Chapter 102

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I curl up on the window seat and watch the morning sun rise. This little town always has the most perfect sunrise. I open up the morning paper and read the headlines. Once again, we are in it. The town is constantly congratulating us on our survival, ever since they found out about us.

It makes me feel worse.

I skim the paper, stopping every once in awhile. Nothing unusual. I close the paper, roll it up, and tuck it in the under compartment. You never know when you'll need these stories again. A small light catches in my eye and I look to where it's coming from. My left hand. The little diamond glitters against the sun. It is what you think it is.

Eric proposed to me.

On the day I turned twenty, he asked. He said even though we were still young, he wanted me to be his forever. I wholeheartedly agreed. For all I put him through, this is the least I could do. Our wedding is next year.

We've gotten through pretty well. Between the savings my parents left me and the house Eric's aunt left for him here, we've made it. Trenton has gotten along well too. I check on him everyday. It's not a long walk, just right next door. Some days he is fine and will talk with the therapist the police insisted on us getting and me. Other days, he will not speak. He will stare at the wall and not move for hours. Today we are going into the big city to fill out even more papers, closing up on our families and friends deaths. This process has been long and tedious. I wrap my blanket around my shoulders a little tighter then go to wake up Eric. I tip toe down the hall and into the room. He's fast asleep, sprawled out and half off the bed. I open the curtains and sunlight streams in. He sighs and opens his eyes slowly.

"Good morning," he says groggily and pats the spot next to him. I sit criss-cross and smile at him. His hair sticks up in places and his eyes are sleepy.

"Good morning sleepy head," I chirp and ruffle his hair.

"Where are we?" he asks, confused. That's the part of his emotional trauma. He still thinks we are being chased.

"We're home. Together. Everything's ok now," I reassure him. He stares at me.

"Well ok." He pauses for a moment. "How's Trenton?"

"I haven't checked yet."

“Well let's get ready and make sure he's alive." I nod and head to the shower. I stop in front of the mirror. I look somewhat healthy again. My ribs only show a little now, my eyes don't have dark circles, and my hair falls to my waist. After my shower, I brush out my hair and my teeth. Having all this at my disposal makes me feel like a princess. After running for so long, I finally have a home. I pick out a light green dress, a white sweater, and white flats (formal attire yuck). My hair falls in neat curls down my back. I walk out into the kitchen to see Eric sitting at the table. He wears dark wash jeans and a light blue button down.

"Once again you're gorgeous," he marvels.

"I feel ridiculous," I laugh and take his hand.

We walk next door to Trenton's. I'm worried. He could either be fine or a mess. I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer.

"Trenton, are you alright?" I call.

"I wish," his voice growls back. Eric takes out his keys and finds Trenton's.

"Trenton, I'm coming in alright?" Eric says and opens the door. He peeks inside and closes it. I sit on the porch steps and wait. After a couple minutes, the shower turns on and Eric comes out.

"Well?" I ask worriedly.

“Not good," he replies shaking his head. "I put some fresh clothes out for him and I just hope he doesn't drown himself."

I hold back tears and nod.

Eric goes back in and twenty minutes later, he and Trenton step out. I bite my lip nervously. Trenton's eyes have look sad and his hair is messy.

"Let’s get this over with," he says hoarsely. We nod and get into the car we share. After about twenty minutes of awkward silence, we arrive in the city.

"I'm going to go look around for a bit. Call me when you two are done," Eric says and he pulls me into a hug. "Be careful and I love you." He kisses my cheek.

"We’ll be fine. Stop fussing." Trenton and I set off down the sidewalk. A building about four stories high looms in front of us and we enter.

"Ms. Johnson, Mr. Williams," Mrs. Donahue from the front desk calls. "Follow me."

"There's no need. I think we know our way by now," I reply.

"It's an order Ms. Johnson. You aren't stable yet."

"I'm perfectly fine, Donahue," I snap and Trenton clutches my arm to show I need to stop.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Donahue says, raising her eyebrows.

"I said we'll follow you," I smile through clenched teeth. We follow her up three flights of stairs and into room 336. Agent Miller and Agent Fulton rest in the two chairs across from our usual seats. They thank Donahue and usher for us to sit.

"Hello again," Miller says with a smile. Her smile is very fixed. We've done something wrong. Again.

"Our two favorite clients," Fulton adds with his fake smile.

"What did we do?" Trenton asks angrily.

"Very eager," Miller mutters.

"Leave him alone," I snap at her. She rolls her eyes.

"We are here to settle the last death. The death of Ms. Kylie Pond." Trenton's looks down, but doesn't let any tears out. We've already cried enough.

"I would like Serena to stay with Miller while I take Trenton with me down the hall," Fulton says. "Is that alright with you Ms. Johnson?"

"No, but I guess I have no other choice."

"Very well then." He stands to lead Trenton out. Trenton stops and comes back to me. He pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly.

"Hey it's ok! Ill see you soon," I laugh lightly.

"You look beautiful," he whispers in my ear and lets go. He had tears in his eyes.

"Thank you. Ill see you in a couple minutes ok?" He nods sadly and follows Fulton out.

Miller smiles at me. Oh, do I hate her. Her blond bun is too tight and the way she looks over her glasses annoys me.

"That's a very pretty dress, where did you get it?" she asks, trying to make small talk.

"It was Aly's," I hiss. Her smile falters.

"I'm sorry. You look very beautiful though."

"Cut to the chase, Miller. What do you want?"

"Information. How did Ms. Pond die?"

"I've told you every time that Slender murdered her."

"That's impossible."

"It's really not."

"Ms. Johnson, I'm the sanest person in this room. Now tell me, how did Ms. Pond die?!"

"Slender murdered her," I reply simply.

"HE'S NOT REAL!" Agent Miller cries, slamming her hand on the table. "YOU ARE AN INSANE WOMAN. I JUST WANT ANSWERS!"

"Mr. Hepton says I'm not insane."

"Therapists lie, Serena."

"WHAT'S NEW?!" I yell at her. She crosses her arms. We sit in silence then my phone rings. The caller ID says it's Trenton.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Come outside.” His voice sounds strained.

"Of course. One minute." I explain things to Miller and she reluctantly agrees to let me go. I race down the stairs and out the door. Outside is empty except for a few people on their way to work.

"Where are you?" I ask into the phone.

"Look up." I comply and look up the building. And there he stands.

On the edge.

"What…" I whisper into the phone. Miller and Fulton come running outside. They yell into their radios, then head inside. They aren't going to stop him. I just know it.

"I can't come down," he replies to me.

"You stay right there! I'm coming up right now!"

"NO! Please! Just hear me out!" He's crying.

"Why?!" Tears wet my cheeks as well.

"Because… this is the last things I’ll ever say. And I need someone to listen."

"W-what do y-you mean?!"

         "You know what I mean."

"But why?"

"I can't do this anymore. I can't live without her."

"I can help you through this!" I cry.

"Serena, I can't watch you and Eric live your lives together everyday. I can't. It’s too painful. Do this for me. Live your life without me holding you back. Get married and start the family you always wanted." His voice shakes.

"I don't want to without you there!" I take a step towards the building.

"Stay there! I have to do this," he sobs into the phone. I nod.

“Trenton, please… don't…" I whisper.

"I'm sorry. Thank you for being that little sister to me. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for... everything. I need to see Kylie now." He takes a step closer to the edge.

"NO!" I scream. "One more minute. For me." He pauses but I can hear sobs faintly.

"Trenton, you are my big brother and I love you. We got through this together. However, if you really want to see her, I set you free. I’ll see you on the other side soon," I cry. Nothing happens for a moment, just us crying until he finally puts the phone to his ear again.

"The time has come,” he whispers, but he doesn’t move. I hear him whisper into the phone, like the brush of a painter, so faint I could barely hear it. “Serena?”

         “Yes?” I whisper back, greedy for more time with him.

         “You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming?” He pauses. “That’s the place I will always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.” He drops his hand, the phone slipping from his grip, just as the building releases him from the edge. It all seems to happen in slow motion until he hits the ground. I scream and run to his side. His eyes remain open and empty. His warmth sucked straight out. Blood gushes down the side of his head. I cradle him in my lap and sob.

"No, no, no! Please come back!" I cry. People rush around me screaming and yelling for paramedics.

"I'm so sorry! I- I'm so... sorry. Please come back!!!!" I sob. Someone pulls me up and three paramedics lift Trenton and place him in a gurney. Sirens blare and blood covers my dress and shoes. They place the gurney on the ambulance and I run up with it.  I push past the paramedics and sit by Trenton's side.

"He's dead," a medic says after she finishes checking his pulse.

"NO WAY!" I scream at her. I'm escorted by a police officer to the back of his cop car.

"I'm sorry for your loss," he murmurs to me gently. I don’t respond. I have nothing to say.

Before I know it, I'm standing in a cold room with Trenton’s cold body on the table and Eric’s warm arms around me. A man with a clipboard examines Trenton, checking things off his stupid list.

"Name of victim?" he asks in monotone.

"Trenton Williams," I mutter.

"The one who survived the Slender haunting?"

"That's us."

"Serena Johnson?! Eric Murphy?!" his eyes go wide in surprise.

"Yes sir. Now can we please get this over with? I want to get out of the dress covered with his blood," I say coldly. He flushes red and nods.

"Sorry ma'am. How did the victim die?"

"He jumped off a building, you idiot."


"Why else would you jump off a building?"

"Sorry ma'am. Was this male your fiancé?" he asks, glancing at my hand.

"No, but he IS my best friend."

"Ma'am he's dead."

"You have five seconds to run." Eric grabs my arms. The man checks more things off his clipboard.

         "I think we are done here. You have ten minutes to say good bye to the victim." He leaves us alone, Eric squeezing my shoulder.

"I’ll leave you two alone," he whispers and kisses my cheek. When the door shuts behind him, I stand by the table. Trenton's eyes stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Well, here we are,” I start. “I guess it was the inevitable. But please, just don’t… be… dead." My voice cracks as I place my hand to his chest. No heartbeat greets me. I sigh and stand straight again.

"You were an amazing friend. You always thought of others. Even when you drove me insane, I still will miss you. You're that piece of me I don't want to get rid of. It's worse when I felt out mental connection die." I stop and take his cold hand in mine. "You're cold. It'll be ok. I'm right here. Anyways, I hope you're with Kylie. Say hi to the others for me... I miss them. They- they always made me feel better. Tell them about Eric and I. Megan and Aly are probably freaking out." I grin sadly and wipe the tear that landed on his hand. "It's not going to be the same without you. So many things will be left unsaid. That's all right. I’ll be with you one d-day and w-we can laugh about this world... together. I- I love you. I miss my big... brother." And I completely break down. I sit on the floor and sob into my hands. My body shakes uncontrollably and tears fall like rain. When I get control of myself, I stand back up.

"Time for sleep." I whisper and I close his eyes. I bend down and kiss his forehead then back away. He looks like he could be sleeping. I smile sadly and make my way to the door. I turn around one last time, one last look at my best friend. To impress that mental stamp of him, not dead, but sleeping. Visiting our friends in his dreams. We’ll see him soon.

"See you soon, old friend"

The door swings closed behind me locking me out from him forever.

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