Chapter 13

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They're back home, looking through their rifled belongings, when Creepy Lady arrives.

Sunshine already has the camera in her hands. "Okay so Creepy Lady's here to help me," she says quickly, opening the front door. The woman is standing there, quiet. "Hi."

"I'm here to help," she murmurs.

"C — Come in." Sunshine steps aside and let's Creepy Lady walk inside. The woman looks around cautiously before continuing. They share a knowing glance.

Out of her pocket, Creepy Lady pulls out a thick sage stick. "I need fire."

Sunshine rushes to the grab the lighter, holding the flame over the herb. The woman is staring wide-eyed at the long plastic stick but says nothing more.

Once the sage is crinkling with embers, Creepy Lady blows the smoke and begins sweeping around the house. First, the kitchen; she begins muttering things under her breath, words Sunshine can neither hear nor understand.

"Where do you sleep."

Sunshine gapes then turns to the stairwell. "Here." They travel up, Creepy Lady following slowly. "It's the last one on the right."

They enter the bedroom and the woman swirls the sage in each corner, letting the wisps of smoke fill the air, continuing to murmur — blessings, maybe?

Creepy Lady turns. "We're going to the bathroom." Sunshine's blood runs cold but she follows her anyway. She — she can't be scared now. Maybe this is how she gets over her fear. By knowing that nothing bad will ever happen in there again.

They retreat downstairs and both stand before the bathroom door. The woman is still as she looks around, no emotion crossing her features. Creepy Lady lifts the curtain back and stares at the back of the door, pausing.

Blood. Handprints. Holes. Words. They flash in Sunshine's mind and she nearly crumples to the ground. She wants to get out. She needs to get out.

There's a pause as the woman blesses the door, sighing before pulling it all the way open. "Go," she orders, motioning out. Sunshine gladly complies.

Next is the living room. Creepy Lady turns. "Now you. Be still."

Sunshine looks worried as the stick is brought around her body, smoke filling her senses and burning her eyes.

"My work is done."

The woman wastes no time escaping from the house as quickly as possible, throwing open the door and walking down the front yard path.

"Thank you...?"

It's quiet.

So, so quiet.

Insanely quiet. It's unnerving. It's different. It's weird. She can't describe it.

Maybe Creepy Lady could end up being her hero.

They're sitting on the couch, just like old times, and Sunshine laughs. "Hey guys," she greets, waving her arms in her mother's face. "So, update on Creepy Lady —"

"Creepy Lady, really?" Kat laughs.

"Yeah, that's her name," Sunshine breathes, smirking.

Her mother wheezes. "That's not — I don't think that's her name. Is that what you've been calling her?"

"Well, not to her face, that'd be rude." Sunshine makes a face.

Kat laughs loudly. "Creepy Lady, please, come in."

"Come help us~" She shakes her head and pulls her hair back. "No, well, I don't think she has a — no, she probably has a real name."

"I think she has a real name. I don't think she was born —" Her mother laughs, "and her mom said, 'Hey, we'll call her Creepy Lady.'"

"Her name's probably like.. Lidya or something."

"Mm. Lidya?"

"Lidya. That was the name I thought of first."

"Really? I was thinking like... Helena."


"Helena Bottomcurter. Cause her hair's a little.."

Sunshine rolls her eyes. "Anyways, back to the point of the video—"

"There's a point?"

"Yes, there's a point of this." She chuckles. "Um, that, nothing has happened since she came and blessed the house with that stinky stuff. So."

Kat nods and actually looks happy. "It's been good. Quiet."

Sunshine motions to the both of them. "She's slept better, I've slept better."

"The power has stayed on," her mother mentions.

"Yay for power!"

"The uh.... everything, it's been really — a relief."

"Solid, it's been solid."

They both make a thumbs up to the camera.

"Oh." Sunshine raises her arms. "So we don't have to move."

Kat smiles. "We don't have to move. The landlord is... very happy."

"Yeah. It's cause they can't get anyone to stay in this house. BUT. The whole point of making these videos was to convince my mom, so that she would believe." Sunshine looks over at her mother. "And do you believe, now?"

Kat raises her eyebrows. "Believe what?"

Sunshine smiles, using her 'obviously' tone. "That there are — things in this house? And that, I mean, I'm awesome?"

Her mother wheezes. "Oh, I already believed that. Second part. Uh, yeah, I think you proved your point."

"I proved my point." She nods. "I have."

Kat stares off. "You could have just written me a letter."

Sunshine snorts. "Yeah, whatever. Like a letter would have worked!"

So. This is goodbye.

It's still been quiet. She's been getting homework done. Making friends.

It's all been going well.

Kidding. This isn't goodbye. She isn't done. But, this is just 'proper.' She's gonna continue on this paranormal journey. Of course she is.

Nothing will stop her now.

SO. the end of part 1. kinda crazy i got through here in just a couple of days. but, plans, i guess ?

part 2) vacation / house and ghost history

part 3) scary mom and le master - and uncle tommy???

part 4) NOLAN !!!!

yup. v excited to go on!! stay tuned i'm having so much fun with this

love yall ok bye

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