Chapter 23

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Haneul's POV 

I'm still thinking about the picture. The mysterious girl. Is she also part of the Kim family or someone else to Taehyung? No. No. What are you thinking Haneul? I mentally slapped myself. But before asking Taehyung about it I should ask Jimin or Jin or Namjoon oppa first? What if they don't tell me? Jungkook's not even here.

Be strong Haneul. 

I went to the guest room and found the door already open. I peeked and saw Jimin oppa shaking his head in rhythmic nature as he was listening to music by his headphone. As he saw me he slowly removed the headphone and said,

"Oh it's you Haneul. Do you need anything? Come inside." 

I flashed a small smile and sat on the couch.

"Well oppa. I want to ask something about Taehyung."

"About Tae?" His eyebrows furrowed together. But then he gave me a sweet smile and said,

"It'll be my pleasure to help you." 

My eyes shone. Jimin oppa you're too sweet.

"Actually a while ago I was roaming on the garden. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I have gone to the backyard of the mansion."

"Backyard?" Jimin oppa asked. Why do I feel he's serious now? The glint of his eyes are now frightening me.

"Yeah. When I went there I saw a small room. A storage room I guess. I entered in there and saw almost everything was covered in thin white clothes."

"Did you see anything?" I swear Jimin oppa just gulped. 

"You know I'm so curious. I pulled a cloth and found a picture of a.....hump." Suddenly oppa covered my mouth by his hand, sushing me as my voice was a little loud.

"Lower your voice. Even walls have ears Haneul." He whispered. And I saw a maid passed by the room.

"I saw a pictures of a girl." I quietly said and his eyes widened. 

"I want to know who's she so I thought I should ask Taehyung about it. But before asking him I thought you might know about it so I came here." 

"Thank God you asked me first." Jimin oppa breathed in relief.

"Who's she actually?" 

"I'm not the one who should tell you Haneul but you need to know. The Kim family has so many secrets. You can't even imagine what is buried inside this mansion."

I carefully listened his words.

"Jin or Namjoon hyung should have told you. Never. I said never ever go to the backyard of this mansion. Tae strictly forbade everyone to go there."


"It's holds a part of his dark past. The picture of the girl you saw today is Taehyung's big sister, Kim Jisoo."

I'm taken aback by this information.  Taehyung has a sister? I was about to ask more but Jimin oppa's phone rang and he picked the call. After ending the call he turned to me and hold my hands.

"I need to go. Namjoon hyung called me for some work. However, I warn as well as request you Haneul, never ask Taehyung about it neither take that name in front of him. If you don't want to awake his inner beast. You're like a precious sister to me Hani and I don't want you to taste his bitter side." Saying he patted my head and went away where I silently sat there. 

Never took the name huh? Well if I don't take the risk I can't help Taehyung. A sad chuckle escaped from my mouth. If I have to gain anything I have to endure pain right? And I'm willing to feel that pain. 

Author's POV 


"Can I come in hyung?" Jungkook knocked the door of Jin's study.

"Come inside kook." Hearing Jin's faint voice Jungkook entered the room. He raised an eyebrow seeing Jin engrossed in observing something. Taking a seat in front on the desk he asked,

"Why did you call me hyung?"

"Take a look." He said while giving Jungkook a file. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and flipped the page of the file. And immediately he got up from his seat, his eyes widening in shock.

"How did you find it hyung?" He asked in amusement. 

"Don't underestimate your hyung JK." Jin's sly smirk made Jungkook smile in satisfaction. The file contains about Haneul's past medical report.

"She met with an accident four years ago or I say a planned accident. She was given this drug regularly. That's why she can't remember any of her past memory."

"Do you have any antidote of this drug?" 

"Jungkook. The drug is illegal and it only can be obtained from the black market. Not forgetting to mention the drug is high powered. I secretly took her blood sample for a blood test. She was drugged JK and it'll take time to gain her memory back. I already started to give her the antidote by mixing it with her food."

Jungkook slammed his fist on the table.

"I'm sure that Lee fucking Junghee has done this." He gritted his teeth.

"I also think that. Any progress in finding him?" Jin asked while rubbing his chin.

"Not yet hyung. But I guess he's in South Korea."

"What makes you say that? And what about Lee Minho?"

"If Lee Minho is in Italy then obviously Lee Junghee is in South Korea. They're clever hyung. And a spicy news, I heard that Taehyung's new client is Lee Minho."


"I heard him talking with his P.A about it." 

"What is he upto now?" Jin massaged his forehead and then something clicked on his mind. Why didn't he think of it earlier?

'Is this why Taehyung wants revenge? Is he that Minho hyung I know? But what's the connection between Lee Minho and Lee Jieun? And if he's that Minho hyung then why I haven't seen any girl named Lee Jieun or Haneul with him then? I need to talk to Tae, face to face.' Jin mentally said to himself.

Haneul's POV.

At night.

After eating our dinner I headed to my and Taehyung's shared room. Jin and Namjoon oppa both are going on a mission.  The rest of them already left the mansion in the evening and now only me and Taehyung are alone here.  Earlier while eating our dinner, I caught Jin oppa strangely glancing at Taehyung. What's up with him? Nevermind.

I bid the two of them bye. Before going to his jeep Namjoon oppa said,

"Take care until we come back and don't do anything silly." I nodded like a baby. When the jeep went away I stepped inside the mansion again.

"Are you okay Mrs Kim?" The maid asked as I deeply sighed. I sent her a quick nod but then my eyes landed on a figure on the garden. Isn't it Taehyung? What's he doing there?

"I'll be right back." Saying I sent the maid inside the mansion and started to follow Taehyung. I see he's heading towards the backyard. I quietly and sneakily followed him despite knowing that Jimin oppa warned me. My guess was right. He's going to that storage room. I also got inside slowly and hid behind an old furniture. I'm amused that Taehyung didn't realize I'm also here. Oh crap. I forgot to put that white cloth on the photo after seeing it. I peeked a little and saw Taehyung blankly looking at the photo. Just then I gasped when he angrily threw an old vase on the floor. 

"Someone has came here." I'm shaking vigorously hearing his deep voice. So spine chilling. I again peeked and saw none. Where did he go? The air is feeling so thick. And I yelped loudly clutching my chest as someone gripped my shoulder from behind.

"Did you really think that you can fool me babygirl?" His mocking voice is making my soul leave my body. I'm screwed. 

"No one. No one has the permission to come here." And I lost it. I jerked his hands from me and said directly looking at his eyes,

"Why? And for your kind information I don't even know about it."

He cocked his head in right.

"First speak carefully. It's my terrority, you're my property. Second I don't care if you know or don't know about it." The audacity of his. I chuckled and he seemed to be taken aback by my action.  

"Your property? Huh? You're a coward Kim Taehyung." And his eyes widened. 

"Yes. I'm the one who came here earlier and see what I have found. This girl's picture. What was her name? Oh right. Kim Jisoo." I saw  his eyes darkening, his fists clenching. 

"What the fuck do you want?"

"This girl.  What happened to her? Why her picture is in here?" I said standing dangerously close to him.

"It's none of your business." He spat.

"Oh it's my business Kim. After all I'm your wife right? The decision of marrying me was yours. Making the deal of telling your past was yours. I'm a Kim now thanks to you and I have the right to know your past." 

He gritted his teeth as I poked his throat with my index finger, directly on his Adam's apple. 

"Now what? Did I hit a spot?" 

"Pfft." His sadistic laugh echoed in the room making my heart stop beating.

"Look at you. Desperate for knowing my past."

"And what about you? Hungry for my body." I replied back. 

"What's the connection between you and Jisoo? What happened to her?"

"Don't make me do anything Haneul." 

"Why? I'm your property right? I'm not afraid of you and your dirty tricks. Tell me what happened?" 

"I'm saying for the last time go away Haneul before I lose my mind."

"See. You're the one who's backing away." I said.

"Who knows what you've done with her? After all you're a heartless beast Taehyung. That's why you're hiding it right?" 

"Stop." He said clutching his hair.

"Or worse you've killed her." 

"I SAID FUCKING STOP IT." And I felt a sudden pain on my left cheek. He slapped me. I placed my hand on my cheek and glared at him. My angry tears are threatening to fall.

"I DIDN'T KILL HER." He screamed and I yelped in pain when he gripped my hair harshly. I hold his hand and said,

"You're a monster V." And his grip on my hair loosened. 

"You're right I'm a beast." His awfully calm voice is now frightening me. Slowly gripping my jaw tightly he said,

"I was holding back but now you've crossed all the limits Kim Haneul." I widened my eyes when he gripped my arm harshly, pulling me towards the mansion.

"I'm a monster right? Let me show you what this monster can do."

(Author's Note; Will double update as I'll be very busy the next few days. :) Don't forget to read the previous chapter.)

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