metal encasing it near the hammerhead and pummel. the wood was black as well countering the silver mettle with a slight red tint to it. The pummel was a short blade like a jagged dagger which was a foot long.

The man took Sam's hands as he gave him the hammer. "Out of the 4 times, people have been summoned from other worlds only I have been able to bring the hammer to this form. I pass the hammer onto you. As my heir to wreak revenge on the ones that have summoned us and tore apart our worlds. You will not be able to use your power in their world until after the next wave has passed. Until then kill. KILL ALL THE MONSTERS HERE MAKE YOURSELF STRONGER AND MAKE THE PEOPLE REMEMBER THE HAMMER THAT MADE THE FOUR HEROS!!!" With that, Sam was once again engulfed into flames as he screamed and clenched the hammer. The man before him pulled out a knife placed it into Sam's hand then pulled the hand with the blade to where it pierced the men's throat killing him. With that, a rush of power went through Sam as his body was lifted up and something popped up in front of him like a Screen.

Killed the Lord of the Hammer Waves Lv: ??? (Due to not being past level cap you can only be at level 40.) (Warning do to not being high enough you are unable to see the Lord of The Hammer Waves Level.)

Weapon: the Hammer of Destruction. (Can still be upgraded and changed.) (Do to not being level 50 you can't use the Hammer of Creation.)

You have mastered Destruction Magic and do not need to say the name of spells to use them.

Warning: (Due to not knowing any spells you must at least use a destruction spell once to master the Spell.)

You have the Helm of The Lord, as Well as the Armor of the Heros. (The armor of the heroes was made by the first Lord of The Hammer who made the Four heroes and the Four weapons.) It has High levels of defenses and can only be pierced with the combined force of the maxed out Heroes.

Warning: (Cannot wear the Helm of The Lord nor the Armor of the Hero's because of low level.)

Equipping: helm of the Prince and Armor of the Outcasts (Armor of the outcast is the lesser version of the Armor of the Heros.) Armor of the outcast was made after the Hero of the Hammer was scorned and rejected by the people.

As the Words flashed before Sam he felt armor appear onto him as thick plates came onto his chest and gauntlets went into his arms and legs with the forms of wolves on the elbows and knees. Dark leather pants and sleeves were put on instead of full leg plates and arm plates as well as some waste guards protecting his exposed sides. The chest piece resembled a wolfs head with a star in the center and a metal stud coming off of it. It as well had what would appear to be black wolf's fur going around the collar.

Then leather went around Sams' neck as the helmet was placed into the same hand that once held the knife. Sam looked down at it. Then collapsed down to his knees as he dropped the helmet and the hammer, both laying in front of him as he kneeled over and wept. Tears going down his face as they left clean trails over where the fire had covered. His gloved hands with the metal studs pulled at his hair as he felt what happened to him crash into him like a ton of bricks. Lifting his head up he screamed out as the monsters that were surrounding him started to approach. He looked back down to his hammer and helmet. The helmet appeared to be like that of a crusaders helmet but smaller, almost like the ones from the game Destiny, mainly the Age of Iron titan's. It still had the two horns flanking the cheeks but know had what could be described as a small crown. Looking at it he picked it up and placed it onto his head. Lifting his head he grabbed the Hammer testing its weight.

"It's lite. That is surprising." Sam muttered to himself his voice empty, as he looked at the hammer then the monster. "I might be in this world but that does not matter. I will kill all of you if it means that I can get back home!" Sam shouted as he raised the hammer up higher and charged at the monsters. Flames surrounded the hammer as Sam swung it down onto the first Wave. 

(There you go I was asked and so I gave. The first Sheild hero Fanfiction, That I am awar of, In wattpad and only at 2,180 words. 

I am really happy with this story and can't wait to see where it goes. Please tell me if a make a mistake in the story and where to fix it. 

Also, leave a comment and ask me a question. Finaly leave a comment on which song you think would make a good end credits song these are the ones that I think are good.  

Vote on the ones you like or submit one of your own.





That is all this is Specter343 out.) 

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