Chapter 4 A land without color

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The wedding would take place after our travel to another realm, on the ring it was gray. Jefferson and I had to go to the realm without color. It would be another adventure, with my true love. "Lets get on with it, shall we?" Jefferson asks me as he takes my hand. Rumplestlitskin needs a type of vile liquid, called Rempustik. This is a medicine that can heal a hurt heart, possibly even a broken one. It numbs the pain, so well you don't even feel it. Jefferson and I jump into the black velvety hat.
-------The land without color-----
"Viktor! Good to see you!" Jefferson calls out as we walk through big mansion doors. A man wearing what looked like leather, and had very messy hair, came walking toward us. "Jefferson! How are you? And who is THIS?" He emphasized the word THIS, as he took my hand and kissed it. Jefferson had a stern look on his face, "Viktor, please let me introduce you to Alice my FIANCÉE." Jefferson put the emphasis on FIANCÉE. "Oh, excuse me I hear someone yelling, that's never good in a science lab, now is it?" He asked and smiled as he walked away. "Well as long as we are here, we can use the guest bedroom, like I usually use when I come. Then in the morning we can go get the Rempustik. Okay?'' Jefferson asks me and I nod. We walk up to the guest bedroom, and I lock the door behind us. I did not want Viktor coming up here during the night, or any if his little servants, like Igor the one who was yelling. Jefferson gave me a suspicious look about the lock. "I really don't know anyone here, and I really don't want to. I only want what we need, and what we need in the Rempustik. We leave as soon as we get this, because this realm is a little scary. What is science, and why don't they just use magic?" I ask Jefferson. He opens his arms out for a hug and I run into them and he picks me ups and throws me on the bed. He smiles and I laugh in return.
--------Next Morning------------
I woke up tangled in the sheets. Jefferson was gone and I was panicking, big time. "Jefferson! Where are you?!" I cried out. I ran down stairs and there was Viktor working. He had a stern look. "Look, Madame. Jefferson has gone to get that thing called Rempustik. He shall be back shortly. In the meantime, Igor has made breakfast, and not to be rude, but I have already eaten. I needed to get working." He said in a friendly voice. "Thank you but I am not hungry. Do you know where Jefferson has gone to get the Rempustik?" I ask politely. "Why dear, you do not need him. You can have me, you can help me on my experiment. We would be great together, I as the brains, and you dear Alice as the beauty." He said while getting closer. "Get away from me! Jefferson will know, and he won't be too happy!" I yell as I run back upstairs to the bedroom. I locked the door and sat on the bed. The Gray satin sheets, were not there. Igor must have cleaned up while Viktor, was flirting with me. I looked around for the hat. When I couldn't find it I panicked. Jefferson had always left it with me. I did though find a knife. I opened the door and snuck downstairs. I found that Jefferson was back, and Viktor was not being entirely truthful, and it looked like Jefferson was believing him.
"She snuck up in me and tackled me. She was soon embracing me, I told her it was quite wrong, but she insisted. That is when I had Igor come and take her up to your room. I really am sorry to tell you this, dear friend." Viktor was telling quite a lie and this was the only appropriate part. "Jefferson! I am so glad that you are back! I have something to tell you. Viktor, when I came down to find you he started up with-" I was cut off by him walking over to me, he grabbed my face. He looked me in the eyes. A message was sent, just by his look. He slapped me, and told me to go to hell. "Go up to the room, I will come up and deal with you in a second!" He yelled and right at that I ran up the long staircase. I think I played it right. The message Jefferson had given me was clear. At least I think it was.
-----------25 minutes later-----------
"Oh, dear Alice. What happened tell me all about it." Jefferson said when he finally got up to the bedroom. Ihad given him he long detailed version. He then explained to me, how Viktor wanted me. How he had to get me out. The Rempustik was no longer the target of the adventure. I was. After Viktor had gone to bed, Jefferson had snuck me out and left a note for Viktor. "Sorry, dear friend. I have to leave. Alice is wanted at home. Here is the money for the Rempustik that I took, from your bathroom cabinet." Is what the note said, with a gold coin taped to the back.
---Back in the Enchanted Forrest------
"Rumplestiltskin! We have what you want! Pay us now, evil imp!" I yell out as we enter his castle. He is on his spinning wheel, he stops and looks at Jefferson and I. "Yes, yes, yes. I know you want something more than gold. But what is it, that is my question." He says with his odd voice going particularly high. Jefferson called out to him to come close and whispered something in his ear. Rumplestiltskin then took my hand and led me to his library and made me sit down in the corner. He proofed up a rack, withholding 5 wedding gowns. 5 veils, and 5 sets of gloves. "This is what your dear hatter wanted for you, so tell me which set and I will poof them on you." I tried on each set and picked the  3rd set, a long veil, with pure white gloves, and a white wedding ball gown. The dress had a little silver pin on the front. The top was a corset that laced up in the back. The dress fit perfectly. I then took it off. He then proofed it back to the cottage along with Jefferson and me. While Jefferson was  gone to the market I stared at its beauty.

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