Chapter 3 What on Earth is Going On?

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            Two months have passed since Marinette and Luka  ceased to be a couple.  Marinette and Adrien have grown closer with one another though.  The two are so close many think they are a couple.  They have never gone on any dates though, nor have they given one another a kiss.

         When Marinette thinks about it all she laughs at the notion that she no longer cares for Luka.  She is not sure what to make of it all. She just knows that she is happy to see Adrien now.  She is not sure what this means though.  She just knows for now she is happier than she ever once thought she could be.

         Adrien goes to see Marinette.  He feels sad.  He dares not to tell her how his love has grown stronger for her  these past few months.  He does not want to risk the chance he might scare her away for good.  He puts on a fake smile as he knocks on the door to her place.

       Marinette opens the door and smiles at him.  

     "Hey, Adrien!"  Marinette says.

    "Hey, Marinette!"  Adrien says.

    "Adrien, are you alright?"  Marinette says. She sees the sad look in his eyes again and wonders what could it all mean.

     "I am fine."  Adrien says.  He looks at the floor though instead at her.

    " Look, whatever it is we can fix it right?  I mean that is what friends do."  Marinette says.

     Adrien does not say a word.  He just sits down and begins to cry.

    Marinette is taken aback.  She can not understand why he is so upset.  She thinks, do I do something to upset him?

     Marinette does not say a word. She just sits down in the chair next to him.  She lets him cry , but reaches out and gently touches his knuckle on his hand.  She rubs her finger across it slowly. 

     "Mari?"  Adrien says.  He looks at her with wonder in his eyes.

     "Yes, Adrien?"  Marinette says.

     Adrien stares at her and wishes to tell her.  He can seem to let the words  form in his mouth.  He sighs as he feels like all common sense is gone now. 

     Marinette feels silly now.  She stands up and goes to a drawer.  She opens it up and pulls out a handkerchief.  The one Adrien gave her, she comes back and sits down again. She reaches up with the object and uses it to wipes his tears.

    Adrien feels like his heart might burst when he feels her touch his face.  He knows she meant no harm by it.  He  blushes.

     Marinette continues to gently touch his face with the small cloth.  She has no idea what effect it seems to have on Adrien.  She  just does what she can to try to help comfort him.

     Adrien stands up and pushes her hand away.  Marinette  wonders what just happened?

    " I never should have come here."  Adrien says.  He goes to the door and walks away.

     Marinette watches him leave.   She thinks, I do not get it.  Why did he leave?  Why does he regret the visit.   She is not sure what to make of his quick exit.  She stands  there in confusion.

     Adrien goes home.  He enters his place. He feels shame for his actions.  He should have told her how he felt.  He just does not know how to tell her.  He has not felt this way like anyone else before not since his mother's death anyway.   He feels rather rude and silly for having walked off like he did.  

     Adrien's  POV:  What is happening to me?  Why did I have to fall in love with her?  With Marinette?  She is to good for me.  She is delicate like a flower.  She does not know how awkward it is to have her touch my face.  For a moment I felt like I was in heaven, but then I brushed her off.  Ugh, what is the matter with me?   I really am one love sick boy, right?

   Marinette's  POV:  I do not get it.  He came over, but he was down.   I  only meant to cheer him up as he did me months ago.  Yet something went wrong, he pushed my hand away.  Why?  Did it really bother him that I  gently touched his face?  Is that it?  Is it because he does not want more from me?   Further more, why did he say,  "I never should have come here."   What did he mean?  I thought he was happy to be my friend.   The whole thing really makes no sense at all.  I did not kiss him, so why did he act so strange?   I mean it, What on Earth is Going On?

   Luka goes to see his ex girlfriend.  He figures, why not?  We were friends at one point.  I might as well make sure there was no permanent damage done to her, since the break up.  He walks over to her home.  He arrives shortly ,  after Adrien  leaves.  He knocks on the door.

   "Luka, what brings you here?"  Marinette says.  Her hands on her hips.

   "I just came to see how you are?   Oh, and I am sorry for being so horrible to you."   Luka says.

   "Oh, it is okay, I forgive you!"  Marinette says.

    "Great!  I am glad to see you have no hard feelings about it all."   Luka says.

    "Yes, well that would be rather silly, would it not?"  Marinette says.

    "Is it just me, or did some one else drop by earlier as well?"   Luka says.

    "If you must know, Adrien came by earlier.  We are friends."  Marinette says.

    "Really?  Is that all you two are?"  Luka ask.

    "Yes, I mean what more could we be?"  Marinette says.

     "Good!  I can not have anyone else with my girl, now can I?"   Luka says.

     "What?  I am not your girl!  You broke up with me!  Seriously, have you gone mad?"  Marinette says.

      "No, I have just come to my senses. "  Luka says.

    "What do you mean?"  Marinette says.

    "I  mean I realize that I should never have let you go. So, what do you say?  Will you my girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"  Luka ask.

     Marinette looks at him like he lost his mind.  She has no intention of getting back with him.  None what so ever!

     Before Marinette can answer, Luka leans in and kisses her.  She does not respond. She no longer cares for him.  She pushes him away.  She slaps him hard across the face.  She hears him laugh , so she  steps on his foot too.  She is angry as can be!

      "Luka!   How could you?   I want nothing to do with the likes of you!  You leave my place this instant you here!"  Marinette says.

     "Come on babe!  You know you want me."  Luka says and winks at her as he heads out the door.

      Marinette grabs up his wallet and throws it at him.  She slams the door in his face.  She sits down with her head in her lap at the table. She feels the tears form in her eyes once more.

      Marinette thinks, how could he?  I do not love Luka!  She is still furious at him for the kiss.

      Marinette gets up and uses some mouth wash.  She thinks, oh dear!  I hope Adrien does not find out about all this.  She sighs as she day dreams about Adrien.  She still thinks, why did Adrien leave?  Why did I want him to stay?

   to be continued in Chapter  4   Apple Pie?

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