The lost Rose child

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Warning grim

"Welcome to our new home." Jason smiles.

Mia's jaw hits the floor.

"But we can afford this place." She starts wobbling because of the low iron deficiency Jason holds on to her in case she falls and faints again.

"Well actually, we can or at least I can. Mia, My parents were CEOs of a big tech company name Inabikari Inc."
(Jason is half Japanese on his father's side. But he strongly takes after his mother's side in his looks but he's not a natural blonde. He dies his hair to hide something)

"You mean your Jason Inabikari Of the Inabikari family."

"Then you know about my mother and father death in the fire of their home in the Uk." Mia nods. "Well they died and they left in the will that everything belongs to me when I slow down with someone. And once I found the person I wanted to send the rest of my life with I was to move in here with them and..." Jason stop and get down on one knee holding a ring. "Will you marry me?"

Mia's mind is racing a thousand miles a minute. She forgets the bad aura

"YES," she says crying. Jason puts the ring on her finger and hugs her.

"Happy birthday," Mia stands in shock. She had forgotten it was her birthday.

' Had Jason plan this to be on my birthday on purpose?'

Mia couldn't believe how much is life had a turnaround. She may be only 16 now and pregnant. She might get dirty looks for being a young mother. Heck, she got dirty looks now for being young and pregnant. The classmate started being mean to her. All of them calling her a slight even though her baby daddy was Jason no one believed her. All the other girls were jealous and when say that Jason would need to take a paternity test when the baby was born. But Mia knows it's Jason and so does he. They walk in and the lawyer who is assigned to Jason's parent's will is standing.

"Mia this is Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake my new fiance Mia Sakura."

Mia shakes hands with Jake. Jake smiles but then looks at the noticeably very large baby bump.

"Jason, you got her pregnant. I should have known you're reckless behavior. You weren't being careful, were you?"

"Jake, I'm a big boy now and I'm owning up and taking care of both of them. okay, get off my case."

Jake signs knowing he's not going to get anywhere.

"Ok, well anyway congratulations just sign here and everything is yours you'll take over the company but you won't have to do anything since there are people in place to do the work for you."

" no, that's okay I will be taking the CEO place. And the current CEO can be my second in command."

"Ok, I'll inform everyone should take no more than a week to get everything done. Until then you can relax Mr.Inabikari."

"Thank you." Jason and Mia see Jake out. Mia decided to look around. Jason follows telling her about the house and its history. How the house is on 200 acres. And about his little sister who died here. He doesn't tell her that it's his little sister he tells her like it's an urban legend about the property.

~flash back~

There's a little girl, no more than 10, picking white roses from a rose. Her older brother, mother, and father talking about which high school he wants to attend. The little girl runs up to her brother. She holes up the rose and gives it to him.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." He smiles hugging her.

"Your welcome." She signed (sign language. She can hear but she unable to speak no one knows why). She runs off into the forest.

"Don't go too far," her mother yells to her. She stopped and waved showing she understood. But unfortunately, that's the last family to sees her for 3 days. Panic and scared stupid. Their worst fears were realized. When officers found her body in a creek not far from the house. They told them that she had fallen into the creek and hit her head hard enough to kill her instantly. But that was far from the truth. The little girl did hit her head but it wasn't instantly. Along with the knock on the head she had a broken arm and legs so she couldn't move. If she had a voice she could have yell or scream for help. But no matter how hard she tried nothing. She thought if God was so good why was he letting her die and like this. He couldn't even have made her lose consciousness. So she wouldn't have to go through the pain.she was going through. With her last dying breath curses God and with that, she cursed herself to be a site bound spirit.

~end of flash back~

Mia stands there listening to the story. When she remembers the bad aura, but it was gone. No, not gone but it calmed like something had calm the aura.

'What's going on?' She thought.

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