Chapter 16

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We arrive in Central Park to wait for Trenton and Kylie. I sit silently while the boys try and figure out how slenderman found us. I look up and see Kylie sprinting toward us. Her ponytail has come out in places and she looks so scared. She immediately starts explaining everything that happened to them and some THING is after them.

“It’s massive! Some sort of bat thing. Its fast and it came out of nowhere”, she explained, slightly out of it. We hear footsteps pounding on the ground behind us and turn to see Trenton running towards us, yelling for us to run. I jump to my feet and grab Kylie’s hand. The others spilt up into groups and run in separate directions from us. I look and see Trenton running beside Kylie and we turn a corner, sprinting down the busy streets. The creature was following us, flying high up in the sky. It screeches and swoops lower and a chill goes down my spine. We run blindly through the crowds, weaving through the annoyed people. I hear a faint thud and turn to see Trenton a little farther behind us. We run towards him, but stop in fear as the creature lands beside us, fangs bared, and turned on him. We scream and grab his arms as the creature grabs his legs. I have two screams echoing in my ears now, the screech of the monster and Kylie’s scream of pure terror. As the creature tries to fly off with Trenton, he grabs on to a lamppost. We rush forward to try and help, but he shakes us off. He looks us straight in the eyes.

“It’s no use. It’s too strong; I don’t think I can hold on much longer. Serena, I think I know our powers,” he says, holding back tears.

“WHAT?” I scream, almost choking on my own tears. “WHAT IS IT?!”

“Think about it. Think hard. Kylie, don’t worry about me. I’ll make it. I’ll try to escape. If I do, meet me in Connecticut. Do not mourn me. We are strong enough to get through this. I’ll see you in Connecticut.” He grimaces painfully and we screamed as he let go.

He is gone in almost an instant and Kylie curls up on the bench and sobs. I sit next to her in what I felt was a trance. I feel sick, very sick. I call Eric and tell him to tell the others to meet us at the apartment. I stand up, but I’m not myself anymore. I’m in a warehouse with the creature and three zombies. Three zombies? There’s someone else standing next to me. They have chained me to a wall and whisper things about how Master will be very pleased to see they have the boy. Two of the zombies emerge from the shadows and start talking to each other.

“Haha! Now all we need is that foolish little girl!” Zombie 1 cackles happily.

“Oh, once she finds out we have her friend, she will come quickly and beg that we take her instead! She’s foolish yet we must be careful, she can be very clever,” Zombie 2 says thoughtfully.

“SILENCE!” a third and new voice hisses. It’s slightly feminine, but almost sounds familiar. A figure steps out of the shadows. I gasp in horror. Before me is Megan. Or at least what is left of her. Her skin has taken on a blanched color and she’s disheveled. She places the majority of her weight on her right foot, mainly because he left foot is a mangled mess. But her eyes are what get me. They are black voids, devoid of all happiness and filled with a suffering unlike anything I have ever seen. She cackles menacingly and continues.

“The Master will be very happy that we have brought him his prey. Along with a side-course.” She gestures to the shape next to me. I realize it’s another person and I gasp again. Before I can get a good look at her, my vision starts fading out…

Suddenly, I’m back with Kylie. She had me in her arms and I could hear her asking me if I was alright. I mumble my ok and she helps me back onto the bench.

“What happened just now?” she asks.

“I don’t know.”

“Trenton did the same thing earlier. He blacked out a couple times and said the weirdest things. Stuff about how the circle must be broken and songs must end nonsense. You did it too. You also screamed a couple of times.”

“I did?”

“You don’t remember either. Its like you guys are connected somehow.” I suddenly feel dizzy again, but suddenly I’m seeing both the Zombies and Kylie. I can only hear Kylie though. Realization strikes me like a bus.

“We are connected! He said our power! Just now I was Trenton! I can still see the zombies! And…” Here I choke back a sob. I regain my composure and say, “Kylie, you are brilliant. Come on! Lets go tell the others!

We take off and twenty minutes we are back at the apartment. Before I even have time to open the door, it swings open and Eric pushes past Kylie and runs into my arms. Before I know it, I’m kissing him and we remained locked for several seconds. A new sensation runs throughout my body and we finally come apart.

“When you didn’t come home right away we thought you guys were dead!” he sobs into my shoulder. I look past him and see Dawson, Nick, and Jordan standing in the doorway hugging Kylie. Each of them has puffy red eyes.

“Come on inside guys, I believe the girls have some explaining to do seeing Trenton is gone,” Nick says sympathetically. We go inside, sit around the table, and start the heart wrenching explanation.

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