fbi files

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files:there is no info about this person name jason only fact is clear is associate with jimmy,his abilities show he is an jack of all trades and master of all as there was reports of him take him cloakers hand to hand combat with easy and even disarm bulldozers and kill then close

he posses two weapons never before the first one somesort of rifle with bullup drum mag and by reports of offices an underbarrel shotgun with 10 gauge rounds the second one is more unique at first glace is an submachine gun but reports show it can turn into somesort of sniper rifle as for analazi the bullets don't use gunpower to fire the sniper is show to take out bulldozers with one shot in unknow how he obtain weapon is presume is prototive of weapon

another thing he posess is an drone who is high advaced tech among then have an rapping hook,fire suport use the same unknow ammo as the second weapon,put some sort of barried to protect others heisters or himseft witch block bullets but he his bullets can pass the shield from behild,an stun explosion,hacking{manage to hack an swat van an seconds},and help other heister with injection of adrelaline,the drone is always an the sudject back and he desploy by when is need is unknow how obtain the tech to use such drone

besides he always wear an hood soo he only have blue eyes olso there is something  else we only have an sketch since the vigilance team report everytime they take photos there is an blurr an the person's face is suspect is use some sort of tech to hide his face as this affect security cameras and video cameras as well

this mild be the most dangerous member of the payday gang..bain is sure not mess aroud and is gonnad be an big problem for us

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