Chapter 85

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I wake up to a scream coming from Kylie. I sit up and pull out my knife. I looked around wildly, but nothing was there. I kept looking around, for someone, for the campfire, for anything. Then I see a light. It gets brighter and brighter all around me. Soon it gets to bright and I close my eyes. When I open them, I’m lying on something cool and smooth. I sit up and rub my eyes. A white floor beneath my feet seems to stretch on forever, as well as the walls and ceiling. Every surface is as white as snow. I stand up and four walls close around me, leaving me about ten feet to walk to each side and jump up. I take a step and the walls zoom in closer, leaving about five feet for me to stretch to touch any surface.

 "What the-" I start, but the walls begin closing in. The ceiling starts to lower and the floor moves toward the ceiling. I hold out my arms to keep the walls from crushing me. A sick feeling knots in my stomach and my panic rises. I know this feeling anywhere. I’d feel this way in large crowds or small hallways. My breaths are shallow and my head starts to spin. I have about six inches between the walls/ceiling and me.

"Help!!" I yell, pounding on the walls. Each surface presses against me and my vision blurs from tears. I collapse to the floor and the ceiling sinks rapidly, brushing against the top of my head. I'm completely curled up in a smooth white box. Is this how I'm going to die? Being crushed by white walls? It's definitely terrifying. My biggest fear is small spaces. I can't handle them.  This is absolute torture. The walls press against my back and toes.

"Someone help me!!!" I scream and pound harder on the wall. The ceiling stretches up a couple feet, so I stand. It's only as tall to fit me but it's better than being squished up. The walls move out about a foot away from my body. I sigh in relief. My chest and stomach still have the knot but it's not as terrible. I stand as still as possible for about ten minutes before finally speaking.

"Hello?" I ask timidly. Suddenly the roaring of water fills my ears. Clear liquid spills out from the bottom of the walls and pools around my feet. Fantastic. Not only am I going to be crushed by walls, I'm going to drown too. I wouldn't be this scared if I had a way out. But no, I have to be confined to this space and die this stupidly. Thanks Slender. The water reaches up to my knees, drenching my jeans and rising higher and higher. The knot in my chest tightens. Nathaniel. He died drowning too. I swallow my tears and watch as the water reaches up to my shoulders. Well then. Looks like I have about a minute to live

"Well Slendy pal, looks like it's a point to you today," I start jabbering and the water slows a bit. "Don't worry I'm still like 10 points ahead considering YOU KILLED EVERYONE I LOVED. Anyways thanks for the adventure. I learned a lot. I also learned that you are more of an insensitive jerk than I thought. It's alright. You might get over it one day. I genuinely mean it when I thank you. Out of this I earned a crazy relationship with a boyfriend, traveling, and sweet new friends. I also got this awesome new power, too. I guess it's useless now. Well, my dear faceless friend, I've reached the end of the line. You will never be able to find someone as interesting as me to torture ever again so too bad for you. See ya on the flipside."

And with that, I let the water take me over.

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