Chapter 31

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"That's just lovely," Kylie whispers, her flashlight scanning the walls. On the front desk (perhaps a sign in area?) is about a four inch layer of dust and the walls are splattered with dry blood.

"Should we split up and search?" Kathryn asks.

"Yeah, but two groups. Trenton, you take Nathaniel and Kylie. I’ll Kathryn, Eric, and Dawson."

"No," Dawson says. "I'm going alone."

"Ok, just be careful and you know what to do if you need help," I reply. We all agree and split up. Dawson takes the left corridor, my group takes the middle, and Trenton's takes the right. We walk in silence, searching for any sign of a note. Suddenly, the air turns cold. Freezing cold.

"What's going on?" Eric whispers. Kathryn hands us both a knife so we are all now armed.

"Who's there?" I say, my voice wobbly. Maniacal laughter fills the air, then suddenly everything was back to normal.

"I don't like this very much," Eric mutters, and we start back down the corridor. All of the sudden, I hear Trenton yelling in the back of my mind.

"Serena! Kylie disappeared! Keep an eye out. Weird things are happening. Be careful."

"Yeah. Weird things. Watch yourself," I send back. We turn left and continue to move down the corridors. We turn corners, run up stairs, and quickly become lost. This place is huge.

"Serena, where did Eric go?" Kathryn says. I turn around to find Eric gone.

“What? What happened?! This is impossible!" I mutter. We both jump as screams for help come from the door down the hall. We sprint and jiggle the doorknob. Locked. Kathryn takes a lock pick out of her pocket and starts on the door. Someone pounds on the other side, screaming hysterically. She finally opens the door and we burst into the room to find it empty.

“What’s going on here? This isn’t right…" Kathryn says, pacing back and forth. Dawson tries to enter my mind.

“What's up?" I ask him.

“There's someone following me. I see a shadow every time I turn around. This place isn't good."

"Keep looking. Strange things have been happening to us too. Be careful," I reply, then he cuts off.

“Let’s keep moving," Kathryn suggests and off we go. We run down corridor after corridor. We try each light switch but the power’s gone. No light except for the flashlights.  We turn the corner, only to find a dead end hallway. Kathryn turns to leave, but I grab her arm.

"What's that?" I whisper, pointing to the end of the hall. She shines her flashlight down and we find Kylie curled up in a ball in the corner. I run down to her and grasp her hands. Her eyes are glazed over, like she's in some kind of trance.

"Kylie, talk to me are you ok?" I say, my hands shaking.

“The circle must be broken," she replies in monotone.

"Excuse me?"

"The circle must be broken. The circle must be broken," she repeats. My hands shake even harder.

"I'm sorry Kylie, but this is gonna hurt," Kathryn says, before smacking Kylie across the face. Her eyes sparkle again and she looks confused.

"What happened? Where's Trenton?!" She screams at me.

“Kathryn, we need to find that note now and get her out of here. Help her up and I'm gonna talk to Trenton really quickly," I say, then proceed to contact Trenton.

"Hey, I found Kylie."

“Oh good. Is she ok?" he asks worriedly.

"Um...she's fine....or she will be soon."

"Don't lie to me Serena! Tell me what's wrong!" he yells into my mind.

"I don't know!!" I scream back at him, my anger level rising. "Now stop yelling at me." He’s quiet for a moment before answering.

"This is exactly what he wants. He wants us to fight. I'm sorry I yelled at you and whatever state you found Kylie in can’t be good. Now lets find the note and get out of here," he sends to me. I send back and ok and snap back to my regular self. My cheeks are wet and I realize I was crying. Kathryn stares at me her eyes full of concern. I wipe my tears and tell her to keep moving.

We turn more corners, move up a flight of stairs. I reach to open a door, but it opens by itself. I jump back and hold the knife out in front of me, hands shaking more than ever. Kylie stands back dazed, barely aware of her surroundings. Kathryn takes a step forward, and the door slams shut all by itself.

"Come on, let’s go somewhere else," Kathryn mutters. Suddenly I feel Dawson trying to get my attention again.

"Are you missing Eric?" he asks.

"Yeah. Did you find him?" I send back.

"Yep and he keeps mumbling about a circle?"

"Smack him hard back into reality," I say shortly.

"Ok. I've got him. We will keep looking." Kathryn, Kylie, and I continue down the halls when the cold chill comes back. We grab each other’s hands and run down the hall. We run down a flight of stairs. Then, as quickly as the cold came, it left. Someone taps me on the shoulder.

“What?" I say, my voice shaky.

"We didn't do anything," Kylie replies slowly.

"Someone tapped me on the shoulder." I start. We exchange scared looks and scream. We sprint down the halls, still screaming. We tumble down the stairs and land in a heap on the bottom steps. We hear frantic footsteps running down the corridors on both sides of us and we stand up only to be slammed into on both sides by the boys. We all fall to the ground and groan.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT?!" Trenton yells. We all jump up and examine each other, making sure we were all still here.

"Well look at our luck!" I say, pointing my flashlight at the wall. "A note!" We all sigh with relief, grab the note, and make our way back outside. We exit into the cool early morning air and start walking back down the sidewalk. Eric grabs my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. I smile up at him and he kisses me on the forehead. Kylie and Trenton walk ahead down the path leading us to an abandoned intersection. However, just my luck as always who's standing in the middle of the road?


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