Chapter 100

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When we had finally found out way out of that forest, the sun peaked over the horizon. Eric and I had tromped down the trail leading to the Ranger Station with Trenton propped up between us. Once at the foot of the cabin steps, the door had flown open to reveal a pair of shocked park rangers. The ambulance came and the world went dark.

I woke up in a German hospital with Trenton and Eric in hospital beds on either side of me. Eric was asleep, but pipes and equipment were hooked up to him. A heart monitor beeped with the rise and fall of his chest. Looking down at myself, I was in the same condition. Then, Trenton.

He was awake in the same condition we were. His hair was tousled and fingernails coated with a layer of grime and blood. He gave me a look that I will never forget. A look as if there was nothing good left in the world.

"Trenton," I whispered, my voice hoarse.

He closed his eyes. "What have we done?"

Two weeks later, we were sent back to America. The next phase of our lives was just interrogations, tears, nightmares, and reporters. Apparently, we had disappeared off the face of the earth for six months without a trace.

"Ms. Johnson," Agent Miller said rubbing her temples. "How do expect me to believe this story?"

"You asked for the truth."

"It's insane!" The agent cried.

"Laura, please." My psychologist, Penelope said warningly.

 I stood up indignantly and rolled up my sleeves. Scars and burns decorated my arms and I showed her a giant gash from my rib cage to waist. "So you think I killed my family, my best friend’s family, then led my friends on a wild goose chase around the world, killing them along the way? You think I made my abilities up? Oh yes, that's what they all say. That I'm just an unstable child." I clutched her wrist with my thin fingers. "Look me in the eyes, Miller, and tell me I killed them all."

"Ms. Johnson," Agent Fulton said gently. "Sit down please."

I threw Millers’ wrist on the table and resumed my position on the cold metal chair.

"I want to see Trenton and Eric."

"I'm afraid that's out of the-"

"No," I hugged my knees to my chest. "You will take me to see them."

"Ms. Johnson, we just want a reasonable story, honey. That's all." Penelope used the gentle voice that she used when she talked to me.

I slapped my hand on the table. "Don't you 'honey' me you little-"

I was cut off by the door opening and another agent rushed in.

"Ma'am," she gestured to Miller. "All their stories match. They haven't lied."

Miller cursed under her breath. "Thank you, Hoffman."

The agent hurried out.

"Take me to see my friends," I gave them an icy look. "They are all have left."

All their eyes softened. Penelope brushed away a tear.

"Fine," Miller pushed her blond hair back. "Only for a couple minutes though. Mr. Williams has been a bit... difficult."

"Oh, I wonder why!" I cried sarcastically.

Penelope made an irritated noise. "Serena, remember our manners," she whispered. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

They led me out of the stark white interrogation room and down the hall of my new home, the mental institution. We passed the cafeteria (the food was awful) and rooms upon more rooms. Finally, we stopped in front of the indoor garden. They set me down on the oak wood bench.

"Stay here until I get back. Do you understand?" Miller said with her cold blue eyes.

"Whatever." She and the other agents marched out of the room. I liked the garden. It was quiet. No one bothered me here. In the reflection of the windows, I still looked horrible. My eyes had dark circles, cheekbones very prominent, and of course, my new marks and scratches. My hair was down in messy waves, dark against my new white dressing gowns. I could count each of my ribs and my limbs looked fragile. What a wonderful world.

The door opened again. Eric. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him. Miller hated it when I touched people, constantly afraid I'll turn around and choke them out. It was always a possibility in her world.

I buried my face in his shoulder and breathed him in. He smelled like cinnamon.

"Serena," he whispered, running his fingers through my tangled hair.

"Shh." I kept my eyes closed.


"Shut up and just hold me."

"Okay." We stood like that for a minute before Miller pulled us apart and made us sit on the bench where she could monitor us through the garden windows.

"So," Eric said once she left. "They making you talk again?"

I sighed. "Penelope is really convinced I'm crazy."

"Aren't we all?" He put his arm around me and snuggled me up to his chest.



"I'm sorry."

He kissed the top of my head. "For what?"

"We are in a mental institution with annoying staff, horrible food, and scratchy sheets."

"It could be worse."

"Well I want things to be better."

He sighed. "One day, it will be okay. It may not be today, or tomorrow, but soon we'll be out of here."

I looked up at him. Even through his scars and marks, he was still handsome. His blue eyes still had the spark of hope.

"Why are you staring at me?" he smiled.

"I am mesmerized by your breathtaking beauty and charm," I joked.

"Oh, shut it," he pressed his lips to mine.

Miller banged on the windows.

I pulled away. "Oh look, now we're in trouble. Good job."

Eric laughed and stood up. He got to have a light blue gown, which totally wasn't fair. The door opened.

"Times up. Say goodnight," Miller said expressionlessly.

"Goodnight, Eric." I hugged him tight. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Miller slammed the door behind them and I stood alone in a spot of sunshine.

A moment later the door opened again and a nurse wheeled Trenton out in a wheelchair. I sat back down on the bench and swallowed hard. His skin was extremely pale, cheekbones very prominent, and what used to be warm, lively brown eyes were pits of sadness. He didn't smile at me.

"Hi," I said in a small voice.

He stared at me. "Hi." His voice was heavy with grief.

"Where is she today?" I asked him. His eyes lit up momentarily before the sadness swallowed them up again.

"She's in the clouds today. All of them, together, playing with the sunshine. They were laughing."

I smiled. "That's good."

"You think I'm insane."

"It's okay, no one is normal anymore."

Trenton gave me the slightest smile. "How's your roommate?"

I scowled jokingly. "I swear if Ms. Lola steals my pudding cup one more time, I will fight her."

He sighed and glanced at the flowers blooming along the wall. Blue with purple centers. All the bulbs were starting to fold up since the sun was setting, but they were still beautiful.

"She would've loved those."

I took his hands in mine. He slowly rubbed his thumbs along the identical scars.

"She didn't leave in vain, Trenton."

"I could've saved her."

"You were too busy protecting us. You saved our lives and that is a debt I can never repay in full."

He sighed again and looked me in the eyes. "What did she say to you?" He asked. "What did she say before- before…" His voice cracked.

I squeezed his hand. "She told me how much she loved you. She watched you fight for her and said 'That's him. That's the boy I love.' Trenton, she was so proud of you." A tear traced its way down his cheek.

"We were so close to winning," he whispered. "Oh Serena, we were so close."

The door banged open again.

"Times up!" Miller commanded.

"Back to prison we go," I muttered and was taken away.

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