Chapter 54

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I wake up the next morning and slip into my shoes. I pull out the picture of Eric and hold it tight.

"Ill see you soon," I whisper, then put it quickly into my pocket as Lilly enters the tent.

"Well, you're up bright and early."

"I just want to get it over with," I mumble. She comes over to me and grabs my hands.

"Consider yourself lucky! You get to leave here while I'm stuck until I die! I can't stand Elijah."

"You could stand up to him," I offer.

"What do you mean?"

"He's hurt these people enough! You are the bravest one here!"

"Me?! Brave?! That- that's impossible," she stutters.

"Really? Think about it. Change this place. I believe in you," she thinks for a moment and nods.

"I guess you're right. If I won't change this, no one will," she says and stares at her feet. "Wow. You're only a teenager and you're braver than me."

"That's not true. I'm scared. Very scared."

 "But you hide it even in your tears," she insists and I sigh.

"TODAY'S THE BIG DAY!" Lucy screams into the tent. I roll my eyes and follow her outside. Elijah stands in the center of the camp and motions me to him.

"Tie her up!" he yells. I put my hands behind my back and smile. Rope loops around me and they blindfold me.

"Walk! He barks and someone leads me by a rope.

"I'm not a dog you know!" I say and my voice shakes a bit. No one replies and we crunch down a trail. We walk for about ten minutes, then stop suddenly.

"Can you take my blindfold off now?" I ask and someone rips it off. "Thank you." I take a look at my surroundings. We’re on a tall wooden bridge over looking a rushing river.

"So you're going to make me fall?" I whisper.

"Yes!" Elijah shouts. "You will have a fall and no one is here to save you."

"I'm guessing you're going to give a huge speech?"

"Now, today is the day I've been looking forward to all week. This girl has annoyed me to bits, but at least I broke her heart multiple times. She is the devil child sent to destroy us, but instead we shall destroy her!" he shouts happily and the crowd goes crazy. "Any last words, devil child?" I walk slowly to the edge of the platform and everyone goes stiff.

"You will not fall until I let go of this rope," he announces proudly.

"Did you figure that out all by yourself?  I'm so proud of you!" I retort. His eyes narrow and I smile.

"Your attitude bothers me."

"You bother me," I mutter.


"Nothing! Just talking to myself that's all."

Elijah gasps and points at me. "YOU SEE?! SHE'S CRAZY!"

"That's more you,” I whisper and he goes berserk.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" he screams at me.

"Gladly!" I shoot him a gleaming smile.

"You are a disgrace to the human race! I bet your mother is ashamed of you!" he screeches and I laugh.

"What's so funny?!"

"I'm not your biggest problem right now," I grin and stand on the very edge of the bridge.

"WHAT IS?!" he demands.

"Your niece," I whisper. I see Lilly sprint up behind him and stab him in the gut. He falls to the ground and she grabs the rope before I have the chance to jump.

"Thank you," she breathes. "Thank you for everything." And with that she cuts the rope. I jump off the bridge and the river comes closer and closer.

"THIS WASNT A VERY GOOD IDEA!" I yell and hit the water with full force. With my hands tied, I can't swim. I suddenly realize something. This wasn't a fall that would kill me, Elijah meant for me to drown. I struggle and kick but it doesn't work. I can't hold my breath for much longer and black spots appear in my vision. What a terrible way to die. I cry out, but I keep sinking. My vision gets darker and darker until everything goes black and all feeling is gone.

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