Chapter Twelve: Felt Like Hours...

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"Hey sweety. How was yer day?" My mom asked. I clicked my seat belt on as she drove. I shrugged at her question.

"Yer not usually quiet. Somet'in' wrong?" I shrugged.

"So, what'd ye' do ta'day?" She gave up.

"Just normal class stuff," I told her.

"Liiiike," she led on.

"Like caught up in English with grammar sheet, got a lecture on the American Revolution, ran suicides, played basketball, doodled, took notes, played piano, and almost got beat up," I listed off the things that happened today, not bothering with the harassment from the girls and the sexual self vomiting things from the guys. My mom raised a brow, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Almost?" She asked. I nodded.

"Brian and his friends came and helped me," I explained. She sighed.

"Brian's got his own t'ings ta' do. He can't always be wit' ya' if he's gonna have some sorta' social life," she informed me. I nodded.

"I know. I didn't ask him ta'. He just... did," I replied.

"Well, I'll have ta' talk ta' him 'bout t'at. As f'er now, got any bruises?" She asked.

"My shoulders, that's it," I answered.

"I'll help ye' wit' t'em at home." We sat in silence for a little longer.

"So, did ye' make any friends?" I shrugged.

"Sorta'. Lots of them are Brian's friends, but there's also a guy named Franklin that I met. He seems nice," I responded. She sighed.

"Yer not takin' all of Brian's friends, are ye'?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No mom. I think most of them actually hate me, so ye' don't need ta' worry. Only two of them seem ta' think I'm a'ight," I told her. She sighed in relief.

"Just make sure yer not gettin' closer ta' t'em t'an Brian. T'ey were his friends first," she instructed me. I nodded, and we sat quietly again.

"So, do ye' like yer new school over all?" I shrugged.

"I don't even know anymore..."

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