Chapter 15 Wacky Waffles

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          Adrien takes Marinette out for breakfast.  They go to this nice place.  Marinette orders some pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon, with plain toast and jam, and an apple juice.  Adrien orders a coffee with two creamers, no sugar (he figures what is the point?  The creamers already have sugar in them already, right?) , scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles with cool whip, strawberries, and honey on top.  

        The waiter leaves the table and shakes his head.  Marinette gives him a funny look.

        "What?"  Adrien says.

        "You are the person I know who eats waffles with cool whip, strawberries and honey on top instead of butter, syrup, and chocolate chips on top."  Marinette remarks.

        "Yes, well, blueberry Gal, there are a lot of things that you will find different about me." Adrien says.

       "Oh, should I be scared?"  Marinette ask.

      "No, it is just you should live a little that is all."  Adrien says.

      "Which means what exactly?"  Marinette ask.

     "How about you try the pancakes, with cool whip instead of butter, and some fruit for a change."  Adrien says.

      "Okay, I just might then!  Oh, and I may even drizzle a bit of honey on them too."  Marinette says.

     "Really?"  Adrien says.

     "Yes, really!"  Marinette says.

    The waiter returns with their orders.  "Miss, what would you like for your pancakes?  The usual?"  The waiter ask Marinette.

      "No, today, I would like some peach slices, cool whip and honey for them thanks."  Marinette says.

     "Okay, if you say so, Miss."  The waiter says.

       He leaves  and comes back with the peaches, the extra cool whip and honey.  "Here you go,Miss!  Enjoy!  Is there anything else, I can get for you?"  The waiter ask.

     "No, this is great thanks!"  Adrien remarks.

      "I am good, thanks!"  Marinette says.

     The man leaves and goes on to serve people at another table.  

       Adrien eats his food.  Marinette eats hers.  When she finishes, she burps.  "Burp, burp!" Marinette goes.

      "Oh, pardon me!"  Marinette says.

      "Wow, that good huh?"  Adrien says.

     " Yes, thanks!"  Marinette says.

     "So what do you about my wacky waffles now?"  Adrien says.

     "What wacky waffles?"  Marinette says with a smirk.   

     Adrien stands up, pays for the meal, and escorts her outside.  Adrien holds her hand as the two walk around for a bit.  Marinette does not let go.  She smiles as she walks right along with him.

     "Hey, girl!"  Alya says.

     "Wow, Alya is that you?"  Marinette says.

    "Yes, is sure is!"  Alya says.

    "Well,how are things with you and Nino?"  Marinette says.

     "Haha, funny you should ask!"  Alya says.

     "Oh?"  Marinette says as she raises an eyebrow.

     "Nino and I are five months along."  Alya says.

     "What?"  Adrien and Marinette says at the same time.

      "Oh, I am sorry.  I thought you already knew Adrien! "  Alya says.

      "Knew what?"  Adrien ask.

      "Why, I thought Nino told you that he and I have been married for the past year!  Oh and that we are having our first baby!"  Alya says.

        "Oh, well, he did not mention it."  Adrien says.

         "Anyways, it was great to see you two!  Well, tata!"  Alya says and leaves.

          "Goodness, Adrien! "  Marinette says while she tries hard to stop a  giggle.

           "What Mari?"  Adrien ask.

           "You should have seen the funny look you gave Alya when she told us her and Nino's  good news!"  Marinette says.

         "Oh, yeah!  Well, for your information you were just as surprised as I am!"  Adrien says.

         "Okay, you got me there!"  Marinette says.

         Marinette giggles.  Adrien does the same.  

     "Come, on Bluebell let's  get you home!" Adrien says.

    "Sure, whatever you say, Adri!"  Marinette says.

     Adrien walks Marinette home.  "Good night, my dear!" Adrien says.

    "Good night, Adri!"  Marinette says. She winks at him as she steps inside her home, and closes the door.

     Adrien goes  home with a funny step to his walk.  To any other person, he might look like he just lost his mind, but for the few who knows what love is really like it is obvious he is one love filled person.

    Adrien  giggles again when he recalls the look Marinette gave him earlier that day when it came to his waffles!  He admits that it  was so cool to see her order the same toppings for her pancakes he got for his waffles.  He must admit this  side of Marinette was a nice surprise!  He smiles at the thought as he soon dozes off  for the night.

   Marinette  reflects on her evening out with Adrien and  smiles.  The whole thing from the meal, to the walk, to Alya's  showing up out of the blew, and even the walk back to her place, why it was like something out of a story book. She was so happy, she forget to set her alarm for the next day. She did remember to lock the door though.  She feel asleep with a look of amusement on her face.

    Alya is happy.  She admits she did not think she would run into Adrien and Marinette at the same time. She thought it nice just the same as this way she did not have to contact one of them later about the news she and Nino want to share with all their old friends, and classmates.  She also, admits she is glad to see Marinette happy again.  She thinks, wow!  Perhaps, the break up Marinette had with Luka did her some good after all.  She slips under the covers next to Nino who is already asleep.  She can tell as he snores rather loudly.    

   Alya's POV:  Wow, Marinette seems to glow a lot tonight.  Hmm, it seems a certain Agreste boy manages to steal her heart, after all, well good for him!  I always thought those two would make a great couple!  I just never said as much since Marinette was always into Luka in the past.  What she ever saw in him though was beyond me.   Anyway, good for her!  I am really happy for her. 

 Alya snuggles up next to her husband, and soon drifts off herself. She has a pleasant dream.

to be continued in Chapter 16   A Midnight Stroll?

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