Chapter 49

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 I get woken up by Lucy screaming into the tent.

 "GET UP NOW! IT'S THE DAY OF THE NEXT EXECUTION!" she screams excitedly. I rub my eyes and put my hair up. I try and get up, but pain shoots down my side. Lilly rushes in holding a bowl of blue stuff.

"What's that?" I ask sleepily.

 "It'll help your bones. Eat it," she whispers. I stare into the bowl and shake my head. She raises an eyebrow and I reach for the spoon. I take a small bite and spit it out.

"That's disgusting!" I exclaim angrily.

"It's medicine! It'll help you!" she says.

"It's gross!"

 "Take it."


 "Serena, just take it." Kathryn's voice says from the doorway. Her eyes are red and puffy and her clothes hang off her.

 "What happened?!" I cry and attempt to sit up, but Lilly pushes me back gently.

"It's my turn today. Elijah had a special good morning beating ordered for me," she smiles sadly. I sit up despite Lilly's worried comments and hold my arms out. Kathryn hugs me gently, careful not to hurt me.

"Why is this happening to us?" she asks and I feel a lot older than I actually am.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry. I just want to get this over with. I'm sick of running now."

"I think this is best too."

 "Where's Nathaniel?" I immediately regret my words. Kathryn's face grows stony and she lets go of me.

"He's in another tent out cold. He talked back to Elijah, trying to defend us, and Elijah sent Jonathan and some other guys on him. He's in pretty bad shape," she says sadly.

 "This is my fault," I mumble.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been...keeping something from you guys."

"Which is?" I open my mouth to speak but I'm interrupted.

"Elijah wishes to see the broken girl." A woman with curly blond hair says. She leads Lilly and Kathryn out of the room and Elijah walks in. He sits down across from me and I stare at him.

"What do you want," I ask coldly.

"Just a nice talk," he replies smoothly. "I see you didn't each your medicine."

 "It's disgusting."

"But it will help you pain."

"I deserve my pain. This is all my fault now this is my punishment. Kill me now. That would be more desirable than medicine," I spit at him.

"Your attitude will get you nowhere. I might even let you live. You're a keeper," he says slowly.

"I would kill myself before staying alive with you. You disgust me."

"Whatever you say. Today the other girl will be executed, tomorrow the boy, then you, devil child,” he snaps.

"Couldn't you kill us all today? That would save a lot of time and effort for you."

"I'd rather see you suffer. That's always fun."

"Get out," I mutter. "Just go."

 "I will see you at the execution very soon." He leaves and I throw the bowl of medicine at his back, but it just splatters at his sandals. He laughs and keeps walking. I see my shoes by the door and attempt to get up. I finally do with some help from Lilly and walk slowly to my shoes. I slip them on and head outside. Nathaniel stands outside my tent, his hand extended for mine. I grab it and Lilly leads us to where Elijah stands. She bows to him shortly, her eyes full of fury. He shoos her away and she runs back into the crowd.

"Bring out the girl!" Elijah yells. The crowd parts and Lucy had Kathryn by the wrist and pushes her into the dirt.

"Have her face me," Elijah commands. Lucy pulls Kathryn around and has her kneel in front of Elijah. Her head is down and she closes her eyes.

"We are here today for the execution of Ms. Kathryn Jones. Now-"

"My death better be special or else," she mutters sarcastically.

"She has quite a mouth on her doesn't she? Now her death shall be quite special. I think it suits you, right dear?"

 "It's actually quite clever. This method should nice and quick if YOU WOULD STOP TALKING!" Kathryn growled.

"Fine, fine. Now, since you want it quick, lets get started! My sword, if you please!" Elijah calls and a little boy walks forward with a shiny sliver sword. Elijah holds it up to show the crowd. Oohs and ahhs fill the air and Kathryn looks up at me. She mouths a short "goodbye" and puts her head back down. Nathaniel grips my hand and I hold tight to his. I’m about to witness myself dying. Elijah raises his sword, brings it thundering down and screams fill the air.

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