Chapter 16

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They're still in the room. Kat is sitting in the large, black leather chair, sun pooling across her blanketed lap. Sunshine picks up the camera and angles it forward. "So, mother." Kat looks up from her book. "Do you think it's really haunted."

"What's haunted."

"The... hotel." She uses that tone of voice, basically screaming 'obviously!' in her mother's face.

Kat coughs out a laugh. "The hotel. You didn't like my story." She pouts and places the book on the table beside her.

"Well it's 'cause it's bad," Sunshine breathes.

Her mother shakes her head and waves her hands around. "So now I'm just supposed to go with that?"


Kat lifts her legs up, sighing. "I don't know. I don't — here, I'll come sit with you."


"What do you think?" She sits by her daughter on the bed.

"Well, I don't know.."

"It's definitely creepy enough."

"Mm, and it squeaks."

They sit against the headrest of the bed, camera facing the both of them. "It's definitely weird and... eclectic?"

Sunshine shows her teeth in a neutral sort of grin. "Eclectic."

"But I don't know that I have any of the — here my arms are longer than yours." Her mother holds the camera and sighs. "I don't, have any of the, like, feelings.. that you always did?"


"With the house? So, I think, maybe you're a better judge of.. if it's — if there's anything — if there's a ghost or anything."

"Well.." Sunshine scratches her nose. "I don't know. Well, like, if we had the Ouija board, we could use it, except people would kill me." She huffs. "They were like, 'No don't use it..! Ahhh it's so bad!'"

"The people got really intense — you guys got reeaaally intense." Kat shakes her head at the camera.

"Defensive, and.." Sunshine sighs. "Freakin' out."

"We didn't even use it and people were freakin' out."

"I know, we just bought it, kind of as a.. joke sort of, because people were like, 'Don't use it!', so we bought it and they said it again! So.."

"But," Kat points out, "that might tell us something."

"Hey, though! But like, you know like, how on haunted shows they ask questions? To the ghosts? We could do that."

Her mother's eyes light up. "Like — well, they usually do that in the middle of the night though. Like, dead hour."

Sunshine shrugs. "Yeah, we could do it now." She looks around and toward the window as the sun begins to set, orange and pink streaks dappling the ground. "Maybe, something, might happen."

Kat furrows her brows. "If any room in this place is haunted, it's gonnnna beee this one. Because it's definitely — like, the closet doesn't even shut. How creepy is that?"

"And it creaks open if you try to close it."

"And all these creepy pictures." Kat turns the camera to the one beside them, of a little girl holding a doll. She then turns the screen back to them. "Would you wanna do that?"


"We gotta give you somethin' to watch!" Sunshine sits up, scooting toward the edge of the bed while looking out over the room. "Okay."

Sunshine sighs, eyes flickering around. "Are there any ghosts... here?"

A drawn silence.

"Ask if anyone wants to talk to us," Kat whispers.

"Do you.. ghosts.. want to talk to me?"

More staticy silence and Sunshine scrunches up her face. "I don't think it's working," she murmurs.

"Well," her mother points out, "it's still daylight."

"True. Maybe we could wait 'till it's dark.."

"On the ghost shows they always wait 'till night time."

She shrugs. "Mhm. Dead hour, or just like, midnight or something."

"Is — is that what they call it?"

"Dead time."

"Dead time?"


"Well, we could try it. I might be sleepy though."

"Well." Sunshine grunts. "I'll just scream to wake you up."

"Got it."

She smirks. "Blah."

"Do you hear that?"

There's a buzzing throughout the room. Sunshine grabs a hold of her camera in the darkness. She turns on a light and looks around, breathing heavily.

"It's coming from the bathroom," she whispers, heart beating out of her chest. It feels like she's back at home, back to hearing the claws scratching her door, back to — back to the spirit that attacked her. Sunshine can almost feel the bruises lining her neck.

But it's fine. She's fine. They're in a completely different place. Even if something does happen, it wouldn't be at home. It wouldn't follow them back.

She hesitates, sitting up slowly. "There's noises outside," she continues. "But, people might still be awake." She doesn't forget about the creaky floorboards, then hums. "It can't be that late. Except they don't believe in clocks here."

Sunshine flinches when the bathroom door jolts, and a deep moaning sound comes from within. She looks over to her mother and sighs. "She can sleep through anything." Ignoring her shaking hands, Sunshine stands, sweeping her body toward the bathroom. "I really hate the dark."

The dark always brings bad, bad things.

She steps inside, clicking on the light and creeping down the small, creepy hallway that leads to the toilet. The buzzing becomes increasingly louder, almost like an echo, as Sunshine looks around the bathroom. She begins to tremble as she looks down to the running faucet.

Once she turns the handle, everything goes quiet.

"It — it's just the sink," she tells herself, walking out and back to the main room. She looks to the piano and — and just feels something. She doesn't know how to explain it. She can't explain it.

"Is anybody there?" Sunshine calls out, biting her bottom lip, green eyes wide.

No response. Of course.

She creeps toward the door and hears clanking outside. "It — it just sounds like people are awake. It was nothing."

Sunshine cuts the camera and doesn't fall back asleep.

Sunshine's reviewing the footage from the night before. She thinks she hears a voice, but isn't really sure. So, she cuts those pieces out and loops them; then, she raises the volume on each clip and listens.

What comes next is — is really, truly, terrifying.

The first clip is from her waking up. "My name is Anna." It's what she hears, crystal clear, and it burns her ears like acid. A soft child's voice, young and girly. How did she not hear it then?

Clip #2: She's standing at the bathroom mirror before turning to walk out. "They are watching you." Same voice, same pitch, same degree of horrifying.

Sunshine remembers back to the photo she was sent in the mail, of the father and daughter with bags over their heads. The same words were written on a piece of paper accompanying the photo.

If this is really what's being said, she's even more terrified.

Clip #3: She's asking if anyone is there, the bathroom dark behind her. "Don't trust her." The girl — Anna? — is speaking again. Sunshine isn't sure who 'her' is, but is determined to find out.

(Creepy Lady?)

Clip #4: Sunshine walks back to her bed after figuring that people are still awake down the hall, which is where the voices and clattering is coming from.

This — this is the one that scares her the most. She doesn't expect Anna to be so dark. And she doesn't expect the words to come so soon.

"You will die."

She throws up.

Today, Sunshine and her mother are visiting a few haunted places. A lighthouse and more surprise are to come. Of course, Kat won't tell her anything. Oh well. She's kind of excited for the unknown.

(Should she tell her about the EVPs she found?)

No. Better not.

First, they visit a large, good-smelling library with pumping music above their heads.

Kat asks if she likes Twilight. Sunshine really doesn't.

Oh. 'How To Survive Your Freshman Year' would have been helpful in 2009.

She also realizes she has a lot of these books, but greatly enjoys the paranormal section of the library. 'Idiot's Guide To Ghosts and Hauntings.' Maybe that's what they need.

Guess they don't need anything from here. There aren't any ghosts at home anymore. No need to even think about it.

She's still wondering what Anna's warnings mean.

Next, Sunshine is driving to Newport with her mother as the 'tour guide.' The ocean is beautiful, even if it's sprinkling and the clouds are fluttering in the sky. She doesn't really see the ocean that often. Maybe they'll see a whale.


They eventually arrive to the docks and are watching the sea lions. Sunshine names them Bob, Frank, Mikey, Joe, and Nick. She really enjoys this. It's fun. It's relieving.

No ghosts can be really, really awesome.

some creepy stuff and tbh that video of the evps freaked me out ngl

anyway yeah i'm so excited for season 3 it's not even funny get ready for lots of updates

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