Chapter 68

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I watched the opening in the wall carefully. After about five minutes, a small, black spider came out. I walked over to it and squashed it. I stepped back and another spider came out of the hole, this one slightly larger. I squashed it too. This continued for another eight spiders, the last one being the size of my outstretched hand, but I still squashed it. Another ten minutes passed before the next spider came out. It was a tarantula, slightly bigger than the last spider. I grabbed my sword and sliced it in half. All the other spiders had disappeared, sunken into the ground. Another tarantula came out, bigger than the last. I sliced this one with my sword too. This continued for eight more tarantulas, the last one being larger than a soccer ball. This time, there was a fifteen-minute break in between. I hadn’t noticed it until now, but the hole in the wall was gradually growing larger. Each spider that came out was getting bigger and bigger. The next one was as big as a beach ball. This one was different. It was black, shiny, and seemed to have a hardened carapace. I could make out defined black beady eyes- eight of them. It had large mandibles that clicked together, and its legs were thick. It started charging towards me quickly. I leaped to the side and bounced on the ground. I realized what it was I was standing on. Thick spider webs. Which means the stuff on the wall that I thought was white ivy are actually spider webs. I stood up and saw the spider scuttling towards me. It jumped at me and I brought the sword down in a slash and sliced it in half. Another one came out, this one bigger than the last one. I was standing next to the wall when I had an idea. I started climbing up the side of the wall. It was sticky and easy to grip. The spider jumped on the wall right underneath me and start climbing up too. I grabbed my sword and dropped it point down. It fell and skewered the spider, shish kebob style. It fell to the ground, dead. I jumped down and landed on the spongy spider web. I pulled the sword out and wiped it clean. I grabbed my backpack and unzipped it a few inches. I slid the sword into it and walked to the spear. I grabbed it and turned just as the next spider was entering. This one was as big as a backboard on a basketball hoop, and squat and furry. It crawled toward me slowly, but when it got closer, it sprung forward. I ducked as quickly as I could, and it jumped right over me. I whirled around and saw it already scuttling towards me. It jumped once again, and I smacked it away with my shield. I charged it while it was on the ground and stabbed it with my spear. I pulled it out with a sickening sound and turned for the next spider. It was taking longer than the others to come, so I thought it might be a big one. After five minutes of waiting nothing happened. I sat down and waited. I heard a slight scraping sound, and when I turned around, I saw the spider still alive, but just barely. It was dragging itself towards me. Before I could react, it jumped and grabbed my back. Its mandibles dug into my left shoulder, and I started yelling. I shook it off, but my shoulder was a bloody mess. I threw down my spear and grabbed my sword. I jumped at it and stabbed it multiple times. I ripped off my shirt and grabbed the leftovers from my other shirt that was in my backpack. I examined the bite. It had torn chunks of flesh from my shoulder. Blood was everywhere and was dripping down my side. I tried stanching it with the shirt, but it wasn’t working. Eventually, I just tied a strip over it, knowing I couldn’t do anything else. I tried picking up my shield, but my arm wasn’t strong enough. I put the sword in my backpack and picked up the shield with my right hand. I heard a sound and turned around to see the next spider coming into the room. This one was significantly bigger than the last, almost half my height. This one stood where it was and shrieked at me. I don’t know how it made that noise, but it was terrifying. As it approached me, I held the shield Frisbee-style and threw it. It spun through the air and hit the spider right in the face. As it was dazed, I ran forward with the spear and threw it at the spider. The spear found its mark in the head, and I leaped forward, grabbed my sword, and stabbed it right in the back. It gurgled, then died. I yanked out my weapons, and prepared for the next one. Seven spiders later, there was another break. I realized that every ten spiders, I got a longer break. The last one was my shoulder height. I was getting to the really big spiders now. I had to be prepared. The hole in the wall was over eight feet tall now. My shoulder had stopped bleeding around the fifth spider, and I found I could hold the spear. I heard a scraping sound again and turned for the next spider. I saw its legs first. They came out of the hole first, long, thin legs. Then the body came. It was over seven feet tall. It was a harvestman spider, a.k.a. daddy long legs. But this one was gargantuan. I pulled out my sword for this one. It was a light green, and had a small body and long legs. I rushed forward and sliced one of the legs off. One of its legs came around and whacked me from the side. It felt like getting hit with a metal pipe. I lay sprawled on the ground. It walked over to me, towering high above me. I looked to my side and saw the spear. I rolled as a leg came down to pin me down. The roll hurt my shoulder, but I grabbed the spear and rolled to my back. I jumped up, aimed, and threw the spear. It hit the body and went straight through. It came back down and hit the body again, this time sticking in the top. The spider came crashing down and lay limp. I pulled out the spear and picked up my sword from where I lost it. I put my sword in my backpack, and got ready for the next spider. It took a while for it to get here. I started feeling woozy. It must be from the loss of blood. I sat down. Black started creeping into my vision. I tried holding on, knowing I’d be killed if I didn’t. I saw the next spider come out, and I fainted.

When I came to, I couldn’t move. I was vertical, like I was standing up, but I wasn’t. My feet were dangling. My eyes snapped open. I was suspended in midair, fifty feet off the ground. I was wrapped in something sticky. I looked around me and saw I was stuck on a giant spider web. I looked to my right.

The black widow was right next to me.

I tried to squirm to get out, but I was stuck tight. My sword and spear were on the ground, along with my shield. There was no way out. Then I remembered. My knife. My hand was right next to my pocket. I moved my hand in to my pocket and grabbed it. I tried pulling it out. I grunted, then quickly shut my mouth. The spider didn’t know I was conscious. It was still making the outermost part of the web. I tried for the knife again and was successful this time. I started cutting the cocoon I was encased in and finally cut enough to slip free. I wriggled and slipped free. I grabbed the web with my good hand and slipped the knife back in my pocket with my other hand. I started climbing down as quickly as I could, which wasn’t very quickly. The spider noticed from the vibrations in the web of me moving. It scurried down and caught up with me. I was twenty feet off the ground still. I decided quickly, and let go of the web. I was about to hit the ground when I felt something hit my back. I looked up and saw the spider had shot a web and grabbed me with it. It whipped its abdomen back and I shot up towards it. When I was close enough, it pushed me into the sticky web. I could barely move. It stood over me, ready to devour me. Its mouth was wide open. I flashed back to when the Fear was about to eat me. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I used all my strength to lift my right arm off the web and thrust it into my pocket. I whipped out the knife and hurled it straight at the spider. Desperation allowed a clear hit straight into its mouth. It went straight down its throat and into its stomach, slicing it up from the inside. I saw it go rigid, then fall straight off the web. The web beneath me dissolved and I fell to the ground. It was only a twenty foot drop like before, and I landed smoothly on the soft ground. The black widow was about nine feet tall, so the next spider must be giant. The hole had widened considerably, over ten feet tall. I picked up my weapons and headed to the entrance. I climbed up the wall and over the hole so I could get the jump on the spider. I heard several thumps then saw the front of the spider entering. I waited until the whole body was showing when I jumped. I plunged the spear into its back. It screamed and bucked. I held onto the spear shaft. Two legs from the side reached up and grabbed me with little claws at the end of the leg. They threw me forward and the shaft snapped. So much for the spear. Luckily I landed next to the shield. I picked it up and threw it again like a frisbee. It hit it in the face and I finally got time to see what it was. It was a Goliath bird-eater. These spiders are so big that they can catch and eat birds. It was essentially a tarantula, but this one was eleven feet tall. I had only my sword. This was going to be difficult.

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