Chapter 31

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It's September of 2011 and Sunshine is wondering what she wants to do next.

Well, after the whole possession thing she's not too sure if she should even be debating on what to explore. But, c'mon, her life is boring without the spirits, and she knows her fans want more. But what, exactly?

So, options are:

a) stay away from the paranormal like a good girl

b) go investigate some haunted house or something, but that's a little cheesy, even for her

c) go on some awesome trip to Hawaii or London or something cool, except neither she or her mother have the money for something like that

Well. It seems like she has to stay here, huh?

Oh. Also, she's been thinking about her dad. Like, a lot. Which maybe isn't a good thing, but Sunshine can't help it. After what Creepy Guy said at the sacrifice site and the address in her mom's cupboard (why did she have that, anyway?), she just — she needs to know more.

There's so many unanswered questions. She feels like he knows something about her, or at least knows she exists, but then why hasn't he visited her? And Creepy Guy said that it would be a bad idea to contact her father. Why? No good for her, or no good for Creepy Guy? Or maybe he's bad, or part of the cult, or even a Luiseach like she's supposed to be.

Maybe he knows about the demon.

Either way, she's determined to figure it out, if it's the last damn thing she does.
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She turns on the camera and is immediately curious as to what the hell is going on right now.

Her mom's outside talking to some random guy she's never met, but it sounds like she's just yelling at him. Then again, Sunshine doesn't feel that bad, because if he's, like, a sketch fan then he deserves to be shooed away.

"There's no demon in the walls!" her mother snaps, and Sunshine raises a brow because already this conversation is weird.


Through the screen door she can see the guy — he's a teenager and looks to be about her age, with fluffy brown hair sweeping over his head. His face is elegantly shaped and his eyes are kind enough, and she sort of likes his soft, wavering, and pleading voice. Well... she'll admit, it's a little pathetic, and the black leather jacket is a bit of a turn off.

Probably a freak. Yep.

"Okay, random guy. He's arguing the point that I have demons," Sunshine casually commentates. "Mom's wearing purple."

"Annnnd I'm ready to help, and—" he continues.

"He's ready to help."

"I am not comfortable—"

"Mom doesn't want him to."

"I don't know you!" her mother exclaims.

"Mom doesn't know him."

"Now someone's figured out where we live."


"You think that makes me feel comfortable?"

"Mom's not comfortable."

"Well — it, it was a simple matter, it's not difficult," he explains, waving his hands, "you just triangulate—"

"No! That does not make me feel better! Am I gonna have other random people showing up, on my doorstep?"

"What I'm saying is — it's okay, believe me—"

"Mom?" Sunshine walks out, narrowing her eyes at the two. This should be interesting.

Kat turns around. "Sunshine, I'm dealing with it, go inside."

The weird dude points at her. "Are you Sunshine?"

"What, you haven't seen the videos?!" her mother exclaims, clearly exasperated. "You don't know who she is? You are crazy!"

"Look, all I — I'm just trying to help—"

"No." Her mother turns and slams the screen door behind her. "Just go."

"Mom!" Sunshine complains.

"I think that — please," he begs, "let me — I'll be very, I will — why don't we stand — I think she might be the Luiseach!"

Kat shuts the door and locks it, sighing as she leans against the door.

"Well... that was.. unproductive," Sunshine grunts.

"He figured out where we live," her mother says, clearly distrusting of the dude.

"Well, it's not that hard, he said something about triangulating and.. knowing something, and.."

"You know what I think it is, I think that's—" She turns her head to the window and grits her teeth, annoyed. "Oh, he's just gonna stand there. That's great."

Sunshine looks through and sees him pacing around restlessly.

"So what, he knows about the Luiseach? What does he mean by that?" Kat fixes her with an intense stare.

"I don't know!" Sunshine replies, shaking her head. "I've never met him before, random guy.."

"Here, I'd much rather this be on you, so we're gonna do this like this, how's that." Her mother takes the camera and shows Sunshine rolling her eyes. "What do you wanna do? You wanna talk to him?"

She inclines her head forward. "Yeah, kinda! Maybe he knows something."

"You wanna talk to him just cause he's kind of a cute boy?"

She raises a brow. "He's not that attractive."

"Is he still there?"


"What's he — he's crying? What's he doing?" They watch as he shakes his head in the palm of his hand then straightens his back, looking around the front hard.

"He looks so hurt," Sunshine snorts. "I think you scared him. Oh, now he's watching us watch him."

"Can he do a Creepy Lady and just disappear on us?" Kat smirks. "Cause that would be awesome."

"Oh, oh, he's exiting." Sunshine fake smiles. "Come on. Please?"

"You wanna talk to him?"

She nods.

Kat sighs and opens the door, giving the camera back to her daughter. "Alright, random dude, come back over," she says grudgingly, voice tired.

He walks back toward the front door, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. "Sunshine, this is random dude," her mother introduces. "Do you have a name?"

"Uh," he says uncertainly, squinting through the rays of light from the sky, "Nolan. Nolan is my name."

"Excellent, well, I'm gonna take this, you're prettier on camera. Come on down, Sunshine, and meet Nolan. He wants to talk to you, he wants to save you!" Kat speaks dramatically, backing away to show both teenagers in the shot.

Oh. Sunshine's hair is auburn now. She dyed it. Little oopsie on the reminding thing.

"Hi Nolan," she greets, making a face.

"It's a pleasure," he returns, and the two step forward. Turns out Nolan is like, a whole head taller than her short ass. Great.

"Are you Jehovah's Witness? You're much taller than me," she says sarcastically, yet also unenthusiastically.

"No. I'm agnostic." There's little to no emotion in his voice and it's a little creepy to Sunshine. Oh well. It seems like he knows something.

"Oh. That's nice."

"Are you Jehovah's Witness?"

"Nope. Nope, mm-mm."


"She's also not knocking on doors," Kat notes.

He shakes his head. "Okay, so, yeah, I know, it's weird.."

"It's creepy," her mother smiles.

"It's creepy, okay, okay, I get it." He shrugs then looks down. "The jacket probably isn't helping, but that's not the point, look — I think I have something that might help you guys. Alright?"

Sunshine cocks a brow and twirls her hand. "Elaborate?"

"I will, not here, it's bright.." He looks over his shoulder.

"It's bright? That was your — okay."

"What, you forgot your sunglasses?" Kat snorts.

"Well it's overcast, you can't wear sunglasses on an overcast day," he responds seriously, but also maybe a little knowingly. He seems to understand that what he says is stupid, but simply doesn't care. And maybe he kind of believes in it, still.

"That's true, I agree." Sunshine scrunches up her nose.

"Okay, Nooolan, what are you trying to accomplish here, you wanna come in the house?" She stands with a weighted leg and crosses her arms.

"Nol — it's, the emphasis is on the first part of the.." He trails off.


"Nolan. It's just Nolan."

Sunshine laughs.

"Okay," Kat huffs. "I'm just gonna start calling him Random Dude." She pauses. "So, what, are you trying to get in to see if you can feel something, do you think you have, like, a spiritual gift, what uh..?"

"I have, I have information that could help you guys." He nods along to his words.

"Help us what?" Sunshine grunts.

His eyes flicker from Sunshine to Kat, back to Sunshine. "Defeat the... monsters?"

Sunshine looks amused. "Oh, there's eyes in the bushes as well. Everyone's a spy!"

The two women go on their usual joking ramble but Nolan doesn't seem to take interest. "I happen to know that you guys have... a polter..geest.. that's, uh—"

"Poltergeest?" Sunshine echoes, drawing her head forward incredulously.

"Poltergeist, poltergist, whatever."

Sunshine giggles under her breath.

"This is only gonna work if you say it correctly," Kat says.

"Oh man. This is gonna be.." Sunshine shakes her head.

He goes on. "And, I... I think that you might be a little more special, than, any of us had imagined."

"Special," she echoes humorously.

"I know, sounds pointing."

"A little more special than anyone, I dunno," she smirks.

"Well — have, have you ever heard the term Luiseach before?"

"Not until.." Sunshine thinks. "Creepy Guy."

"Not until he yelled it out," Kat nods.

"Okay, well." Nolan clears his throat. "Luiseach. It's the concept that, uh, you might have a natural predisposition towards being able to.. interact with certain entities and parties that.."

Sunshine looks bored.

"..may not be privy to others of our.. race." He looks dubious for a moment then squares his slightly hunched shoulders.

"Okay, so that's what you think she.. is..?" Kat and Sunshine exchange a glance.

Nolan's expression remains the same. Expressionless, maybe a little hesitant. "I don't know. Possibly."

"What are you, a walking encyclopedia?"

"Do you — are you saying, like, you know more about the Luiseach? Is that what you mean?" Kat inquires.

Nolan looks down at Sunshine, then tilts his head to the side. "I'm saying that I do know more about the Luiseach, and I'm saying that I can probably help. But I can't do it if you guys think that I'm gonna come in and.. you know, raid your larders, and steal your.. cattle."

"I'm.. pretty sure we could take him, what do you think, Sunshine?"

"Yeah," she agrees, not intimidated or worried at all. He's scrawny enough. "We don't have cattle, by the way."

"Alright, so, thoughts?" Kat purses her lips. "Wanna let him in?"

"Whatever." Sunshine turns and makes her way back to the door.

"I guess you're comin' in," she smirks.

"We've let weirder people in."

"We have?" Kat thinks. "I guess Creepy Lady just let herself in."

"You guys won't regret it," Nolan speaks hopefully, following Sunshine.

"Sure," she calls back.

"Alright. Excellent."

God knows what will happen next. Let's hope he really doesn't raid their larders and steal their cattle.
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