Chapter 89

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I wake up to a loud bang. I spring up to find myself alone in the forest.

"Hello?" I yell. "Anyone here?" A loud whooshing sound greets me and suddenly I'm back at school. School, of all places. I'm sitting on grass in the field with Riley, Megan, Serena, Trenton, and Kylie. Riley and Serena are laughing and goofing off down a little ways. Kylie is sprawled out on the grass with a sketchpad and pencil, which glides smoothly over the paper. Trenton watches her intently, smiling as she says something to him. Last but not least, Megan. She looks like she did before all of this mess. Her long brown hair is swept over her shoulder and she is focused on her book, drowning out the world. Her eyes dart across its pages and I can almost see the creativity sparking. They all seem to be engrossed in whatever they're doing so I keep quiet for a while. After a while, I get bored and go to sit with Megan.

"Hey," I say. She closes her book to talk to me.

"Hi! I'm Megan. What's your name?" she bubbles. She has to be kidding.

"I'm Dawson, you know... your boyfriend?"

Her face softens. "I have no idea who you are, but you seem nice."

"Wait you really don't know me?" I ask, panic rising in me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't," she replies with a pitiful look in her eyes.

“But-but we've known each other since preschool!"

"No, we've just met today in high school."

"How could you not remember me?" I whisper. She opens her mouth to reply, but I'm already leaving. I stop in front of Trenton.

"Um, can I help you?" He asks with a confused look in his eyes.

"Trenton, it's me! It's Dawson!" I say impatiently.

"I have no clue who you are, but nice to meet you." He frowns at Kylie, who shrugs.

"What's going on here?! I've know you all forever!" I yell.

"Well, you must be an A+ stalker because I've never seen you before." I groan and run down the hill to Serena.

"What do you want?" she snaps.

"Serena, it's Dawson! Come on please remember me!" I beg.

Riley stares at me. "I feel like I've met you before..." she whispers thoughtfully.

“Yes Riley! You know me!!" I get my hopes up.

"Are you that kid from the soda commercial?" she asks. I sigh and shake my head.

"Well, get lost then," Serena shoos me away. I walk away miserably. Why don't they know me? I'm almost out of earshot when Megan calls me over to her. I run and sit back down next to her, yearning for her to remember who I am.

"Do you remember?" I ask eagerly.

She shakes her head. "I just wanted to say that you're pretty cool and we should get to know each other better."

"I already know you! You're favorite color is blue, you are the master at piano, and you and Serena are basically sisters. You love books and love anything and everything sweet. Please just remember me." I am almost close to tears by this point.

Her soft gaze suddenly turns icy. "You're a creeper. Only my friends know that. Go away!"

"Listen to me!"

"No, I said go!" she shrieks. I get up and run away. I walk around school, full of people in groups, laughing and having a great time. I walk into the library and grab a book. I open it and an envelope falls out with my name on it. I grab it and open it. Darkness spills out of it like fog and envelopes me. I fall backwards out of my chair and everything goes black. 

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