Chapter 18

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The screen is pitch-black before Sunshine clicks on the lamp, looking over on the right side of the bed. "Mom!"

"No! What....?!" Her mother groans and rubs her eyes, clearly aggravated. "Ow..!"

"Mom, shhh, do you hear that?"


"It's the sink!"

In the background, there's the same buzzing of water streaming inside of the bathroom. It's exactly like it was just a couple of nights ago.

Sunshine wonders if this is another warning from Anna.

"This happened the other night," she continues, sitting up from the bed, flicking the covers from her legs.

Her mother looks confused. "We left the sink running?"

"Why would we leave the sink running?"

Kat blinks. "Is this what you meant about the other night?"

Oh, yeah. She still hasn't told her mother about the voices she caught.

"Yes! Go turn it off."

Kat grunts, slipping out of bed and walking in to the bathroom. She turns the light on and flinches back to make sure no one is there. Of course, there isn't.

There's a drawn moment of silence as her mother turns the sink off and retreats back in to the room. "That's really creepy," she mutters.

"I know," Sunshine agrees, sighing.

"Shh." Her mother stands still and looks around the room.

Sunshine hears nothing, so decides to stand up with her mother. "It's only 8:30. We really need to stop being wusses and going to bed so damn early."

Kat ignores her daughter and shuffles to the door, pressing her ear against the wood. Sunshine narrows her eyes and taps her fingers along her pajamas.

"Okay, they're just watchin' TV." She raises her brow in question to her mother's statement but receives no answer.

"Did you talk in the room last night?" Kat continues as she sits on the bed.

"Yeah, but nothing happened.."

"Do you wanna try again?"

"Yeah." Sunshine looks a little scared and uncertain.

"What do you want to ask?"

A pause. "Is anybody there?"

Might as well go with the basics.

"Ask something else," Kat advises. "I don't think that's the right kind of thing to ask."

Sunshine glares at her mother then turns back to the room. "Do you have something to say to us?"


"Give us a sign?"

A candle on the dresser fizzles, and a fire sparks to light, flaring the room with yellow. Both women gasp loudly, breaths becoming ragged and hitched.

"Okay, that's a sign," Kat says, shaking.

Sunshine stares at the candle. "What do we do?"

Kat looks over at her daughter. "You're asking me? You're the one with the power." That creepy black-eyed kid painting in the back looks even more horrifying now.

"Yeah, well I don't just wanna walk over there and blow it out!" God, she's scared. She's so, so scared. The candle flickers and splutters as if it's being lit again and again.

"I have no idea what that means."

"Me either.." Sunshine whispers.

"Okay.. we asked for a sign. Now what?"

Sunshine stands and nears the candle slowly. She lifts her body up and tries to blow it out. "This is really weird."

Kat begins breathing louder, turning the camera on herself. "So apparently it doesn't matter where we are. I think it's just her. We obviously need to... find out more."

Maybe they do.

She's reviewing the footage from last night, just like before, and catches more voices, just like before. This seems to be recurring.

Clip #1: Her mother sits up and asks if they left the sink running. The same little girl voice speaks. "My name is Anna." Apparently she likes introducing herself.

Clip #2: Kat walks out of the bathroom after turning the sink on. "Don't trust her." THE EXACT SAME WORDS. What is going on?! Who is this 'her'? Sunshine is so, so confused.

Clip #3: Her mother walks by Sunshine. Anna speaks in the background. "I'm sorry."

Clip #4: Before the candle flickers to life. "I can't help you." This one greatly unnerves Sunshine.

Clip #5: Sunshine is looking around the room. "Don't trust her." Again. Who is this her?

Clip #6: Right after fire laps at the candle, Sunshine and her mother gasp. "She is not well."

Clip #7: Sunshine moves to blow out the candle, staring at the flames waving back and forth. "You will die." She — she doesn't know how to feel about this one. The same warning as the other night, and equally as scary.

What is Anna telling her?


The surprise. It's another haunted location. A large wooden and stone house slightly under construction. How great.

Sunshine really can't get her mind off of the EVPs recorded last night. Again. At least she doesn't throw up. Or — hmm. It kind of looks like a church.

They get a tour guide from a man named Kip, who takes them around the building and runs down a little information and backstory. When they first enter, the construction rooms are stuffy and thick with dirt. Sunshine can hardly breathe, so is happy to move on as quickly as possible.

Sunshine does like some of these old, large rooms with high ceilings and wide walls. Her favorite is the one with the stained glass window she and the chandeliers hanging down — even if it's a little cluttered.

The upstair rooms feel less ancient and give off more of a 1930's vibe. The attic is open and light with holes in the wooden slotted walls. They look through the dents and can see the rippling ocean above the cars and the road.

Kip gives them a sad history as they descend in to the attic about a man who couldn't afford to cremate bodies, so instead stacked the dead on wooden pillars and left them to rot. Sunshine is pretty grossed out, but hey, it gets her mind off of Anna's warnings. That's good enough.

The tour eventually concludes. Sunshine and her mother happily leave, jumping in the car to get away from that place with the horrible backstory. Death, death, and more death.

"So! What'd you think, what'd you think?"

Sunshine is smiling with a disturbed look. "Let's go home."

"Aww, let's go home, what do you mean?"

"Ohh, that was so creepy." She leans her head back.

"It was awesome."

"It was really cool though." Sunshine sighs. "I think my least favorite part was the stain — that came back?"

Kat purses her lips. "Ew, the stain. Okay, but, what if I ask Kip if we can come back at night by ourselves?"

"No," is her immediate answer.


"No. I'm afraid of the dark." She laughs.

"We could have one of those lights on your head."

Sunshine shakes her head, acting grossed out. "I don't wanna talk about this."

Kat snorts. "Did you feel anything? Or just creeped out?"

"Just creeped out. Now I'm colldd."

"So, basically, just creepy."

"Yeah. Really creepy."

"Maybe we should make t-shirts that say.. 'I Survived'—"

"The Mortuary?" Sunshine giggles.

"I can't believe you didn't lay down on the — table."

Sunshine raises her brows. "No! It was cold."


"It was cold."

"Kip rocked it. Thumbs up Kip."

Sunshine winks at the camera. "Go Kip!"

The trip is wrapping up. Sunshine's really enjoyed it and she — well, she's had a lot of fun. She's enjoyed this fun time with her mother and just hanging out, visiting some haunted places..

Of course, Sunshine doesn't love the fact that she was given warnings by a ghost girl named Anna and that her dad might have been in the lighthouse.

And as the two drive home, singing along to the radio and looking over the landscape, Sunshine can't get those words out of her mind. They eat and eat away until she feels numb. She's not even scared anymore. Just — just apprehensive.

"Don't trust her."

Sunshine is going to figure it out if it's the last thing she does.

OK so that ends part 2!!! this one was shorter because the season was shorter but i did enjoy writing it AND i'm just... so excited for season 3 ok AHHHH

ughhhh le master and uncle tommy are coming soon and then nolan is season 4 and yayyyayayay so many things to look forward to

anyway yeah hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more my loves~

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