Chapter Ten: The Irish Duo...

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I walked towards music class before someone grab my hand, halting me. I was about to pull away until I looked back and saw Brian. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Hey," he greeted simply. I looked down. He's probably still mad at me for accidentally causing a scene. He probably heard about the scene last period as well. He sighed and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm not mad," he announced. I looked up to him with hopeful eyes.

"Yer not?" I asked. He nodded a confirmation.

"And as f'er the stay away from the guys thing, the Irish are alright. No one has eyes f'er us. At least not yet," he instructed, winking at the end. I chuckled as he hugged me and ran off. I headed towards music and sure enough, I was greeted by the other Irishman. He smiled goofily and waved crazily. I walked over and sat at his round table. He sat alone as the other seat next to him was taken up by his guitar case.

"Yer good ye' know that, Nogla?" I asked rhetorically, sitting down. His smile grew and changed into a cocky grin.

"Yeah, I know," he claimed. We laughed as the teacher started class. He called roll with Nogla and I at the bottom of his list.

"Daithi and Shona? Aw, yes. The Irish. You're the new students. Would you like to show any musical talents you have?" He asked. I nudged Nogla with my elbow a bit.

"No, stop it," he whispered. I rolled my eyes and raised my hand.

"He can play and sing," I announced, pointing at Nogla. He scowled at me as the teacher asked him to play a piece. He sighed and took out his guitar. He took a second to tune it before playing beautifully. He closed his eyes and began to sing with his guitar. I knew it was his own song. He'd recorded a performance and posted it on his channel before. 'Your Love' was the name of the song and it's awesome. Once he was done, everyone sat in silence, including me. His microphone doesn't do him any justice. He's amazing in person. Soon, someone cleared their throat which brought everyone out of their trance and we all clapped for him. I grinned wildly at his shocked face.

"Told yah," I whispered to him. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"That was splendid Daithi. Shona, do you have anything to show us?" The teacher asked when everyone calmed down. I shook my head and Nogla raised a brow at me.

"Oh really? Because I recall Brian saying that yer good with piano, and ye' said ye' like audio engineering," Nogla reminded me. I shook my head faster.

"Nope never said those things in my life," I stated. The teacher fished through some papers and found a music sheet. He brought it over and gave it to me, pointing to the grand piano across the room. I sighed and left to the piano. My hands shook above the keys as I couldn't start. I could feel my breathing speed up until someone sat next to me. I looked over at Nogla and he smiled brightly.

"I'm here f'er yah," he claimed, placing a hand on my shaking knee. I nodded a thanks and took a deep breath. I watched the music sheet as I danced my fingers across the keys. I noticed it as 'Chariots Of Fire', the song everyone uses for slow motion running scenes in movies and things like that. After I was finished, I rested my hands in my lap, waiting for 'boo's. I didn't get any. Nogla cleared his throat, now turned around, and I heard a few people clap. I turned to see Nogla scowling at some of the students. He saw me catch him and quickly put on a wide smile.

"Thank you. You can return to your seats now," the teacher told us. We nodded and sat back in our seats. We continued class and I noticed that Sue was in here along with Luce and Ge. They scowled at us the entire time we joked around and had fun. When the bell rang, we stood up together and headed for the door. Ge stepped in front of Nogla, stopping him in his tracks as Luce did the same with me. Sue pushed between the two, scowling at me.

"You think you're so special, don't you?" I shook my head no in response to her. She smiled triumphantly before turning to Nogla.

"See? She's a child. C'mon Daithi. You know what girl is better here," she cooed, tracing a finger down his chest. He swatted her hand away.

"She is a child, but she's also our friend. Stay the fock away from 'er," he commanded. She only smirked and took a step closer to me.

"Oh, you don't want me near her?" She asked, her voice filled with humor. I noticed Nogla's hands curled into fists.

"No. I don't." She took another step closer to where she was only an inch away. She took a moment to flick my shoulder.

"And what will the child do about it?" I put my head down, not wanting to fight.

"Of course, you wouldn't do anything. You're a useless thing," she pointed out, pushing me back. I stood in my place after regaining my balance, keeping my head low.

"Fock off chick! She didn't do anything ta' ye'!" Nogla shouted, stepping in front of me.

"Whatever." Sue turned on her heels and pushed through the other two, who followed quickly behind. Once they were out of the room, Nogla turned around and took my hand.

"Hey, it's okay. C'mon. I'll walk ye' ta' yer class," he claimed. I shook my head.

"No thanks. I'm fine," I responded.

"It wasn't an offer," he stated sternly. I looked up to see his face twisted in anger. I sighed and nodded, looking down again. He kept a hold of my hand as he pulled me through the halls. I'm such a fuck up.

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