Chapter 1

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It was midnight and i was walking around to kill my next victim. So far I've killed 25 victims and no one spotted me, not even the cops. I found a light blue house. I ran and jumped down the fence. I spotted a dog and it started to growl at me. I smiled and stepped on the dog hard. I got my knife out and cut the dog's throat. The dog whimpered with pain until it died. I climbed up the window and spotted two people asleep on a bed probably a married couple. I smiled and put my gloved hand at the woman's mouth. She woke up and panic when she saw me. I grab my knife and stabbed the woman. The woman gurgled out blood and died. The man woke up feeling something wet and red. The man her wife pale and dead. He scream.

"Lexi!" The man said crying and screaming.

I smiled at the man showing my white sharp teeth. I started crying black tears.

"Awww turn that frown upside down and laugh!" i said.

The man was frightened. He went under the bed and pulled out a gun. I smiled at him evily and started to cut open his throat with my knife. Blood spread over the bed and my clothes. I got blood on my hands and wrote on the wall "You should have laugh or smile". I look at the man and cut open his stomach. I pulled out his heart out for my tasty snack. I heard sirens outside the house. The cops have finally found me already. I ran and jumped off the window. I put on my hoodie on my head to cover myself and run to the dark forest.

Author Note: Hope my Proxies love this chapter i will update tomorrow until next time peace out!

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