Chapter 14

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~ 5 weeks later ~

Masky POV

It's been 5 weeks since Cora solo hunting spree. I got worried about her that i couldn't do nothing. No cheesecake,coming out of my room,take showers, and not talking to the other creepypastas. Hoodie looked worried about me and ask me everytime to eat, but i would always decline his offer. I can only do all those things if my precious Cora here. I must find her and take her back here, in Slender Mansion. I will find her, but I'll need help. I asked Hoodie if he can helped me.

"This is a bad idea man" Said Hoodie.

"Come on Hoodie! I need to find her!" I yelled.

"What will Slender say?"

"I don't know! Don't care now let's go!" I ordered.

Hoodie nodded and follow me downstairs to the front door. Slenderman was there with Toby. Great he'll help us, and by help i mean annoy us.

"Me and Toby will come too Masky i know you missed her for the past 5 weeks and i missed my niece too" Said Slenderman. I put a hand on his shoulder and said "We'll find her sir i know we will"

Slenderman nodded and spread his tentacles to teleport us to the place Cora in. Me,Hoodie,and Toby hold to one of Slenderman tentacle and teleport to Cora location and what we saw surprise us.

Author Note: DA DA DAAAAAA! Cliffhanger! I hate doing cliffhangers but i wanted to surprise my proxies also thanks for 734 views! U guys are awesome i wanna hug u all well if u want a hug and maybe give u some waffles and cheesecake
Me: No! No more with u two! U two stole all my food for my fellow proxies!
Masky/Toby: But we love your food!
Me: i know but no is no!
Masky/Toby: *crosses arms pouts*
Me: *sights gives Toby waffles and Masky cheesecake* Waffles and Cheese are on the table my fellow proxies bye y'all! *disappears into the shadows*
Masky/Toby: Hi! And Goodbye *walks away*

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