Chapter 28

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I wake up the next morning, angry. They didn't wake me up to do my watch shift.

"I'm fine! I really am!" I protest as Kathryn makes me sit back down on a tree stump.

"Eric, tell her how terrible she looks so she sits down," Kathryn says in exasperation.

"I can't insult my own girlfriend!"

"I give up. When you pass out, you will learn to listen to me," Kathryn huffs and stalks off to get firewood.

"Thanks," I say with a grin. Eric and I are about to set off to explore the forest when Trenton calls me over to him. He hands me a note.

“‘Grab Serena and walk ten minutes to your right. I just want to talk to you guys for a moment and explain a thing or two. No killing, I swear on my Master's life. -M.’” I read.

"How do we trust she won't kill us?" Trenton asks.

"She won't. She can't. She's under orders not to kill unless her master says so."

"And how do you know that?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently I can hear thoughts now. It's complicated. Instead of jumping into other people's mind's and energy like you do, I only read minds. Yes, Trenton, I know you use other people's energy. I can hear their thoughts and if I listen enough, I absorb all of their memories. Lets get going," I say, then help him up. I give Eric a hug and we get going. We walk in nervous silence for ten minutes like Megan said and sure enough she'd standing exactly where she said she would be.

"Don't give me those horrified looks. You guys don't look peachy keen yourselves," she says with a sneer.

"Thanks to you and your ridiculous Master," I snap back.

"Don't make her angry," Trenton sends to me telepathically.

"Sorry," I send back.

"So, what do you want from us?" Trenton asks her.

“Oh, I just thought we should discuss your death," Megan smiles.

"Lovely conversation starter," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Don't give me that attitude, Serena. I still have my control over you," she says, her eyes narrowing.

"But you don't have the doll anymore," Trenton replies nervously.

"I don't need a doll to control her. You noticed her eyes changed, right? Quite clever of you, I'm truly impressed. While you guys were in lala land talking to my Master, I put my pretty little finger on her and transferred my control onto her. Isn't that clever of Master?"

"But why control her and not me?" Trenton asks.

"Because you’re boring," she replies simply.

"That's it? He's too boring?" I say, a trace of a smile on my lips.

"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you, Serena Johnson. I can just say whatever I want and you would obey my command without fail. Isn't that fun?!" Megan cackled.

"You're a sick person, you know. Don't you dare hurt her," Trenton says defensively.

"You think you can tell me what to do?! HA! That's sweet, trying to protect your friend. Too bad it's not going to work! Serena, you remember the first time I hurt you? Well it's going to happen again. Have a nice day!" She laughs and disappears. The pain comes and gets progressively stronger. I fall to the ground and try to keep myself from screaming from agony. Trenton is yelling into his phone for Kathryn to get over here as fast as possible, but make Nathaniel stay with Kylie and Eric. Tears stream down my face and I finally cry out from the pain. Trenton grasps my hand and says something, but I can't hear him. I feel Trenton pick me up on his back. I hear Kathryn running besides Trenton, yelling at me to stay awake. We make it back to the campsite. I feel Trenton laying me down, when suddenly the pain recedes. I sit up, looking at all the concerned faces, and fall back on the ground, unconscious.

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