Chapter Thirty-Two: Pinned Again...

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"Ye' guys. Wouldn't they have figured it out by now?" I asked suspiciously. The three just shrugged.

"They're not sounding like they did," Mini announced, waving his phone around.

"There's somethin' called actin' Mr. Muni Ledd," I retorted. He shrugged, and they continued to talk and text. Something made a sound over near the air conditioning. The guys mustn't of heard it since they didn't react. They only stood, still carrying on with their leads. I, however, stood up and crept over towards the sound. I got only two feet from the vent when Marcel jumped over it and pinned me like Delirious had.

"Fock! Run guys!" I yelled to them. They started running towards us but then Evan, CartoonZ, and Lui came out from behind the vent as well. They quickly stopped and retreated, the others in pursuit, leaving me still pinned down by Marcel.

"So, uh, lovely weather, huh?" I asked, chuckling. He laughed quietly as well.

"Lovely when you're around," he answered. His voice didn't sound like it was joking, but I took it as a joke. I mean, really? You think someone could actually like me? C'mon now. I chuckled at his joke as he looked at me confused.

"Yeah, about as lovely as shite, then," I corrected him, looking over towards the way we'd be getting down. Still the pipes. He shook his head.

"You underestimate yourself, Shona," he announced. I looked up at him, with my face being confused this time. He leaned down towards me before the pipes started shaking. I turned to look over towards it as Marcel's breath brushed against my cheek. I watched as a hand appeared on the ledge. A groan came from Marcel as he pushed himself up and off me. I laughed at his sudden frustration for no reason as Moo pulled himself up over the edge.

"Hey, kid. You get caught?" He asked, walking over towards us as we sat up.

"Yeah. Those dumb asses weren't paying attention when I fell over myself behind the AC," Marcel answered for me.

"So, I went ta' check it out and got pinned by this doof while the others ran," I finished the explanation. Moo nodded in understanding and held out a hand to help me up. I took it and he pulled me up just before doing the same to Marcel.

"Mini's down there waiting for us. He was caught just after her. Brian just got caught, and Delirious is still being chased down," he informed Marcel. I shook my fists at them.

"Ye'll never take 'im alive!" I shouted, laughing. They laughed with me as we made our way back down off the building. They soon caught Delirious, despite my belief and we headed on towards the fair grounds.

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