Chapter 77

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I mope behind Nathaniel and Eric, barely listening to them talk about sport plays, cars, or whatever else boys talked about. I'm both mad and sad. Trenton is hiding things from me. Why is he mad at me?! What have I done? I thought he knew about his family. Go find a water supply blah blah blah. Make yourself useful. I'm sick of him. I kick a rock on the floor in anger and it skitters across the ground. It bounces off a rock and flies into the air. Nathaniel unleashes a jolt of fire on it and it disintegrates.

"Watch your anger," he winks at me.

"Not to be rude, but could you track the stamp?" Eric asks. I nod and close my eyes. A map appears in my head. A world map. I open my eyes again.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" I exclaim. They stare at me confused.


"Oh right you can't see the map," I understand, then close my eyes again. The map appears again in stunning detail. A blinking red dot appears in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I zoom in and the island appears. It's fairly small only two miles long and one mile wide. Three green dots blink. I'm guessing that's Eric, Nathaniel, and I. The red blinking dot is only about a quarter mile ahead of us. Trenton didn't move far from the camp. I take a step with my eyes closed and the middle green dot moves ever so slightly. I smile. This is pretty cool. I absorb the energy the red dot gave off and transfer it to my hand. I feel a vibration coming from where the red dot is. I turn to test it. The vibration is gone. I turn back and it comes back. I open my eyes.

"Ok thanks to the really cool map in my head (Eric and Nathaniel exchange worried looks) I have the location of the red do- I mean water. I transferred the energy into my hand so it's like a GPS device. If I turn away, the vibration is gone. When I hold my hand out in the direction the water is in, it comes back. Lets get going." The boys nod and we start walking again. Eric dawdles behind us, examining insects and moss.

"So how you feeling?" Nathaniel asks me tentatively.

"Better once we get off this place," I reply.

"I'm sure we will be off by tonight. The pilot probably sent out a distress signal before we crashed or the airport was bound to notice when we didn't come in. We will be out of here in no time."

"I hope so."

"It's gonna be ok."

"We've just got to hope." The vibrations get stronger and I break into a sprint. The boys follow and we run to the water. A minute later, we are by the waters edge. The vibrations cease and I peer into the depths. We each pull out the canteens and full them with water by the waterfall. As I'm about to take a sip, Eric grabs my wrist.


"Let me try first, just in case it's poisonous," he offers. I nod and watch him. He takes a small sip then immediately spits it out.

"THE WATER BIT ME!" he yells in pain. Nathaniel and I raise our eyebrows.

"How is that possible?" I ask then take the canteen from him. I take a sip and spit it out to.

"It doesn't bite! It sucks you in!" I exclaim. Nathaniel doesn't believe us.

"Stop messing around," he demands and he pulls off his shoes.

"What are you doing?" Eric wonders.

"Going in for a swim."

"I don't think that's a good idea," I say cautiously.

"Ill be fine," he reassures us. I grip Eric's hand nervously. Nathaniel takes a confident step in. Then another. He holds his arms up.

"See? Nothing bad is gonna ha- AHHHHH!" he yelps and falls into the water. I scream and run to the water’s edge. He's sinking into the water quickly.

"NATHANIEL SWIM!!" Eric yells and holds out his hands. Nathaniel can't reach him. He flails his arms. The water is up to his shoulders now.

"It's like quicksand, but water!" I cry and hold out my hand as far as I can reach. His fingertips brush mine. The water is up to his chin.

"I'm sorry," he gurgles, then the water pulls him under. I put my knees up to my chest and sob. Eric grabs my hands and pulls me up to him. I throw my arms around him and cry into his chest.

"Why Nathaniel?!" I sob. "Why not me?!"

"Shhh everything's going to be ok," Eric whispers, but his voice shakes too. He and Nathaniel had grown really close.

"I don't understand why he had to die!"

"Shhh. He's in a better place now. A place not full of faceless and heartless murderers." He takes my hand and leads me back to the camp. I glance back through my tears. A thought comes to me, and my anger wells up. I push Eric away and sprint to the camp. I find Trenton standing with Kylie and Kathryn. I stop in front of him.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I scream at him.

"What is?" he asks.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE MAD AT ME DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN TAKE IT OUT ON EVERYONE ELSE!!" Kylie stares, on the brink of tears, and Kathryn's mouth drops open in horror.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" he shouts back



"STOP PLAYING DUMB. NATHANIEL'S DEAD!!." I yell. He glares at me and shakes his head.

"You know what? He didn't deserve to die! No one does! And yet here we are, playing the blame game once again," he spits at me. I slap him across the face. He pushes me back and Kathryn and Dawson come between us quickly. Trenton and I push them aside easily and lunge for each other.

"PLEASE STOP!" Kylie screams, but we barely hear her. We tackle each other to the ground and hit every available space on the other. But instead of punching him, I hit sand. He’s stealing their powers. I punch him in the nose, but I miss. However, his foot makes collides into the side of my head. I'm lifted up then slammed back onto the ground by Dawson. Kathryn holds back Trenton, energy radiating off her, which is enough to hold him. We are still screaming insults at each other. Kylie is sobbing and Aly and Eric hold her back.

"QUIET!!!" Kathryn yells. Dawson's power keeps me pressed against the ground, too heavy to lift myself up, and Kathryn holds Trenton with both arms.

"How dare you two fight!!” Kathryn yells. “How dare you! You're the ones who are in charge here. Grow up a bit! Completely unacceptable to physically fight! Serena, you shouldn't have hit Trenton. Trenton, you shouldn't have hit her back! I'm disgusted by you two!" she says angrily. Dawson pulls me to my feet and I glare at Trenton. He’s completely unscathed, but the side of my head is bleeding and cuts cover my arms and legs. I look at him with rage.

"Apologize to each other," Kathryn demands. "NOW!" We move up to each other. I pull his ear down to me.

"I hate you," I whisper.

"You disgust me," he sneers, and we push each other away. Kathryn opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a roaring from the sky. A small plane loops down towards us. The others cheer, but Trenton and I stand perfectly still. After about ten minutes, the plane finally lands and a man and woman step out.

"Hello!" The woman calls. "I'm Pilot Amy Rogers and this is my co-pilot Rory Smith. Climb aboard and we'll get you fixed up!" Amy walks toward us briskly then stops in her tracks.

"No fighting on my plane," she mutters loud enough for us to hear. We must look like a crazy bunch of teenagers. Trenton and I are completely beat up, Kylies sobbing, Aly and Eric are still holding her arms, Dawson huffs from using his power, and Kathryn is furious. We all nod and follow her to the plane. Kathryn steps between Trenton and I causally. We climb the stairs and approach a small room full of supplies. Through a doorway is four rows of two seats then through another doorway is the cockpit.

"Take what you need when we land," Rory says, gesturing to the supplies.

"Thank you very much," Kathryn says. "I'm sorry for our... ragged appearance."

"Ah! Not to worry. We’re used to it. Please take a seat." Amy replies with a small laugh. Eric and Dawson sit together, Aly pulls me in next to her, and Trenton moves to sit next to Kylie, but Kathryn grabs his wrist. She moves him up front, away from me and sits down next to him. Kylie continues to whimper in the seats in front of us. I don't think anyone is looking forward to landing.

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