Chapter 25

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(Warning: Suicidal action)

Haneul's POV

I turned the shower on and leaned my head back as the warm water hit my body. Tears ran from my eyes remembering yesterday night's incident. I rubbed my arms and shoulder. My lower abdomen is still aching. When I woke up Taehyung was already gone for his work. I never imagined he would do this to me. But what can I do? I was the one who provoked him. I know he is suffering but I don't know he's in this pain, he has this much pain in his heart. Closing my eyes I sighed deeply.

'I didn't want our first to be like this. I didn't want that gaze in your eyes when you look at me. It hurts. It hurts me so much when I saw your eyes either blank or full of hatred when you look at me.'

Wearing the bathrobe I sat in front of the mirror. I pulled the robe a little down only to see the red-purplish hickeys which were painted on every inch of my body.

A sad smile crept on my lips while a lone tear escaped from my eye. The saddest part is that they weren't the marks of his love.

No one is home except Namjoon oppa. Jin oppa told me earlier that I have my duty at night. So I have a lots of time until the night comes. I guess Namjoon oppa is in his room. I shouldn't disturb him. After eating breakfast I decided to roam the mansion a little more. Bringing out Taehyung's past by himself is risky and I don't want that. I have to do it all by myself. I went to the room which Jungkook took me on the second day of my wedding. Luckily Jungkook told me the password and he said I can come here whenever I want. The reason I came here because I think I can found something related to Taehyung here. I looked at the frames which were hanging on the walls. Just then I notice something interesting on a small empty bookshelf. I guess it's an album? I took it and started to see the pictures. I'm awed. It's the childhood pictures of Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin oppa, Namjoon oppa and Jisoo unnie. So lively and so beautiful. But I furrowed my eyes when I noticed something. Just then I heard the door of the room opening. I turned around and saw Namjoon oppa standing there.

"Oh you're here." He said.

"Do you need anything oppa?" He shook his head in negative and stepped forward, standing in front of me.

"What are you seeing?"

"Uh I guess it's a photo album of you guys." And he smiled showing his gorgeous dimples.

"You guys were such cute kids." I said while looking at the pictures.

"Umm oppa? I need to ask you something if you don't mind."

"It's okay. Tell me about it."

Namjoon oppa you're also so sweet like Jimin oppa.

"I notice something about Taehyung. Why there isn't any pictures of his teenage time?"

I can see the sad gilnt in Namjoon oppa's eyes.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell." I quickly said.

"No it's okay. It's just Taehyung suffered a lot in his childhood. That's why he's like this. Always tries to stay alone and doesn't want to share his pain to anyone."

I silently listened to his words. I looked at him when he again spoke,

"The reason there's no picture of Tae's teenage time is he was in juvenile center for four years in that time."

I felt my eyes tearing up.

"Why?" My voice broke.

"He was accused of murdering." Namjoon oppa's voice is awfully quiet. There's so much pain in them.

"Taehyung's father and his friend Mr. Lee had a fight. I don't know why but I heard from dad that Mr. Lee actually betrayed them. Taehyung was also there, hidden inside a cupboard. When the both men were fighting with daggers Taehyung saw the whole thing. His innocent mind couldn't understand any of it. He saw his father dying in front of his own eyes and he couldn't take it. While fighting the both men were hit badly in the chest and were already dead. Taehyung was in so much rage that he then started to stab the dead body of Mr. Lee and unfortunately police officers suddenly came there. By observing the situation they assumed Taehyung had done it. There wasn't even any cctv camera to prove his innocence."

I don't know what to say. I don't know.

"I didn't even know any of it neither Jin hyung. Me and hyung were in London in that time. We weren't told about this until Taehyung came out from the juvenile center. We can't even imagine what he has gone through."

He then holds my shoulder and said,

"That's why Jin hyung told him to marry. Hyung knew Tae will choose you to be his bride and trust me I also believe you can tame the beast inside him Haneul."

I stared at oppa's dragon eyes. I can tame the beast inside him. But how? How will I do it when he's not willing to listen to me?

After our talk I want to my and Taehyung's shared room. I sat on the bed and think about what Namjoon oppa told me. Just then something clicked on my mind. Who's this Mr. Lee? As Namjoon oppa said he was Taehyung's father's friend who betrayed him. Is this somehow linked with my past? My eyes widened, my hands started to shake. I can feel my heart is beating fast. Taehyung's voice rang in my ears.

Whenever I see your face I remember him. I remember them and I fucking hate it.

I-Is is t-that Mr. Lee my f-father? I remember Jungkook saying me a name. What was it? L-lee Jie... I can't remember it. My head started to pain badly. I sat on the floor thinking about it. N-no. No way. I clutched my hair. No fucking way I'm his daughter. Maybe. Maybe he's the reason of uncle Junghee's disappearance. I want to cry my heart out. It's aching so much. My head. I feel like it'll burst out in pain.

Author's POV


It has been one year since Taehyung came out of the juvenile center. His uncle, Mr. Kim was so happy to see his nephew back. But something was off. The heartwarming expression of Taehyung has became now stone cold. He didn't had the liveliness in his black beautiful charcoal eyes. He always locked himself in his room. He didn't speak to anyone except Jin, Namjoon and Jimin. Jungkook wanted to talk but he didn't had the courage. Whenever he gets out of his room he'll go to his noona's room and silently watch her talking to herself.

He hated it. He hated his noona for doing this to herself.

The 19 years old Taehyung slowly opened the door of his sister and peeked.

"Jisoo noona." He called but no answer. He entered the room and the scene in front of him shook his whole body. His sister was continuously banging her head on the wall. Taehyung ran to her and pulled her by her waist, preventing her to do it.



"Stop this madness." And Jisoo stopped in her track hearing Taehyung's voice.

"Tae? Is that you?" Her puffy eyes looked at him. Her hands cupped his cheeks and Taehyung silently cried. Her whole body is covered in so many bruises and cuts.

"Y-yeah. It's me noona." He said while rubbing her teary cheeks.

"Why are you doing this to yourself noona? Please stop. It hurts me so much."

Jisoo ran her fingers through her brother's hair.

"What can I do? All the time, every minute, every second I hear his voice. I feel like he's standing there, beside me." Her voice broke.

"Then forget him. Please."

"I can't Tae. I can't just forget my love." She leaned on his shoulder and cried heavily. Her weak body gave up and she lost her consciousness. Taehyung slowly put her on her bed.

Lee Minho was his big sister, Kim Jisoo's love. She loved him crazily. But when things between the Lee and Kim family got worse he broke every ties with her. He denied their love. He left her all alone. Not only this. Jisoo found him cheating on her. And the action shook Jisoo's heart. Every night, everyday she hear his voice ringing inside her head. She just couldn't take it. Her condition got worse and slowly she started to became mentally ill who only listens to her brother, Kim Taehyung.

Her health condition got worse and worse and at last she couldn't bear the pain of losing her love.

That day she took so many sleeping pills.

As usual Taehyung entered the room and found her sleeping on her bed. He felt odd. He touched her hands and felt her hands cold. Ice cold. His heart was thumping vigorously.

"Noona." He patted her cheeks.

"Jisoo noona. Wake up. See, I brought your favourite cake. I made it by myself." He shook her.

"Please wake up." Tears started to fall from his eyes. Maybe he understood.

"Just for once wake up and call me Tae, noona." He buried his face on her hands. He won't be able to feel her stroking his hair anymore. He won't be able to hear her calling his name anymore. She was gone.

His eyes darkened.

"He did it. He made her kill herself. And Kim Taehyung won't forgive it. Never ever. I'll make him taste the same pain, pain of losing a sibling."

He knows the dark secret of the Lee family which Mr. Lee hid from everyone. And that is Mr. Lee has two child; Lee Minho and Lee Jieun.

Flashback ends.

Taehyung jolted up from his thoughts when his P.A called him.

"Mr. Kim. The meeting will start soon."

Taehyung nodded and headed to the meeting room. He has a collaboration with a company which his friend Cha Eunwoo arranged. The reason he accepted the collaboration because it's his plan and he wants to be close with the CEO of that company without knowing him. And Eunwoo will be perfect for doing the job.

"Oh Mr. Kim. It's nice to meet you." Eunwoo whispered while shaking his hand with Taehyung.

"They didn't suspect anything right?" Taehyung said causally. His smirk never left his lips.

"Not at all. He doesn't even know it's you whom he's going to collaborate with."

A satisfied smile crept on Taehyung's lips and he sat on his main chair. Just then a tall figure appeared. As soon as the man saw Taehyung his face fell. His just froze in his spot. He never imagined he'll meet him, again. Taehyung's sinister smirk appeared on his lips. Ogling his dark ocean like eyes at him he said,

"It's nice to meet you, Lee Minho."

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