Chapter 11 Mud?

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     The next day,  Adrien looks outside.  The rain stops.  It  is a huge muddy mess out there.  Yuck!  Nothing, but mud here there and everywhere as far as the eyes can see.  It is just a mess!  Talk about gross.

      "Adrien, what is with that face?"  Marinette  ask. She giggles just a little.     

    "It is  just a sloppy mess outside that is all."  Adrien says.

    "Oh, I see."  Marinette says.  She gets out her sketchbook, the same one Adrien brought over for her last night.  She begins to sketch Adrien as he stands there with the funny expression on his face.  When she finishes she shows it to him.

    "Wow, Marinette you are so good at this kind of thing!"  Adrien says.

     "You really think, so?"  Marinette ask.

     "I do not think so,  I know so."  Adrien says.

    "Thank you, Adrien!" Marinette says as she hugs him.  He hugs her back.

     "Well, I better get back to work on my book what with the deadline and all."  Adrien says.

     "Yeah, you go ahead!" Marinette says.  She knows the final copy for his latest book is not due for awhile yet, but she does not want to disturb him to much.  She goes to the guestroom and closes the door.  She sketches a copy of the inside of the room.  Then, she makes a few notes.  She sketches a tree that she sees outside the window and the bird in the branch. 

     Marinette pulls out her phone next.  She sees the battery is at 20%.  She thinks, great I forgot to charge it last night. She gets out the charger, connects her phone to it and plugs it into the wall. She figures, well at least now the phone can charge up.  

        As it charges Marinette  decides to go take a shower.  She steps into the bathroom, and takes an extra set of clothes with her.  She washes her hair along with her feet, elbows, knees, and the rest of her.  She even washes her face.  When she finishes, she dries off, puts on the fresh outfit, combs her hair, blow dries it, brushes her hair, and pulls it up into a bun.  She applies very little makeup.  She goes back into the guestroom and writes in her journal.  She is glad to have her purse with her now.  It sure comes in handy.  It is huge as can be.

      Adrien has already teased her once about it.  He called it an elephant purse, since it is gray and the biggest purse he has seen lately.  He just likes to tease her about it a lot.  She has no idea why he even bothers to put up with her so much.  It is not like he owes her anything.

     Adrien works hard on his book.  He finishes the fifth chapter, smiles and starts to write the sixth chapter.  He wonders, what Marinette is up too.  He finds himself caught up in a daydream about her once more.  He shakes his head, blushes at where his thoughts take him, and gets back to work on his latest novel.

    Marinette goes outside. She checks the mailbox.  She sees lots of stuff inside it.  She pulls it all out and takes it inside.  Once in the kitchen, she sets the mail down on the table.  She fixes herself a few cheese crackers for a snack.  She eats them and thinks,  I wonder how much progress Adrien has gotten on his book.  She hopes he will not  be late on the deadline just because of her.  

     Adrien smiles as he thinks of the next sentence to type into the manuscript on his tablet.  "She runs towards  him in such a hurry she does not notice the huge mud puddle right in front of her!  As her feet give way under her she falls splat right there in the mud!  She is one huge mess.  How embarrassing is the first thing that comes to mind as he reaches out a hand to help her up. This is not exactly how she the day would turn out for her.  He smiles at her, and says, Come on, Karen!"

   Adrien can not help, but think that his characters Karen and Joe seem a lot like him and Marinette.  Only in this story, the girl has a crush on the guy.  The guy does not know this yet.  In the real world, Adrien likes Marinette, but she does seem to notice him.  At least not in the way he would like her too.  Adrien shakes his head.  He wonders if the recent part to the novel flows well with the rest of the plot.

  Adrien's  POV:  Why does Marinette seem to be oblivious to the fact that I truly love her?  Why does she have to be so stubborn?  Ugh, can she not see what she does to me?  I  really love her!  I love her, so very much!

 Marinette's  POV:  I can tell Adrien seems to be under much stress lately.  He is the kind of  guy who works hard at what he does.  He always strives to get his stuff done in a timely manner, so it does not end up past the deadline.  I can see that he tries to look happy, but he does not come across this way at all.  He is not happy.  I can see it in the way he flashes that fake smile of his.  What will it take for him to have a real smile for a change?  

  Marinette's  POV:  I can see that the mud is not the real reason for the funny expression he has on his face in the sketch from this morning.  The only thing is I can not seem to find the real source behind his fake smile, nor do I know what it is that makes him feel like he is nothing. Why can he not see that he is means more to me than he realizes?   He is important to me!  I know it.  When he rescued me from the kidnappers four days ago, I could tell he was genuinely worried for me.  He had no concerns for himself.  None at all, which bothers me!  What if something had happened to him?  I could not forgive myself if I lost him.  I know that now.  

    to be continued in Chapter  12   Patio Passion?






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