The matches begin:The Hanma vs the Hammer

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A/n: Before I begin I just want to  say i'm sorry for not updating very much this week. For those who don't know some family issues came up and so i've been just trying to relax and calm down. The truth is one of my family members is in the hospital and still is so that's why I haven't updated any of my stories this week.With that being said I hope  understand and enjoy.

3rd person pov

(Flash back)

Y/n stood inside the ring of the maximum tournament. Injured Y/n stared at the titan like fighter standing infront of him. Both men injured and the fight having ended Y/n smiled then; spoke weakly.

Y/n: Looks like I win


Jack: Yes you've grown stronger Y/n.

Jack crouched down and hugged Y/n with a calm look on his face. Y/n returned the favor and then spoke to his older brother.

Y/n: Have I made you proud brother?

Jack: Yes I am proud of

Jack spoke calmly and with honesty before separated from Y/n. As Jack walked away Y/n watched Karla rush towards him with a hug. As Jack walked into the car lot he stopped and stared. In front of him stood the man he hated with all his heart; Yujiro Hanma his father.

Yujiro: So this is your revenge against me how pathetic.

Jack: Don't be so quick to judge. I was born for one purpose and one purpose alone. 

Yujiro: Oh yeah and what's that huh?

Jack: To remove the king from his throne. Remember me well Hanma because I will be the last opponent you ever fight.

 Yujiro stood as Jack suddenly charged at him with a punch. Yujiro  cut him off by  grabbing Jack by the face with anger. 

Yujiro: What kind of weakling loses twice in the same day?!

Yujiro slammed Jack's face into the ground leaving a crater. Leaving Jack in the ground Yujiro stood up before turning around.

Yujiro: You overconfident fool don't get ahead of yourself. Your fangs are too small to reach me remember that.

Yujiro left without saying another word instead choosing to find Y/n.  As Jack's vision faded the sight of a familiar man was all he could see.

(Flashback over)

Y/n sat with Karla in his arms as Yujiro stood staring down at them.

Y/n: What the hell are you doing here father?

Yujiro: I've heard all about your plans to enter the Kengan matches.  Tell me do you honestly think you can enter a tournament like that?

Y/n: So what if I do and why do you even care?

Yujiro: That tournament is for nothing but weak pawns. No meaningful man would fight for the sake of money. TRUE men fight for the sake of combat and that alone. Those who have to fight for a company; have no right to call themselves fighters. 

Y/n:  If that's what it takes then i'll do it. You can spout that shit all you want but I know your wrong. As far as i'm concern entering it is going to help me get one step closer to kicking your ass.

Yujiro began to chuckle at his son before smirking evilly at him.

Yujiro: We'll see about that. Before  I go i'll give you some helpful advice. If you want to get stronger you already have a way in your arms.

Y/n looked confused as Yujiro was referring to Karla.

Y/n: Just what are you getting at huh?

Yujiro: I've been where your at so trust me because I know what i'm talking about. Forget celibacy if you wanna get stronger than do it! Do it every day and every night. Do it between and after meals. Do it until you can't anymore. 

Y/n: Just get the hell out of here you bastard/

After Yujiro seemingly vanish Y/n turn to Karla who was a blushing mess.

Y/n: Karla you ok?

Karla: I'm just fine just the idea of what your father said.  I mean we are both the same age and imagine just how strong our child could be.

Y/n:  Look for all we know Yujiro would just wanna fight our kid for the hell of it. I wouldn't trust him on this.  Besides if I knock you up while we are still in high school I'll never hear the end of it from Kozue or her mother.

Karla wrapped her arms around Y/n and giggled. Y/n's face blushed slightly as she stared at him with a playful smirk.

Karla:Your the man i'm gonna marry Y/n so what's so wrong with that?~ 

Y/n: D-Down girl down!

Karla: Come on Y/n let's have babies!~

Y/n: No Karla I said down!

Karla and Y/n fell back onto the bed before Karla laughed.  Getting off of Y/n she hugged him and smiled as they laid on his bed.

Karla: I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you too Karla.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n  pov

The next day  Karla and I made our way to Tokugawa's house. I knew if there was anyone who had enough money to get me there it would be him. He was the one who was able to set up  something as big as the Maximum tournament. My only problem is convincing him. When we made it I saw him talking to someone I knew all to well.

Y/n: Well isn't this a surprise didn't you'd heal up so quickly


Doppo: Heh  I could say the same thing to you. So tell me how goes that  arm of yours Kid?

Y/n: Healed up in only 2 days guess nothing can keep us down for too long.

Tokugawa: I'm glad to see our champion looking good as new. So what can I do for ya Y/n?

Y/n: There is a favor I want to ask you for. 

Tokugawa: Well go on boy i'm all ears.

Y/n: There is a tournament coming up soon that I want to enter.  The only issue is I need to represent someone's company to enter it.

Doppo: So your saying you wanna enter the Kengan Annihilation tournament huh?

I looked at Doppo with surprise as did Karla before I answered.

Y/n: You know about them?

Doppo: Know about em hell I once entered one. I gotta say kid that's a pretty ballsy move entering it. The people there aren't like the most of the pansies from the  Maximum tournament.The people i've seen there are on a whole other level.

Tokugawa: Any respectable business man knows all about the Kengan Matches Y/n. I also know just what goes  on behind the scenes.I have only one question for you Y/n and whether I help you depends on your answer. Are you willing to put your life on the line for Tokugawa family boy?

Y/n: I almost died back in Maximum so what would make this any different Gramps ? This is my only path so I'll do anything it takes you should know that.

Tokugawa stayed Silent for a minute before he smiled and looked at me.

Tokugawa: Then you better be ready to win for me. I'm counting on you to show the Kengan Matches who the champion is Y/n Hamna!

Y/n: You got it Gramps thanks for everything.

Doppo: I will be watching you kid. Just give them hell for us yeah?

Karla and I left with a nod before we stood outside together. I looked at Karla who smiled as she hugged me

Karla: I'm so happy for you Y/n! We can both go together and I get to see you fight again!

Y/n: That's true but I still have to earn my way there. The tournament is gonna be my main problem. Since I have a few weeks until it comes I'm gonna need to train harder. 

Karla: You know I can be your  training partner if you want.

Y/n:*Smirks* Alright then I'm counting on  you my beautiful Kure. I hope you can keep up even with your Removal. 

Karla: Don't worry My handsome Hanma I'll can handle it.

The two of us smiled before going off to prepare for what was ahead. We had afew weeks to get ready and I wasn't going to waste them.

( With Ohma)

3rd person pov

It had been a week since Ohma had met with Y/n and the man seemed to have only one goal. Joining the Kengan matches just as Y/n did. Ohma unlike Y/n wished only to crush the fighters in it. However even if only subconsciously he desired another chance to fight the son of the strongest man. Deep down Ohma believed Y/n would enter the Kengan Annihilation Tournament which made Ohma's blood restless. Now  Ohma stood over a man he had beaten with only one punch.  Ohma turned and walked off having earned his spot in the tournament.

Ohma:(mind) Y/n Hanma... I refuse to let anyone beat you but me. Your one of the only ones I consider to be strong so don't prove me wrong.

???: Is something wrong Ohma?

Ohma: It's nothing to worry about

Kazuo Yamashita.

Kazuo: Well if you say so and you still don't have to call me by my full name like that.

Without saying another word the two made there way back home. Also Preparing until the time finally came. After the weeks passed they gathered to the docks where everyone was told to meet. Y/n stood with Tokugawa by his side as Karla had gone with her family.  To Y/n's surprise he and Tokugawa were sent on a older boat before being separated.

Tokugawa: I hope your prepared Y/n because things are going to be up to you from here on out.

Tokugawa said looking at  Y/n who stood surrounded by other fighters.

Fighter 1: What the fuck is this who let this brat here?

Fighter 2: That  kid thinks he is some kind of fighter? What a fucking joke.

Y/n:*Sighs* Guess small talk is out of the option.

Y/n looked to see Ohma staring at him the other side of the boat with a smirk.

Y/n:(mind) Looks like he made it here too just like I thought.

Ohma:(mind) This time you won't be able to run Y/n Hanma.  Things are gonna be different from last time. Because this time i'll-

Y/n;(mind)This time I'll-


Suddenly the boat began to move taking eveyone by surprise. Y/n listened hearing the captain begin a free for all battle before everyone began to attack. Y/n noticed Ohma fighting to protect a women when a big man approached him.


Ohma: Rihito so your here too huh?

A man tried to attacked Rihito only for the man to slash his head off with his finger.

Rihito: Get the fuck out of my way.

Y/n saw a giant man rushing towards him causing the boy to get into a stance. The man was suddenly stopped when another knocked him away with one hit. Y/n's eyes widened when he saw the one responsible was none other than Jack his older brother.

Y/n: I wasn't expecting to see you in a place like this.

Jack: I can say the same for you Y/n. I'm happy to see how much stronger you've become.

Y/n: I'm glad you think so brother.Well seeing as  we've got time to kill how about I show you how much better I've become.

Jack smiled slightly before cracking his knuckles as he stood with his fighting aura oozing from his body.

Jack: Fine by me lets' see how much we've grown little brother.

 Without saying another word the two brothers charged at each other. With the smell of blood and sweat surrounding them. The Annihilation  tournament had finally  begun.With no way to escape the war of combat who will come survive to the tournament ahead?

to be continued

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