Chapter 61

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As I lay in my tent by myself, I try to think what I'm going to say to Kylie. She thinks that choice is real and I'm pretty sure she hates me. I think about the vision she had. Would I choose Eric over Trenton? That would be a very difficult decision. I've known Trenton forever and he's a big part of my life, but I get this feeling whenever I'm around Eric and it fills me with joy. The leaves rustle and Kylie climbs in next to me. She glares at me angrily then rolls to face away from me.

"I can't believe you would choose him over one of your best friends," she whispers furiously.

“Kylie, I know you're angry, but I never made that decision. It's all in your head. Slender is just messing with us to drive us crazy," I whisper back to try to calm her down.

"You still chose him. HOW COULD YOU?!" She faces me with tears in her eyes.

"Well I'm sorry for making a choice that I have absolutely no control over!" I reply icily.

"You disgust me." She rolls over. I get up and out of the tent. I stomp over to a log by the fire and sit down. I stare into it, trying not to cry. Kylie and I have never fought before so this is hard. Footsteps hit the ground softly behind me and Nathaniel sits down next to me.

"You alright?" he asks.

"I've been better," I reply, biting my lip to keep from crying.

"It's ok to cry you know. I see you holding it in all the time around here whenever you even look at someone. You lips smile, but your eyes don't. What's going on?"

"Well, I know all your guys problems thanks to this stupid power I have, I watched my family get murdered today, and Kylie hates me. Is that a good start?"

"Lets start with one problem at a time and maybe we can fix this," he starts gently. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine thanks to you guys. I love hanging out with you even if there is a crazy guy trying to kill you." I make an effort to laugh, but can't. He continues, "Tell me about the others and maybe I can help. You already know everything about me so there's no use in describing my issues with you I guess." I try to give him a smile, but decide to talk instead.

"Dawson is worried about not making it home to his family and not being able to make things right with his other friends. Kathryn is dying to talk to her sister again and go on adventures with her. She's scared that our group might die and she thinks it's going to be her fault. Kylie... I don't know where to start with her. I'm just so happy seeing how strong she is. Eric misses his parents. They still think he's in New York. He's worried he will never make it back to California again. Trenton's mind scares me most of all. I know every single thing about him. Except for his vision. It seems to be shielded, but I know he had one. The things he worries about are too great of a load for him and I know one day he will snap from it all. And... and I know.... I know when he will snap. It's hard knowing everything about everyone- their wants, needs, and darkest secrets," I say and stare at Nathaniel. We just stare at each other for a countless amount of time.

"I'm sorry," he finally mumbles. "I'm so sorry." We hug tightly. I let go and we walk back to our separate tents. As I past Trenton and Eric's, I hear someone crying. The sniffles stop as I walk past, but once I lay down in mine, they start up again. I shake my head sadly then fall into a fitful sleep.

I wake up to the sound of people yelling. It’s early morning, and the sun isn’t even up yet. I jump out of the tent and walk to the scene of Kylie and Eric going at it again. Kathryn is holding Kylie back and Dawson and Nathaniel have Eric. Trenton looks like he’s trying to avoid everything. I stare at him and he shrugs.

"SHUT UP!" I yell and everyone whirls around to face me.

"Oh look, the witch is awake," Kylie mumbles and Eric loses it.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT EVER AGAIN!" he screams at her.

"IM SPEAKING TRUTH, YOU LITTLE RAT!" Kylie hurls back. I grab Eric by the hand and pull him over to the over to the water. He tries to fight me, but I have an iron grip. I push him into the water and hold him under for a few moments. I let go and stomp up to the shore.

"Serena!" he calls after me furiously, but I'm mad. I make it back to the group and Trenton's trying to calm Kylie down.

"Go back to bed." I say shortly. Everyone opens their mouth to argue, but I cut in again. "Go back to bed and come out when we all decide to grow up a bit. NOW." Everyone scrambles to their tents. Kathryn trades tents with her so she has time to cool down. I sit in front of all the tents and glare at them. This day has not started out well.

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