Chapter 57

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I wake up earlier than everyone else and sit by the water. The sunrise is absolutely gorgeous and I enjoy the serenity of the island. I have to say, the camp we made for ourselves is pretty impressive. I know I probably should be tapping trees for water, but I can't bring myself to get up. It's only about 6 o'clock so I know I have plenty of time to myself. The waves crash gently into the shore and the salty breeze blows lightly on my back. One thing I miss more than my family and friends, is my music. I miss it so much. When you're running around trying to avoid death, you can't stop to sing whenever you please. I sigh and fold my hands into my lap. I close my eyes and let the ocean breeze take over. I listen to the palm leaves rustle and the waves crash. It feels good to stop and just listen. I hear footsteps behind me and someone sits down next to me.

"Hey," Dawson says.

"Hey," I reply, opening my eyes.

"You're up early for once." I laugh.

"Is it a crime?"

"Well no. It's just unusual for you. I expected to see Kathryn up already."

"Wait, why are YOU up early?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Something about this place, you know?"

“Sure." We sit quietly for a moment.

"I'm really sorry for what I've been doing lately." he says quietly after a moment.

"I've forgiven you."

"I still feel bad. You've been through so much and I'm just here making it worse."

"I enjoy your company whether you know it or not," I whisper.


"Yeah. You are really cool, Dawson. Sometimes you’re a little, you know, but otherwise you're really nice."

"Thanks," he says and I hear him sigh with relief. " I see you as Eric have gotten pretty close."

"I don't really know what happened there. Did you and Megan just look at each other and felt like you were the only two people in the world?"

"I did. The first time I laid eyes on her. It felt like a... zing type thing. I don't know it was just incredible and perfect…" he voice fades out.

"That's amazing," I whisper incredulously.

"I felt complete whenever I was with her," he says, sniffling. We sit in silence again. He finally speaks up again.

"Eric really loves you, I hope you know that."

"I do. I felt that zing when I saw him for the first time. It was weird when he first kissed me. I wasn't expecting it and BAM. It was just awkward, but the ones after that..." my voice trails off.

"They make you feel at home," Dawson finishes and I nod.

"I think we've all gotten lucky," I mumble.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"If Megan was still here, I truly believe you two would've been together forever. Plus, I'm already planning Trenton and Kylie's wedding. It's going to be great." We both collapse in the sand from laughter.

"Remember when he first introduced her?" I say, wiping my eyes. "How he talked so quickly we couldn't even understand him, so she had to speak up?"

"Oh yeah! That was a great day. 'YOU got a girlfriend?!' That was your first reaction!" he laughs and we collapse again.

"He was mortified, but she just smiled and sat right down. I don't think our little group would be the same without her."

"It wouldn't. I'm so sorry I was ever a jerk to you. You’re hilarious and I'm glad we’re friends again."

"Me too." We get up and I grab the spile and water bowls and begin filling them up. Dawson dives into the water and comes up a minute later with a fish in one hand and one of Kathryn's knives in the other.

"Fish for breakfast?" he asks and throws it to me. I catch it and begin to prepare it. He brings me some small sticks and a knife. We cut up the fish into small cubes and place about four cubes onto each stick. I take three and he takes three and we roast them over the fire. The meat turns a golden brown and we let the kabobs cool on a palm leaf. By the time they are cool enough to eat, the others walk sleepily out of their tents.

"It's about time!" Dawson yells at them. We sit down in a circle by the fire and eat the soft meat.

"What is this?" Nathaniel asks, biting another cube off his kabob.

"No clue, but it's good," Trenton says. After breakfast we decide to just relax today. After doing all that work yesterday, we might as well enjoy the camp. Kathryn and Kylie relax in the sun while Trenton, Nathaniel, and Dawson mess around in the water. Eric and I walk along the beach and collect shells. After about half an hour we come back to the camp. We place the bowl of shells by the fire and stand by the crystal water.

"Close your eyes and open you hand," he whispers to me and I obey. He places a small object in my hand and I open my eyes. It's pearl.

"I found it yesterday while searching for oysters," he says happily.

"It's beautiful," I whisper and throw my arms around his neck. He puts his arms around me and I relax. It feels so good to be in his arms and I feel safe. After a minute, we take each other’s hand and walk back to the others.

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