Chapter Four: I'm a Subscriber Alright...

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I made my way to my second period class, which was English. I walked in and took a seat near the middle of the classroom. I was one of the first ones to arrive, but afterwards, more boys and girls filed in. A tall, dirty guy walked up to my desk. I tried to avoid eye contact, but I had to when he started talking to me.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing in my seat?" He asked in a low voice. I looked up at his scowling face with a crooked nose. He had a buzz cut out of black hair.

"Uh, I do believe I'm sitting. Does it not look like that?" I asked, looking down at my legs and around at the desk legs before looking at him again. His scowl enlarged as his brown eyes became filled with hate.

"You think you're funny, don't you, pipsqueak?" He asked threateningly.

"Lonnie, beat it before I make you," a voice came from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder before scolding me as he walked back towards the back of the classroom. The one standing behind him was the Asian looking friend of Brian's.

"Hey kiddo," he teased, sitting down to my left.

"Hey Vanoss," I teased back.

"You can call me Evan in schoo- Wait, you recognize me?" He asked, his eyes lighting up. I chuckled and nodded.

"I could tell by yer voice," I admitted. He smiled warmly.

"Hey Evan!" A voice called from the door. Evan and I looked over to see his dark-skinned friend trotting over to the desk in front of the YouTuber and plopping down in the seat.

"Hey Marcel," he responded.

"So, did she know you too, or just me?" Marcel asked in a cocky tone.

"I knew you, Vanoss, Nogla, and Mini," I told him. His cocky smile seemed to dull a bit before perking back up.

"So, you're a sub?" Vanoss asked. I nodded.

"Of all yah guys, including Brian 'er Terroriser," I admitted.

"Well, since this is our technical first meet; Hi. I'm Marcel," Marcel greeted, holding out his hand. I shook it.

"Shona or kid," I announced.

"And I'm Evan," Vanoss said, holding out his hand.

"Pleasure ta' meet ye' two," I claimed, shaking his hand.

"So, Brian has a twin huh?" Marcel asked. I nodded and smiled brightly.

"Meet feh-male Terroriser two point oh," I announced. They chuckled as did I as the teacher walked in.

"Okay everyone, good morning! How is everyone today?" He asked cheerfully.

"We're doing just dandy Mr.P," a guy said from the front, glancing back at me. The teacher looked around at the class and his eyes fell on me.

"Ah, a new comer! Since we're only about two weeks into the year, you should be able to catch up just fine," he announced, grabbing papers off his desk. He brought them back to my desk.

"And I'm sure these two would be willing to assist, won't you, boys?" He asked towards Evan and Marcel while setting papers down in front of me. The boys nodded smiling. The teacher left back up to his desk and gave everyone a free period as a chance for me to get a head start. I turned to the guys.

"Ye' got any idea how ta' do this stuff?" I asked. They started to nod before shaking their heads. I sighed.

"We can help you learn, though. We're good at being idiots," Marcel claimed.

"Don't I know it," I mumbled. I'm assuming they heard, because I heard them trying to hold back their chuckles. I started to work as the two gave me pointers here and there. At the last five minutes, I closed up my stuff and sat back in my seat, waiting for the bell.

"Hey, you're the new kid?" The guy from the beginning of class asked, walking up to my desk. His brown, curly hair was bushed back, away from his freckles and hazel eyes. I looked up at him and nodded. He held out his hand.

"I'm Jeremy. School Quarterback and Goalie," He introduced himself. I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet yah Jeremy. I'm-"

"Beautiful, I know," he flirted, kissing the back of my hand. I internally vomited at the romantics as he let my hand drop.

"Thanks, but I was gonna say Shona," I corrected him. He smiled brightly, chuckling at my small joke.

"Jeremy, what d'you want with the kid?" Marcel asked a bit hostile.

"What d'you mean 'the kid'?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm a younger twin, so I'm the kid compared ta' Brian, my brother," I explained. He smiled at me.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Kid-Shona," he announced, walking back to his own desk. I turned to Marcel and Evan who seemed a bit upset.

"What's wrong guys? Ye' don't like me making new friends?" I asked childishly. They looked at me and their cold looks seemed to fade. Their faces turned neutral as the bell rang.

"See yah guys later."

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