Chapter 69

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Sunshine is at Nolan's apartment.

Nothing is happening.

"See?" she tells the camera, "look at this. I just wanted to prove to all of you—nothing's happening. Look."

She glances around the room then turns the camera around, showing Nolan laying with his back on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

He turns his head and looks over at her.

"Not...sure what he's doing, but," she shrugs, "nothing's happening." A pause, testing the air. "Yeah, definitely nothing. No plates, no scary noises, no things turning on—"

"Okay," Nolan interjects.

"I'm just stating facts," Sunshine says.

"'Cause it didn't happen one time?"

She rolls her eyes. "Still don't really want to hang out here though." It's boring.

"Well, then—stop inviting yourself over all the time," Nolan says, rolling on his stomach and pressing his elbows to the floor. "I'm not making you."

Sunshine raises her brows incredulously and looks at the camera. "He invited me over, twice now. It was him," she whispers.

"While you're here enjoy yourself, or go—" Nolan pauses and inspects a cupboard. "I wonder what's in here, I actually don't know."

"Alright," Sunshine says loudly. "So that was everything."

"Well, that's disappointing," he pouts, shutting the drawers.

"Apparently there's nothing in there."

"I don't know why there would be," he sighs. "I guess there's not anything in here that I didn't put in there." He lays his head down on the ground.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Something's happening.

Something's happening, something bad.

Sunshine can't speak. Her throat feels like it's been carved into woodchips, and the traces of red marks bruise into her pale skin. She feels terror thrum through her body but forces herself to calm down, remembering all of Victoria's training.

She's okay. She's not getting possessed. She just needs to breathe.

And find her mother.

She grabs her camera, slides out of bed, and makes her way into the hallway, stepping down the stairs as she breathes shakily. The living room is dark and the kitchen even darker. Sunshine opens her mouth to speak then remembers how badly it hurts to.


She opens a drawer and pulls out a piece of paper and a Halloween-themed pencil. 'I CAN'T TALK' she writes. 'MOM?'

Sunshine frowns and turns, gasping softly when a white, pale figure stands before her. The darkness dissipates and she relaxes when she realizes it's just her mother approaching her.

Kat can't speak, either.

She desperately moves her hands and tries to communicate with Sunshine, but both women make it clear they can't talk. A sudden noise from upstairs startles both of them, causing them to look at each other. Sunshine points upstairs and Kat shakes her head.

They've gotta go up there.

Sunshine takes the lead and knows that, no matter how scared her mom is, she won't let her daughter go up alone—not after the whole demon fiasco last time. Even then, though, both of them are scared, and the pitch black darkness doesn't seem to help that sentiment.

She pokes her head in the rooms but sees nothing. When she turns back to her mother with a questioning look, glass shatters downstairs. Sunshine's heart pounds in her throat but she quickly slides down the stairs, heading into the living room—then the kitchen. She whirls around to notify her mother that nothing is here, but that's when she realizes that Kat is gone.

Icy, cold terror rushes through her veins. Mom. Mom is gone. Mom is gone and it's just like the first demon, she's possessed, she's—

Sunshine breathes. Tries to, at least. She manages to catch her breath and tells herself that Kat is probably fine. Maybe going to the bathroom upstairs, who knows. She's fine. Everything's fine. So, with that, Sunshine quietly creeps up the squints through the shadows, trying to find any figure that might be her mother.

And then she sees a foot. Sunshine freezes, gasps softly, and runs up the rest of the stairs. When she rounds the corner, she sees her mother on the ground, limbs splayed out and eyes shut.

Sunshine quickly leans down and pauses when Kat recites the foreign words she's been hearing in the vents. Her jaw quivers and she pushes at her mother's arm, trying to snap her out of this trance, but nothing's working.

Nothing's working, nothing's working. Sunshine tries to catch her breath but she can't. She can feel her heart pulsing against her lungs and staggers back, sliding herself against the wall and pushing fingers through her hair. Tears cascade down her cheeks and she sobs, feeling desperate and hopeless and terrified. All she can hear are those foreign chants coming from her mother's mouth, and this is all-too familiar of the first demon.

Sunshine isn't sure how long she sits and cries, but Kat finally rises from her trance and notices her daughter in hysterics. Sunshine feels hands and tries to bat them away, screaming at the demon to get away, but nothing is working. Nothing is working and Sunshine is all alone.

She's always alone.
"How is she?"

The voice is low and far-off. Sunshine feels a headache pounding in her temples and groans, rubbing her forehead with a finger. The static of life booms in her ears and she attempts to blink open her eyes, but the world is a blur of sound and color.

"Sunshine!" the voice says again, this time closer. She tries to focus on it, tries to figure out who it is. It's not her's different... "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," she mumbles, attempting to open her eyes again. Everything is too bright.

"Oh. Shit." There's movement and suddenly the light dies away. "Sorry. I didn't realize the lights would hurt your eyes."

Despite the lights being off, she's still too exhausted to look at who she's talking to. Suddenly, realization dawns on her and panic eats at her insides. Sunshine's hand grabs the other person's, warm and smooth, and squeezes. "Mom?"

"Your mom's fine," the voice says quickly, startled by the touch. "Uh...are you feeling...alright?"

Sunshine breathes a sigh of relief, then wonders. Is she alright? No, not really. "Yeah," she lies, but it's not convincing. "Just hot."

A hand presses against her forehead, then pauses. "You have a fever. I'll get you an ice pack—"

"No!" She steels herself against the person, chest heaving. "Please. Stay."

The person is quiet and goes still, leaning back against the bed she realizes she's laying in. Memories of last night rush to her head and she chokes back a sob.

"Why are you crying?" The voice is so soft and gentle Sunshine bursts into even more tears.

"I'm not crying," she hiccups.


A pause and a thought. She feels dead, worn from last night's events as well as the fever coursing through her veins. "You're not a demon, are you?"

A laugh. Genuine and hearty. "No, I'm not. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Sunshine weakly shakes her head. "No...but you protect me."


Her hand finds the other's again and she relaxes, feeling instantly comforted by the touch. "Thanks for being here."

A pause.

But no hesitation.


And little did she know, Nolan was never going to leave.

It's been two days since the whole foreign ghost fiasco and Sunshine's feeling confused. A day is missing from her memory and her mother informed her that she gained a high fever that almost had her hospitalized.


So, anyway. She's talking to the camera, telling her subscribers about everything that happened.

She's still confused.

"So, it's Monday morning," she says, "and as you all saw, we couldn't talk, and clearly I can now. That's a bonus. But, yeah. The camera died, and we're both fine—Mom's fine, really—and I'm fine, I promise, guys."

Why were they so worried about her anyway? It's not like she freaked out or anything.

Yeah. Not at all.

"Just, it's weird, right after the camera turned off the ghosts just stopped chanting. I mean, maybe it was goodbye. What do you guys think? Do you think it was goodbye? Or does this mean it's gonna come again? I don't know. And what I think is even weirder is that Victoria didn't come. We were in peril! She always comes when we're in peril."


Very weird indeed.

Sunshine's been doing a bit of research and she sort of figured out that the ghost says 'I see you' in Latin.

I mean, she's not the first. A bunch of her subscribers already figured it out, but hey, they can all be smart. Ish. So, yeah. She has no idea what it means. Is the ghost watching her? That's creepy.

And...there it goes again, talking away in the vent.

Last night a funny thing happened.

She went on a date—which isn't the funny part, and no, it was not with Nolan, don't even get her started—and they went up to a haunted house. Not her idea, I mean she's not exactly a fan, she already lives in one. Sunshine doesn't really like to be scared 'cause of all the current shenanigans.

Anyway, they're going along and it's frightening, as it should be, and it's kind of scary and weird and it's because of this one part in the middle that's completely silent. And silence is scary.

Then somebody behind her—a little girl—said, 'I see you Sunshine.' And she thought that was cool, wondering how they did that, then realized it was ridiculous. So, she verified with one of the ladies outside, asking if they had a little child person helping out that says people's names?

And guess what she said?

They don't have any kids working, because that would be weird, so, yeah. Some scary little kid went up to Sunshine and told her that.

And she just wonders...

What if it was Anna?

GUYS we're nearing the end of part 8 we just have the halloween haunted adventure to go !! can't wait for some nOLAN anGST

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