Chapter Eight: Audible Or Not...

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I walked into the empty classroom with the man that had shown me around. He explained that art class is mostly a pick-your-project class, but you can't sit around and talk all period. The bell rang, and he said goodbye before walking off. I sat at a table as I watched students walk in with their friends and sit. I started doodling on a blank sheet of paper, waiting for some teacher.

"This seat taken?" A familiar voice asked from above me. I looked up to see a blonde-haired fellow with blue eyes like Brian's and my own. I shook my head and continued to doodle a random design for a tattoo.

"Hey, that looks cool," he claimed, sitting down to the left of me.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"You shy now? You didn't seem like it during enrichment," he reminded me. I shook my head, remembering the period before hand in the office.

"Sorry FourZeroSeven," I apologized, smiling a bit.

"There's a smile. That's what I was looking for," he pointed out. I looked up at him to see a giant grin across his face. I smiled back and continued to doodle. He sighed, and I looked back up at him again. He wore a frown this time and I'm not gonna lie; it hurt a bit to see him upset.

"So, he told yah to stay away from us, huh?" He asked, starting to draw random lines on a paper. I stayed silent and looked back at my paper when he tried to look at me.

"Thought so." He stood up and walked to somewhere else. I felt some sort of pain inside. I don't even know how that's possible as I just formally met him about five minutes ago, but since I've watched their content, it feels like I've known them all for years. I sighed and ran a hand over my face.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. I knew he wouldn't hear it, but I knew I had to say it. It had to be said. Audible or not. He didn't sit next to me again until the very end of class. He slid a paper my way. It had a ten-digit number with a smiley face at the end. I smiled at the gesture and tore the paper in half, not taring the written part. I wrote my number on the other half with my own smiley face and slid it back in the direction without looking up. I heard him gasp a bit and a pencil scribbled on a paper before a note was passed to me again.

"U can stay away w/still talking to us, right?" My smile grew at the suggestion as I scribbled down my response below.

"U bet! I don't think some of ur friends would want 2 talk 2 me tho. I think I upset them when I talked 2 the bitch table." I passed the note back and he chuckled a bit. More scribbling could be heard and the note was back to me again.

"Sure they would! How about this; I'll keep ur number a secret and don't mention that I talk 2 u. Would that make u happy?" I felt myself internally awe at the kindness he shown me. I scribbled down an answer and passed the paper back.

"Thanks Scotty." The scribbling from him was short as was the reply.

"Of course, Kiddo." Something was erased underneath it, but the words over lapped so much that I couldn't tell what it said. We continued working in silence and I felt happy that at least one of them isn't mad at me.

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